The Neighbors Teen Part 2

Chapter 2
On Monday I found my neighbour’s teen girl sun bathing naked beside our pool. One thing leads to another and we both had oral sex, her first time either way. We live in a very conservative area.
I still had work to do on the contract I was working on and decided to work from home for the day. By midmorning it was getting hot so I did the same thing, and changed into shorts and sat outside at the bar, the breeze was warm but just enough to make the heat bearable. I checked the pool and my neighbour was not there this time. A little bit of me wanted to see her again but my brain was thankful she wasn’t.
After an hour or so I went inside and made some lunch. Just as I was cleaning up the dishes there was a knock on the patio door.
Mia was there in a one-piece swimsuit, it was one of her swim teams as it had the schools name on it. It was very tight on her; her breasts were squashed in and some of them was squeezing out beside her armpit. You could see that it pushed her waist in and was too tight.
I waved and smiled to come in.
“Hi Mia how are you today?”
“I am great but it is such a hot day I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind if I had a swim and a do some more sunbathing?”
I said not a problem as long as it is not nude, she giggled and said she knew what we did was a one-time thing and not to worry about it.
When I bent down to put my plate into the dishwasher I glanced over at Mia and the swimsuit was way too small. Her pussy was split in two either side of her lips, you could see there was a gap between the fabric and her legs. It was probably was at least a year old. I am sure she noticed me looking but did not acknowledge it. Once I did this, I grabbed my notes and went outside to the laptop on the bar. Mia was about 20m ahead of me and the swimsuit was so far up between her ass she was exposing most of her cheeks. I wondered if it was deliberate or not?
I sat down and realised that my cock certainly noticed her body. I grinned blocked her out and went back to work. I was surprised I could, but this was important work. (See chapter 1)
Every now and again I would see Mia either swimming or sunbathing on her back or front. I kept on with my work but I needed a swim and a cool drink. I made one for Mia and brought it to her. She was on her stomach and when she heard me, she lifted up giving me a good view of her front. I thankful she was still in her suit.
I said “I thought you could do with something cold to drink rather that the water you have and I need a swim to cool down”
She smiled and thanked me, I turned to the pool and dived in and swam a few lengths. When I stopped at the far end Mia had jumped in and was swimming directly towards me. I wondered what she was going to do when she got to me.
Just before she reached me, she pulled up and stood up about a foot away from me, grinned and went towards the steps, as she started to climb, she turned and asked if I wanted a race again. I was torn, because the last time we did this I ended up in our changing rooms with her and I couldn’t allow this to happen again.
But when she got to the top of the ladder I seen between her legs, she had fabric where it should not go and some of her pussy showing from the sides, and despite the water still dripping from her I think she had shaved.
I get out and I am starting to feel my cock harden but not to the point where it would show. Mia is on the starting block and looking like a goddess because the swimsuit showed her curves. She asks if we should bet again and I politely say no. I tell her last time we went too far. She giggles but nods.
We do the
3 .... 2 .... 1

It was going to 4 lengths. Mia took off and there was no way I was going to beat her, it was more how much of a distance she was going to win by.
In the end it was just over half the length of our 25m pool. She looked at me and laughed and said I was getting to old to beat a teenager. I had to agree.
I said “I better get back to work.”
I jumped out and Mia was just behind me. Once I got back to my laptop I looked around and Mia had taken off her swimming suit and was about to lay back down. She waved, giggled and said “I just need to tan my body a little and I hope you don’t mind”. I had no choice because she was already on her back with her tits and pussy on show. From where I was, I got a similar view that I did on Monday. She had a body of a penthouse pet.
I calmed my self down and went back to work. Half an hour later Mia was standing on the other side of the bar nude and with a bottle of sun screen. I smiled and she walked around to me handed me the bottle and asked me to put it on her back. My cock went hard instantly!
My mind was racing but was carful and did as asked. She thanked me with a peck on the cheek. Then she went back to her and laid down back up. My cock needed to be set free and used, but I resisted and got back to work.
