She would never really know what it was about the sight of his message that made her stomach flutter...or why she felt compelled to open his before anyone elses despite it not being the most recent. But oh she was so grateful to whatever god or guardian angel had drawn them really was fate who dictated what would happen next and NEVER had she been so eager to allow it.
It was after all a sex site ......dress it up under whatever name made you feel most comfortable but at the end of the day its was a site full of porn and one where she had been exceptionally well received and she had been the recipient of many messages. To be fair most of them were exceptionally basic and sometimes downright crude , maybe thats why his stood out metres higher in intellect than so many of them. Maybe it was the fact he treated her as someone normal, a real person who had feelings and even a brain. Dont be mistaken, she was a full blooded woman with needs and desires and that why she was on the site in the first place but she did have self respect and although it was expected of her , she could never reconcile herself to the idea of fucking a complete stranger!
Although she could deal with no strings sex, after all she had been having an affair for the last 20 years!, she didn't like one of night stands.....and much prefered a relationship of basic need and satisfaction.
Anyway she opened and read his message which basically said that he hoped that she would reply as he had joined the site solely that he could message her and hopefully get to know her much better.
She quickly typed a real words and not text speak!...... and sent it off, heart in her mouth. She had read his profile which had informed her that he lived in the same area she did.....a bonus in every way. His profile also told her there was a wife around....bugger.......and that he sounded tall handsome and obviously intelligent. Now she had a thing about tall men .......there is something so erotic about looking up to a man....physically if not makes you feel protected and loved somehow and at 6'3 compared to her mere 5'5 that was an awfully big dose of protection.
She so hoped that he would reply to the message quickly so she could gauge his reaction.

The reply came quickly...he thanked her for her reply and said as she was obviously interested he would tell her a bit more about himself. He was ex services, recently retired and now with time on his hands. Oh excellent! That meant they would have plenty of time to meet up without anyone noticing. He didn't have pics on the site because his face was quite well known and until he was sure anything was going to happen obviously he needed to preserve his anonymity but if she wanted he would email her a couple. One thing she really liked was that he gave her an email address for himself so that she could make the first move and as he said it would easier for them both than trying to message through the website as it often took ages to load messages and also it was more intimate to get onto email terms.
The more she read his messages the more she felt a connection to him......a desire to get to know him...he was already pushing all the right buttons as far as she was concerned. His intelligence and articulateness was obvious from every word....his sensuality also was very strong....there was a fluttering in the pit of her stomach when she logged into the computer and rapidly scanned for messages from him .

The emails containing the pics finally arrived ....they had failed on 3 attempts or some strange reason.....and she was absolutely delighted to see he was everything she had ever hoped for and more.
He was tall 6'3......beautifully put together ...and despite the pics being of him in uniform so slightly out of date instinctively she knew he wouldn't have let himself go. And his smile.....OMG .....she just loved the way it made his eyes crinkle at the corners ......and when she asked him he sent her a close up so she could see for herself the blue depths of them. All in all if she had been able to magic up a man who would genuinely make her go weak at the knees then she would have been hard pushed to have made anyone better. She knew from that moment on that whatever happened between them it would be special.....very very special!

They continued to email as often as they could and she tentatively suggested they use messenger as it would be even better as it would allow them to converse in "real time" as if they were just sat chatting over coffee. She felt safe enough about him to give her true email address that was linked to her messenger rather than chatting via web messenger. For one reason because she wanted him to know that she trusted him ...and secondly to judge his reactions to her vast collection of erotic emoticons!
They chatted for hours .......time for them had no meaning and suddenly they would realise that it was 2am and they had talked the night away
They discussed first nothing very sexual...just general getting to know you things ......their the usual stuff you would chat about on a first date. For thats what it felt like, a romantic date in a quiet pub where they could just chat. They both knew there was a strong connection between them despite never having met.
One night she casually mentioned that as she was driving through the town earlier that day she had been thinking of him and felt herself being drawn to a car waiting at the traffic lights near the local supermarket. She said she had been so sure she had seen him that her heart had flipped and she got butterflies. He asked her what time it had been, and when she replied ....he asked her to describe the car. She did so and he replied that he too had seen a little blue car go past and thought to himself ......i'm sure thats Chastity ,.....mmmmm just how i hoped she would be .......exactly the same as she appears on the site.
