So you wanna be Friends.......

So You Wanna Be Friends...

Greetings and Salutations, friends and fellow perverts and deviants!

Thanks for stopping by my profile! If you're reading this, I can't thank you enough for taking the time to do so. I imagine that most won't, but I harbour faith in humanity, goddammit!

Wanting to send a Friend Request? PLEASE READ THIS!

First, thanks for your interest in my stuff! Apart from my favourites, my personal uploads are all of me. I share my personal content openly with friends, and I expect the same from them. I'm not interested in chasing people down for passwords to locked content, especially when the point of me being on in the moment is...well, to get off! Tributes are different; if you have those posted privately for the tribute recipient, I have no problems with that. If you have nothing but faves, or your uploads have nothing of you to show and is content created by other users, no thanks.

Now...when it comes to your stuff, I LOVE what you create, and I love it when you keep your content...cumming! That said, a handful of cock shots or videos that you posted 7 years ago when you first registered is a little bit "been there, seen that" for me. If you haven't bothered to upload anything new in over 12 months, I more than likely won't accept your request. That said, keeping active on the site is ideal and if you haven't logged on in over a month or two, I'm going to assume your account is dormant, so the next time you log on, you may find yourself on the other side of my friends list.

If you've been a member for less than 3 months, hey I know it's not your fault, but I probably won't accept your request unless your content blows my mind.

If we were previously friends and you recently found yourself "unfriended"...
I've taken the time to look at your profile and it doesn't really fit into my "criteria" anymore (for lack of better phrasing). Sorry. It's nothing personal; my preferences have just changed as I've evolved...*shrugs*. If it's any consolation, I've been removing hundreds of profiles during this change, so don't feel bad.

Some of you may be thinking, "this crazy bitch has way too much time on her hands". Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it's wrong. Though, the "too much time on my hands" thing is true for the first time in over 10 years and I'm okay with that right now. The nice thing about this site is that I get to choose who I want to share my content with, so if you don't like or agree with the way I run MY page, guess whose problem that is? Not mine.

For the brave few who have, thanks again for taking the time to read this. This site is rife with FAKE profile (men pretending to be females), trolls, bots, spammers, and assholes. I'm just trying to enjoy my own little part of it.


Sgt Allison
Published by sgtallison
6 years ago