Comments on my videos/pics/page
I appreciate everyone who enjoys my content. I enjoy making it. But the thing is , I MAKE IT. So if I can take the time and energy to go find the content, edit it, upload it, you can do the bare minimum of liking, commenting, sharing my content. This content will never be duplicated as I'm the only one who has the original. this means I spend my free time,go out my way, and put myself at risk each and every couple video or pic. So if you are a fan, act like one. I don't wanna be an asshole or preachy but if I can dedicate myself, time, and attention to creating content you enjoy, you can at least acknowledge it and also contribute. If not, you will ruin my content for others.
PS because I don't have a fan base, I have about a terabyte of unedited creepshots that would blow your mind. Wanna see more? Take one hand off your dick and use the keyboard to send comments on what you like.
PS because I don't have a fan base, I have about a terabyte of unedited creepshots that would blow your mind. Wanna see more? Take one hand off your dick and use the keyboard to send comments on what you like.
6 years ago