They laughed and said near yet so far ...but it had proved one thing to them both ....a meeting as soon as possible was in order.
She didn't hear from him for a couple of days and she became worried that maybe she had read too much into their chats and that he was just leading her on with no intention of ever meeting....but then , she knew instinctively that wasn't the case. She knew he had family commitments ...a c***d at home which sometimes made life difficult so she emailed him to tell him she missed him and their chats and hoped to hear from him soon.
She tried not to frighten him away with her anxiety, but years of being let down by men do tend to take their toll even when you think "this one really IS different"
Eventually her heart flipped as she logged in to find a message. His sincere apologies but his mother had been taken ill and with nobody to care for his dad he had brought them to stay with him till a full recovery was achieved. He hoped she wouldn't be too disappointed, on the contrary his caring attitude towards his parents merely served to endear him still further to her already strong lust.
Things were a little lonely for a couple weeks. Oh they still managed to chat online but not for so long as he was tired running around after everyone and was having earlier nights.
Eventually, after a final trip to hospital he announced that his parents would be returning to their own home the next day and finally he could arrange with her a time and day to meet.
Following various discussions regarding a trip he had to make to Sheffield the following week it was decided that he would travel there alone ( his original suggestion had been they both went on the train together) and then meet up on the way home at the seafront where she spent many an afternoon.
Finally the day came, the weather was clear blue skies, a perfect summer day. She dressed carefully, wanting to look good for him but needing to look classy too. She had parked up as usual, her mobile in her bra so she could move without fear of missing a text from him
It got to be almost teatime ........the cars around her began to pack up and go home, and still she waited. Her heart was in her mouth....would he come? Would he like her? Would they have chemistry?
Her phone bleeped...a text ......she opened it and saw it was from him. "On my way" oh god / was really going to happen!!!!! She checked her make up, rummaged in her bag for the breath spray, then tried to look nonchalant as she scanned every passing car for him. She tried to read but for once her eyes scanned the text but she couldn't get her brain to register the words.
Suddenly her heart did a double take as a car pulled into the space beside her.......she glanced at the driver.....and the world stopped!!!!!
OH DEAR GOD .........she never believed it would happen .........he was fucking gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! She reprimanded herself for being so crude but oh mama he was just as she had been fantasising.....his pics did not do him justice. His blue eyes turned to her and she was lost in them....whirlpools of lagoons sprang to mind and her heart fell to her feet.
He was everything she had hoped for and so much more. They both got out their cars and stood beside them The chemistry between them was could almost see the sparks flying ...for some stupid moment she thought of the moment in highlander when McCloud is filled with the essence of the eternal he just killed .......the electricity that courses through his entire body and brings him to his knees....THATS exactly how she felt.
He apologised for being late but she didn't that moment she would have waited a lifetime to meet him fact she already had!
They got into his car to chat......sat side by side and she fought off the urge to cover him in kisses. She wasn't sure how he would react if she did as he seemed very restrained. They drove down the road and he went for take out coffee for them both .......and then they drove again across to a more private carpark she knew of where the could chat undisturbed.
She doubted he would even really know the restraint she showed that afternoon ....all she could think of was wanting him ....holding him….kissing him. Her eyes had already noticed the bulge in his trousers .....God he looked so the whitest shirt she had ever seen......perfectly creased as if just removed from packaging.
Inevitably the conversation started to get more heated...but still they hadn't kissed .....They talked of his family .....his love for his wife...a love that was so obvious she felt quite jealous never having felt that from anyone herself.
eventually it was no good just had to happen ...the first kiss.........his beard tickled her and she knew what he had meant when he was describing it ages ago. It almost had a life of its own and took her by surprise at its softness.
Reluctantly they pulled away and sat shaking a little...........they both knew although nothing was said, that if they didn't move to somewhere more public immediately things would happen that shouldn't!
He has been a real gentleman and had promised her a proper date not just a meet and grope date.
