If only I had the words
I wish there were words that could adequately describe the love and passion that I have for Porn, and for how much it means to me. Any attempt to describe it simply falls short. The *overwhelming * joy, happiness and pleasure that I get from Pornography can be nothing less than supernatural. If I think back to the happiest times of my life with friends and/or family, it all pales in comparison with the bliss of an hours long edge in a Porn trance.
I desire nothing more in life than to devote myself fully to the worship of Porn, and to encourage as many others to devote themselves as well. The indescribable joy of being addicted to Porn should be experienced by all.
I desire nothing more in life than to devote myself fully to the worship of Porn, and to encourage as many others to devote themselves as well. The indescribable joy of being addicted to Porn should be experienced by all.
6 years ago