This site not just about me, its about Mike too.
Hi to all that add us or perhaps it just me (Emma) but really if that the case you need to removed yourself, we are looking for fun like people like us adding us, appreciating us both and not just me, Mike add alot of galleries, but hardy any views, so why do so many of you waste our time in adding us,Mike take alot of my pics, finds a lot of sexy girls to post, does a lot of his stuff, sometimes dresses up as a woman in my clothes and called himself Chloe.i personally think he pics are very sexy, its a shame they get ignore, why is it all always about tits and pussy and less about the man body, we are all sexy and should be treated equal, please checked out all our galleries, and i will be posting new pics of me soon, but first start appreciating the current galleries, if not just removed yourself and find someone else to talk to.
Thank you, Emma, Mike, Chloe lol
Thank you, Emma, Mike, Chloe lol
6 years ago