He drove them back to the seafront where he again parked alongside her car ...she remained sat in his as they turned towards each other. He confessed to liking her as much as he had hoped he would and that if they hadn't moved when they did he would have given in to the urge to kiss her properly and slide
his fingers under her dress to probe her wetness. She in turn confessed that she could barely contain herself as she kept imagining licking and sucking his cock. She tentatively put her hand on his thigh and when he didn't object she let it move along till she felt his cock ....rock hard and straining for release from the confines of his trousers .....
She took his hand and placed it on her thigh from where he slowly edged it till his finger lightly brushed her pussy. He groaned and looking at her with ever widening eyes as he realised that she wasn't wearing undies and they kissed, passionately and deeply.
They both knew in that instant that there would be no going back for either of them now......the chemistry was too strong and it would be pointless to even contemplate resisting, although certainly on her part that wasn't even an option.
They broke apart, both deeply breathless almost at the point of no return. He apologised profusely for having given into temptation despite having promised to behave as a true gentleman. She laughed and said that if he hadn't made the first move she most definitely would have done...she had been aching to
stroke his cock for so long...he gently removed her hand from his obvious bulge and said that if she didn't stop now then he really would lose total control and take her there and then but that wasn't the way he wanted their first time to be.
They both agreed with a glance that they must pull apart and compose themselves. She knew he would already be late getting home and she didn't want to cause him any problems at all. They agreed to chat later that evening on messenger and make arrangements to meet again soon as possible.....for now that the meet had gone so well they couldn't wait to take their acquaintance to the next level.
She got out of his car ....having kissed him goodbye and then they drove away in opposite directions.
She felt like a teenager again ....heart beating so hard she thought everyone would be able to hear it...face flushed...eyes bright and a grin like a cheshire cat lit her face up. God , lust is such a wonderful emotion ......better than any anti ageing procedure known to man !

She found herself smiling at people in the supermarket as she did her shopping on the way home....feeling an urge to share her happiness with all and sundry....she wanted to yell from the rooftops that she was horny....but just hurried home to play with her toys.

She listened out for the sound that would announce his arrival as he logged online. She had set the computer to play a different sound for him so that wherever she was in the house she would instantly know it was him! As always it was quite late evening before he came online. She knew he had things to do earlier and never minded as they generally spent at least a couple of hours just chatting. She had already realised that he was very cultured and didn't like the growing chav culture and in that she shared an opinion. He was quite old fashioned in that he expected a woman to behave and act as a woman in public. No lager loutish behaviour for him was so refreshing to meet someone that could talk properly...every other word not slang or a swear all just added to his overall allure.

Finally the sound she had been waiting for sounded out from her speakers.....he was online .....she waited for him to speak first. Careful not to ping in case there was anyone at his end ...and also desperate not to seem too eager and scare him away.
HELLO SEXY appeared on screen ........she quickly enquired if his being late home had caused any problems and he replied that he'd just said the traffic had been horrendous and all was ok.
They discussed the meeting.....a little bit more rationally now that there was distance between them and he said that she had been everything he expected and hoped for and that he hoped she didn't find him too much of a disappointment. How he could even think he would ever be classed as a disappointment was beyond her and she told him so and how from the moment he has stepped out of his car to greet her she had just wanted to grab him and make mad passionate love to him.
They chatted about everything and nothing for hours much more at ease with each other now that they knew where this was going.
He sorted out what day he would be free the following week as he has some commitments that had to be sorted and he arranged to collect her from home and they would go out for lunch. He didn't want to rush things ...wanted to spent real time in her company before the sex became their primary reason for meeting. She understood that being together would involve lots of subterfuge but that just added to the overall excitement... She thought of a pub out in the country that did wonderful meals and he said that would be perfect…..somewhere he had never visited before and in an area that he didn't have anyone he knew. They both professed to being curious to see if they would be able to manage a whole meal without leaping one another as they now knew the strength of the chemistry between them. He said if they stopped several times on the journey for some kissing and stroking maybe they could get through the meal ....but just to be on the safe side he would take towels for the car in case they got carried away and gave in to the urge for sex.
On several occasions recently they had begun to discuss what they actually enjoyed in sex and what they had hopes for from their relationship. She knew his "thing" was oral sex ......particularly giving. She had informed him that despite loving every aspect of sex she was rather fond of occasionally surrendering to the ministrations of an active tongue and talented mouth. That was when the subject of his beard had come up, she had expressed a hope that it was soft otherwise it could end up giving her severe stubble rash!!! And on a clit that was painful!!!