Now I worked out she was trying everything to get my attention and do something with her. Within half an hour she asked if she could have another cold drink. She bent down to get the juice from the fridge making sure her legs were apart and she bent from the waist. Her puckered little ass was winking at me and her pussy was very bald, her inner lips were poking out and, you could see that her pussy was wet and had leaked onto her legs.
She stayed like this for at least 10 seconds and my brain exploded. I dropped to my knees behind her and buried my face into her. She gasped as my tongue explored her little hole. I wanted to get my self in there as far as I could. She was pushing back, moaning and telling me she liked my tongue up her ass.
Then she cum and fell to her knees bent over again so I started licking her pussy, I used a finger and inserted it into her ass. It wasn’t easy to get it in there but she pushed back once I got passed the first knuckle. She cum again soon after.
She turned her head and smiled and said “Fuck me in the ass now, fuck my dirty little hole please”
At this point I had no choice, well I did but you have a teenage virgin ass wanting you to fuck it what would most men do.
I spat on my fingers and wet the hole as best I could, she reached under herself and used her pussy juices to help lube the hole. I lined up my cock and started to push it in. Now I have never fucked anyone in the ass before, wife or girlfriends because all said hell no!
She was tight and then my head went in and she screamed and I started to pull out but she yelled at me “No keep going I want this”
I pushed in a little and moved out a little slowly putting my cock in deeper. She was hurting but not as much as before. Then she just pushed back hard when I pushed in, I was now completely in. She said “Don’t move I need to relax”
For a couple of minutes, we did not move and this allowed her to relax, an interesting feeling. Then we both started to move in unison and we got some rhythm going. It was tight, not cock crushing tight, but I could feel every little bit of her insides around my cock. She started to tell me it felt good and go faster, I did as told.
Within a minute she was telling me to fuck her pretty little shit hole hard. My balls were slapping her pussy as I slammed into her. Then she started to piss I am sure. My fucking must have caused her bladder to open the gates. I could feel the splashing on my knees and my balls were getting wet. I could feel my balls tighten and my cock got ready to cum.
As I cum I knew she was also because my cock got milked. She was shouting how much it felt good, how good my cock was, how she was a dirty little slut, swearing like no other girl I have met. Shit her ass was tight, when I cum it was much, much more intense than it has ever before. I was about to black out it felt. I slumped over her as my cock started to come out of her. She was twitching and moving her muscles in her ass, I think she was still coming as I fell out. My cum then leaked out of her ass and dripped onto the tiles.
She lay down on the floor and I cuddled her. She was laying in her piss and my cum. I asked her how she felt. “Fuck that was the best ever I have felt, better than Monday better than anything I had ever done” I told her that I had the strongest orgasm of my life. She turned and gave me a kiss and smiled.
After a minute or two I suggested we needed to clean up a bit. She looked at the floor and realised that there was a lot of water there. I explained that she pissed as I was fucking her. She explained that she didn’t know she had but new something odd was happening when she cum. I said not to worry because it worked, look at your smile.
Mia blushed and then asked for a mop or something. I got her a couple of towels and we cleaned up the mess.
Once we finished, she asked me what it felt like for me and I asked her the same. She was really worried that I would end up with a mess from her rear. I showed her my cock and it looked fine to us and we laughed about it. I gave her a kiss and said we better have a quick swim and I need to get back to my work.
We swam and kissed passionately which got us both excited but realised she needed to get back home and I needed to work.
I didn’t come home again that week and my wife come back a week earlier than planned because her mother was able to look after herself despite the broken leg.
I seen Mia, her family and friends at our place several times over the next 6 months, she was carful, never once saying or doing anything to make ourselves uncomfortable. My cock would twitch any time she was wearing a swimsuit.
I had to go across the country and work from a different office to help them on a project and things went to a new level with Mia.
See Chapter 3.
Published by nzkiwi
6 years ago
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Davo60 5 years ago
wow, I'm leaking now
oldermale0303 5 years ago
meforu21 6 years ago
WOW. great followup.. She took it up her ass. .amazing.. for a first timer
nzkiwi Publisher 6 years ago
It needs a few extra words so it is posted rather than a blog. 3000 words +
scottjd06 6 years ago
Great follow up, even hotter. I'm eagerly awaiting chapter 3