My Site review!


This website review is not written by a lonely boy, but by a happily married couple. A marriage that has lasted for 26 years.

Do you know the difference between a cheap snack bar and an exclusive restaurant? In the snack bar there is simple fast food, in a good restaurant there is sophisticated culinary meal.

That's the way it is on the internet. Most sex sites are cheap, vulgar pornography. And then there is Jeny Smith, here we have sophisticated eroticism. A website that you can also watch with your wife.

Jeny is a pretty, open-minded and unconventional young woman, by the way married, who shows her fans how to bring some esprit, fantasy and adventure into your own everyday life. Ideal for boring partnerships. Jeny shows in reality superb fantasies that everyone can realize quickly and inexpensively.

My wife and I we do it very similar, but when I look around, I see many bored couples. My suggestion: Do it like Jeny, copy her style, live out your own eroticism. And develop your own ideas.

Jeny's pictures and films are demanding, never vulgar, and sometimes, very rarely, she also makes some sex, masturbates, but never primitive. In a way that excites us and that we want to see. Sometimes it could be more.

Conclusion: This website is an erotic website with charm, presented by a woman who fits exemplary in an open-minded society. Jeny is emancipated but not feminist. Sympathetic and not an aggressive battleax.

Thanks and keep it up.

Written by Hans Friedrich
Published by JenySmith
6 years ago
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Jeny Smith is great!!!
JenySmith Publisher 6 years ago
to Kiera72 : спасибо!!! 
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Kiera72 6 years ago
I hope you don't mind me saying so but I think that you ARE a feminist - "someone who advocates women's rights on the grounds of the equality of the sexes". Your work helps to empower women, to not be afraid of our own bodies and to take back control of our bodies to be used as we see fit.  оставайся сильным и продолжай улыбаться в   Kiera
Gergiev 6 years ago
Only the truth xx
starfishdriller 6 years ago
Nice words, have to agree Jeny is a top Lady, fine, sweet and erotic 
tinyandpremature 6 years ago
I would love my wife to be like Jeny