He'd said that for him the best thing was tasting juices and drinking them down before going back for more. She explained that sometimes when she was really really turned on she would gush and he informed her that it was his duty therefore to ensure she gushed everytime she was with him......hence the towels lol.
The day finally arrived for their lunch was a wonderful hot day .....bright sunshine and she dressed appropriately....not too much that should things get heated she would be ages removing them .....but enough that she didn't appear too wanton. He collected her from outside her drive. He'd chosen to use his range rover and not his beloved vintage MGB sport car as this was less noticeable for their trip in the town.
They set off, chatting all the time as if they had known each other for years.....laughing and joking about mutual interests, service life....his time as a teenager......oh everything and nothing. They both knew it was just a matter of time before something momentous occurred between them and were content to let fate direct them.
They ended up near an old disused airbase and drove down a lonely track to what had once been the crash barrier area and they pulled up and parked. They got out ad walked a short distance where they sat down o a fallen tree stump and talked......well she sat down, he leant against the gate and she sat watching him and thinking how stunningly attractive he was appeal just oozing from every fibre of his being. She nipped back to the car and retrieved her camera whereupon she started to take casual pics oh him ....close ups of his face...his blue eyes crinkling in the sunshine........rear views of his sexy arse as he strolled around........she could well understand his modeling career when he was younger…..he had a presence about him that commanded respect and attention.
She went to stand next to him and he put his arms around her and bent down to kiss her. Again that feeling of inability to stand overcame her and she clung to him for support as they kissed more and more passionately before walking back to the car. He opened the rear door and pushed the seats out the way before pushing her back gently onto the bench and pulling her skirt up till he found her pussy. Naked as always he traced her lips with his fingertips and groaned as he felt her slickness. He bent down and after first kissing her mouth his beard tickling slightly, he looked at her and moved down her body till she felt his gentle breath on her cunt. Suddenly a jolt of electricity shot through her and she cried out as his tongue lapped at her cunt and she felt her juices begin to flow.
He certainly knew what he was doing...the tongue actions were most definitely those of a very skilled cunnilinguist......the alternating licks interspersed with gentle blowing on her clit and little nibbles of it. But oh jesus........when he did that thing with his beard she couldn't help but cry out with pleasure. It rocked her boat like nothing else and she knew if she didn't focus she would be squirting her juices everywhere.......and she meant literally everywhere! He was reaching and stimulating places she didn't even know existed! and much as she longed to surrender totally to the ultimate pleasure he was giving her she was only too conscious of the fact that they were laid in his car....the car the family used!! And only she knew how much she could cum ...and knowing it would stain the upholstery and leave wet patches that would be hard to explain away. So she fought as never before.....NOT to cum in total surrender.
Several times he stopped and looked up at her and asked if she was enjoying if he needed to ask as orgasm after orgasm tore thru her body and had her arching her back and thrusting her cunt hard at his face. Eventually she could take it no longer and pushed his shoulders slightly causing him to look up and momentarily stop licking and sucking.
She begged him to let her pleasure him now and she pulled herself upright and took hold of his cock through his trousers. Immediately she felt it grow even harder and with difficulty she managed to release it from the confines of his undies........mmmm sexy calvin kleins. She stroked it a few times before leaning over and slowly kissing the tip. Her lips and tongue teased and tormented his cock before she slid her lips down his shaft and enveloped him entirely. He groaned out loud and said oh ...oh my....ggggggggggggooooodddddd as he pumped her mouth full of thick creamy wonderful tasting cum. She didn't release him but continued to lick his cock as it was in her mouth and instead of it going soft it stayed hard. She let it slide out her mouth and then opening it to show the pool of cum she slowly licked her lips and swallowed the lot before lying back on the bench and pulling his cock into her waiting cunt.

They both groaned out loud as he slid inside her for the very first time. They took time to adjust to the wonderful feeling of completion as their two parts fitted together just like a question about the fit was perfect! Slowly he began to move his and out then side to side...deep inside her...her whole being on fire as he set a rhythm to fucking her as only a true lover can....with passion and understanding and a mutual need for release. His hand was stroking her hair off her face and his lips were kissing her passionately and she could feel herself starting to breathe heavily.....
She felt his hand slide beneath her hips as she rose to meet his thrusts and she realised that he had slid a towel beneath her and she was so grateful cos she could feel the overwhelming tidal rush that signified her impending orgasm...... an orgasm of possible tsunami proportions and she heard him whisper in her ear ........"Go on my darling ......cum for me ......let yourself go.......cum all over my balls, let me feel your juices on me"
That was it those last deep hard thrusts and his voice in her ear and there was no stopping her. Her body rose as her back arched with sheer pleasure as a wave of pleasure shot thru her and she babbled oh yes oh yes oh my god …..oh god!!!!! as wave after wave hit her body and tossed it relentlessly on the swell of pleasure. She groaned and cried out time and again and then she felt his body stiffen and she clasped him to her breasts as he in turn filled her cunt with torrents of hot sticky cum that coursed inside her. It felt better than the first drink of a semi delirious traveller who has just crossed the desert and just seemed to revitalise her with its essence.
She dragged some air into her starving lungs as she realised that she had forgotten to breathe. Slowly her vision cleared and her chest stopped feeling so tight. Her breathing slowed and she felt better. He lay with his cock still inside her, his weight taken by his arms, either side of her head....she kissed him softly and whispered thank you. He smiled and said...."no thank you my love". Then he stood up and carefully pulled away from her. He passed her some baby wipes from the back shelf and taking some for himself started to clean himself up. She carefully wiped away any juices from around herself trying not to spill any on the seat and dried herself on the towel. Her legs felt like jelly and she sat down shakily on the seat..….her legs outside the car. He stood in front of her ...leaning on the roof before passing her a bottle of water from somewhere inside the car. He unscrewed the lid and she was grateful, as right at that moment, she wouldn't have had the strength to do it herself!

They looked at each other and both knew that if there had ever been any doubt about them seeing each other again it had just been totally eliminated. Sex that good just cant be denied! It might not be easy but they both knew they would manage to meet up every opportunity they could. And next time she was going to make sure it was in her bed! She wanted time and comfort to enjoy him....and he her.....and she wanted it to be a pleasant experience but one where there would be no fear of being caught....just wonderful sex between two consenting adults who found each other incredibly sexy.

As soon as they had got their breath back properly and quenched their thirst they got back into the car and drove away from the gateway and went back the way they had come. They realised that lunch would have to wait for another day as time would not now allow but determined to find a pub somewhere and at least have a drink and enjoy their date.
It was a lovely hot afternoon and they drove through some of the prettiest countryside but she took every opportunity to watch him as he drove......his profile so noble and hen he felt her gaze on him and he turned to look at her, the sight of his beautiful blue eyes as they crinkled in that secret smile of his never failed to cause her heart to miss a beat.
They tried several pubs all to no avail.......they joked as one after another appeared to be closed for the day or with to let signs hanging drunkenly outside the property. So instead they resolved to just enjoy the scenery for what time they had left and relaxed and sated with their love making they spent their time talking of their youth and how so many times their paths had either crossed or run parallel....their mutual friends......and their utter disbelief that they hadn't actually got together before.
He dropped her off outside his home, refusing her offer of coffee as he needed to get home and shower before going to collect his son from school. Talk of such mundane things brought their sexual interlude to an end ...for today .....
He arranged to talk to her later online and promised to sort out a free day to meet up with her again. She went inside and sat in the sofa....hugging her knees and trying to take in the whole experience. She felt so at ease around him, his intellect meaning for once she didn't have to dumb down or watch what she said in front of need to modify her accent so he didn't buttonhole her as a snob! She felt content in the knowledge that they would have lots good times misconceptions over the nature of their relationship ...just pure lust!
They talked as arranged that evening. Both eager to reassure the other what a good time they had had and how they wanted it to continue as and when. As usual their chat went on until the wee small hours ...time simply flew when they were together! Sadly their next meet would have to wait as he had work and some family commitments but they arranged a day for him to come to her house. She explained there would be other people in the house but they would not be able to interfere and he agreed to come about 10am ....very early in the day for her....but the thought of spending time with her was a great compensation for the lack of sleep. He said he would leave the car down the road so if anyone noticed it they would not be able to link them together.
She worried that her house wasn't as classy as his own but he assured her that he would only have eyes for her and couldn't care less so long as there was a bed and her.

The long awaited day finally arrived .Unable to sleep properly for butterflies multiplying by the hundred all night she was awake, showered and carefully dressed (minus perfume naturally!) at least quarter of an hour before the time they had agreed. A text alerted her to the fact that he was just parking the car and would be with her in 2 mins. She checked her appearance in the bedroom mirror before carefully negotiating the stairs in her high heels and was waiting at the door for his discreet knock. She let him in.....dead on the dot of 10am (for which she was highly impressed) and felt her knees go to jelly once again. Once inside he kissed her, tentatively at first but rapidly becoming more passionate as she rubbed her body against his before taking him by the hand and leading the way up the stairs to her bedroom. He let her take 3 steps up before he started to follow; gazing up as she ascended the stairs; marveling at her legs in the short skirt she had chosen to wear for him. Her stocking tops were evident, all lacy and detailed with an 8 strap suspender belt holding them up. He couldn't wait to get her into the bedroom as he so wanted to kiss and caress her before seducing her in comfort.
The minute they were inside the bedroom and he'd ensured the door was properly snecked he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. She could instantly feel how aroused he was, his cock rock hard and pressing into her groin through her clothes. Her head and heart full of sensations almost alien to her she felt herself swept up in something momentous. Rockets exploded inside her...fires spontaneously ignited and she felt like her heart would explode. She felt herself falling as if in slow motion and realised that he had backed her up to the edge of the bed and was lowering her onto it.
She looked up at him as he stood before her, her legs either side of his. Then he knelt down between her thighs and pushing her short skirt up her thighs he bent his head and she felt his tongue slowly, sensuously lick her cunt from bottom to top.
Her loud groans told him all he needed to know, as did the juices already beginning to pool between her labia. His tongue continued its exploration and his teeth added the experience of nibbling at her clit. She totally surrendered to the pleasures threatening to overwhelm her and arched her back to allow him greater access to anything he wanted to lick or suck. But when his tongue just skimmed her arsehole she could contain herself no longer and with a cry of relief the wave of pleasure overwhelmed her and juices flowed which he lapped up quickly and efficiently.
As her orgasm plateaued he stopped licking and stood up, unzipped himself and threw his trousers on the floor before kneeling over her and sliding his cock across her face, rubbing it on her lips before allowing her to lick it and finally sucking it into her mouth. At first he teased her by only letting the first couple inches into her mouth but then as he too groaned in pleasure she managed to take it all the way down and she looked up into his eyes. Seeing his cock buried deep in her throat made him feel so horny he just knew he wouldn't be able to hold on for and he pulled away to enable him to push his cock into her wet cunt. As he did he felt her spasms hit her and her muscles clamped down on his cock so hard he was amazed her juices managed to splash across his balls the way they did. For her it was the culmination of the tryst in the car when she had been frightened to allow herself to cum. Now she had no worries of making a mess and just gave in to her wanton lust. He thrust deep and hard and she responded by raising her hips to meet his downward thrusts and still she came....her juices continuing to flow in great gusts until finally with a cry of oh fuck all her muscles clamped down so tightly on his cock she made him cum.
He fought back his cries of passion as he filled her cunt with hot torrents of cum before half slumping across her prone body, sweat pouring off his face,
When he got his breath he pulled out of her and would have walked away but she grasped his cock before licking and sucking their combined juices off it. To her surprise and delight she felt him harden again and she continued to suck him until within minutes his cock was rock hard and ready to go once again .
She took it slowly...licking and sucking him, licking all the way along his shaft with one side of her tongue then back the other way with the underneath of her tongue...the two different textures designed to set his cock tingling. And judging by the sounds he was fighting to hold back she guessed it was having the desired effect. He stood there, arching his body towards her eager mouth, eyes half closed in pure contentment as she gave him the best blow job she could.
She licked his balls, gently fondling them first with her fingers then with her tongue, before slowly sucking them into her mouth and rolling them round as she stroked the tender area between them and his arsehole. His hand came to rest on her head and his fingers twisted in her hair instinctively as she started to take his cock deep in her mouth. She began to suck him a little more passionately until his cock was slamming against the back of her throat on every thrust. She looked up at him to see him looking down at her……his eyes filled with raw lust.
He warned her that if she didn't stop doing that he couldn't hold back very much longer. She substituted her hand for her mouth momentarily as she told him that she wanted to pleasure him as he had pleasured her in the car the other day. She wanted him to enjoy what she was doing and she wanted to taste his and creamy direct from the source........"Give me your cum darling.....fill my mouth with your cum...go on ...give it to me" she whispered as he pushed her head down onto his cock and took her mouth repeatedly before , with a heart rending groan of lust and a roll of his beautiful blue eyes, he held her steady as he shot ropes of cum into her open mouth,
She licked her lips and swirled his cum round in her mouth, noting what a deliciously sweet flavour it was, as she continued to lick his bell end. He laughed as he pulled her off telling her his cock was way too sensitive to be able to take anymore sucking.
She reached up to kiss him but he laughed and said "swallow first you little minx" and she dutifully swallowed and then with open mouth showed him it had all gone. He kissed her and then laid down on her bed alongside her wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.
He told her that until then he had never been a big fan of blow jobs , preferring to lick and suck pussy, but that had been awesome and was definitely something he hoped they would be doing in the future .
They lay there cuddled together and talked of things in general…….he told her a bit more about himself....his previous marriage...his girlfriends.....and his job. She told him about her decision to live life the way she'd always wanted and how she had no illusions about their was based on pure lust but that she hoped it would continue for as long as they both enjoyed and wanted it to.
They realised that somewhere along the way they had started to stroke and caress each other as they lay talking and that his cock was once again rock hard as were her nipples ad her cunt was wet and eager. They kissed again ......and she let herself disappear into the world where only they existed and before they knew what was happening he had got on top of her and was slowly sliding his hard cock inside her wetness. She commented on how well it fitted in there, just as if it had been made specifically to fit that hole and he said it felt very much like coming home. H kept telling her that he just loved feeling how wet she was, how his cock slid so easily in her.....and how he adored making her cum. Feeling her muscles clamp down on his cock as her juices threatened to drown him made him even was like catch22 the hornier he felt the more she came and then more she came then the hornier he got.
He admitted to her that he'd wondered if he hadn't turned her on when they had been in the car as no matter how hard he tried he couldn't make her squirt for him. She explained that it had been the most difficult time of her life trying NOT to squirt when he was making her cum so hard but that she had been terrified of soaking his car seats and leaving evidence of their affair. He said that he'd been so worried she didn't find him sexy, he'd brought towels in the car but as she didn't seem to need them he had left them in the car.
She managed to convince him that from now on every session would be like today’ and very very wet!!! His self confidence was really quite low for someone so obviously sexual and sensual and she realised how upset he had been and determined that she would never again hold back from squirting, whether in her bed or the car or outdoors even.
They stopped talking to concentrate on kissing and fucking and they rolled over until she was on top of him and then she took over. She took control of the pace and the depth of his thrusts until she was riding him hard and deep and cumming almost constantly drenching them both in her juices as time after time waves of pleasure overwhelmed her and she was helpless to resist, as was he. She leant forward, kissed him passionately and as she watched his eyes glaze she whispered to him to fill her tight wet cunt with his spunk. He groaned and as she flooded him one last time he shot her full of cum and they collapsed into a heap, both fighting to regain their breath.
When they'd recovered he said regretfully that he had to go and got up and started to dress. She let him out the house and they both knew that every opportunity that arose for them to be together would be explored and enjoyed.
A chemistry that strong just couldn’t be might be illicit ...but it was unbelievably irrestible x
Published by vampslut
13 years ago
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paulscott 8 years ago
I want to do that with you, baby
cocky888 12 years ago
I used to be James Bond :smile:
slutsmaster 12 years ago
Author Author
loved the story my dear
you have a way with words

slutboy49 12 years ago
A great story Princess........would be so good making wild and passionate love with you beautiful lady...........
Fitter2011 12 years ago
wow amazing mmmmm thank you xxxxxx
Banginman 12 years ago
Fantastic read. Thank you
Frostie 13 years ago
Jeeez ..........
fmac 13 years ago
You certainly put a lot into this one....Mmmmmm