First time- Caught by Neighbor- Schooled

It really was my entire fault that it all started; I was a horny little bastard at a younger age. I lived out in the country, not too far from town but we lived out where your neighbors where at least a hundred feet away. Everybody had dogs. It was very common for us k**s in the neighborhood to make a few bucks mowing lawns, babysitting, or watching dogs. Those where the easy ones. Other neighborhood jobs included hauling hay, hauling wood, or hauling something else heavy. I used to be the one who did the most dog sitting as I was the best age for it at the time, by older siblings had gone off to college and the other k**s in the neighborhood where too young. I Snooped. We know we all do it when we are taking care of someone’s house… I snooped, and boy did I find gold!!!!
I found the hottest collection of porn I had ever seen. Almost all of it was international. Fuck, needless to say their dog got a lot of “attention” I was constantly riding my bike down there to beat off to another mag. Oh, the dog? He just wanted to go outside and hang. The dog is a different story all together. He was a huge dog with a head the size of a microwave. He weighed over 200lbs. and loved to hump you. It was always a struggle getting into the house to feed him and then to get out. Luckily I was a tall lad so I had some control, so I thought…… anyway.
I had also found a dildo, actually a couple of them. I took one home and started to use it in my bathtub, I had tried to use a marker before, but it just didn’t feel right. It was a fleshy dong about 8 inches, at the time it was way too big for me.
Well time flew and I knew the family would be returning and my hot times would be coming to an end. I went down early on the last day figuring that no one would be back till after noon.
I was down in the basement, and the dog was outside, I was naked and hard as fuck, my youthful cock raging and I think I was working on pumping out the 3 or 4th load of the day. Suddenly I hear voices and car doors, fuck!!! I am stumbling to find my clothes, luckily the dog bowls were in the basement but not back in the bedroom.. They had three k**s who were running around upstairs and you could hear the mom already yelling at me. I was all dressed except my zipper was undone and stuck.
“Shit” I was fucking trying to get the zipper while I moved out of the master bedroom. Just as I walked out, both hands fighting the zipper in my crotch that was not helping as I had been so close to Cumming that my cock was still hard as hell.
At that moment I ran smack dab into the chest of the man of the house, he stood about 2 feet taller than me and he was huge, very muscular, and beefy, he was a sailor, he had been a merchant marine for years and was not a retired father of 3. He had a bright red beard and always seemed to have a temper, of course his k**s were no angels but they were young. Instead of the normal sneer he usually had on his face there was a sly grin….. He looked me up and down with that shit eating grin.
“Caught in the Act I see” he stated yes sir; I was not sure when you would be here so I came to check on the dog early to make sure he had everything he needed.” I was almost out of breath, and I know I was beet red. I felt his eyes on me, I felt small.
Very Good, Like a boy who does a good thorough job!” with that he grabbed me around the shoulder and started walking me towards the stairs. With small talk like how much they appreciate it, and thank you, etc. Just before we reach the bottom of the stairs he turns me to face him. With a super serious look in his eyes he says,” You know I can’t let you leave right?”
I gulped; my swollen cock had only reduced slightly.
“I can’t let you walk out of here with your fly open!” he chuckled.

I blushed again….. I stammered, “It is stuck.
“Oh?” Need a hand?..... Before I could respond he was trying to break free the zipper.
I was in trouble! My softening cock that had been such a concern now sprang to life, his knuckles were rubbing against my entire package as he tried to work the zipper, and it was almost as if he knew he was rubbing his knuckles into my boy meat! I was fucking hard as hell. He kept working at it, and then just as I started to precum into my shorts, he must have saw it and made it work.
There you go! Feel better now?” I just blushed and shook my head yes.
Since we just got back I will need to go to the bank and pay you tomorrow, is that ok?”
Yes Sir.” I always called adults sir and mam. I think that is why so many adults trusted me.
Well good! I tell you what, it is going to be really busy around here in the morning, but I should be free in the afternoon; let’s say you stop by around lunch.”
“Yes sir” I stated as I turned to go, waving at his wife and k**s who were preoccupied with unpacking.
Hey Boy! “He exclaimed as I almost shut the door.
I peaked my head in and he said with a wink and a smile, “Don’t get to worked up, just try not to get caught with your zipper down next time!

Well, noon rolls around and I am nervous, I miss the porn, miss beating off to the hot pictures of sex, the hard cocks, the tight pussy, the hot tits, the guys sucking, the girls sucking, the fucking, god I missed it already.
I showered up, thinking about the hot porn I would never see again, I rubbed one out. God it felt good, I love the way my cock feels in my hand.
I dressed in a normal way for a youth in the summer; I had on shorts, and a tank top. I really did not like tank tops because my nipples are always hard, they stick out a lot. Today was hot, I also figured since I was getting paid I would go to the beach.
I got on my bike and rode down to the neighbors, figures, and the neighbor’s dog was out. Now this dog is a huge sweetheart, but when somebody comes by or enters the driveway on a bike he loses his shit.
Suddenly the dog I have been watching for a week comes running out of the garage barking and attacks me. I get knocked off the bike and my leg is bitten.
Mr., James the owner of the house quickly moves in my direction smacking the dog and bending over me,
He was a large man, barrel chest, hairy, kind of round. His red beard smelled of pipe smoke. He was the only man I knew who used a pipe. I loved the cherry vanilla scent of the tobacco that lingered there.
“Are you ok?” His normal stern face was a little different, soft and with smiling eyes.
I was sc****d up. My hands and elbows, my knees. My backside hurt from falling.
“I am ok, my butt hurts a little from being knocked over... and my ankle hurts a little where he nipped at me, but I think he mostly got my sock.” The woody I had had thinking of being in the same house with the porn had totally gone with the pain.
“Oh My! “ I need to get you inside and make sure you are ok, I am so sorry he bit you!”
It was not that bad, look, didn’t break the skin.” I pulled down my sock on my smooth leg; he was now running his hand up and down my shin.
I am so glad he didn’t break the skin! He just loves moving objects, cars, trucks, bikes, and boys!” he said with a wink.
I never understood the wink until later in life; if I had put it together at a younger age I would have realized that about 50% of the older men in my life wanted to fuck me! I was a hot young man! Loll
He helped me up, I put weight on my other ankle and it was sore, it gave out. I stumbled

“Oops!” looks like you are going to need a hand.” His big body moved towards me as he firmly grabbed my shoulder to steady me.
With that he scooped me up in his arms, it was a little awkward so I laughed and he did also, he carried me into his house and down in the basement which I though strange. Instead of going to the right where the hall way to where the dog and laundry rooms and utility rooms were, he walked into the master suite, but he did not stop there, I was fully expecting him to stop and put me on the bed, but instead he walked towards the closet where I had found the really good stuff. He walked in and pushed the back wall of the closet, it immediately swung open to a whole other room.
I was in shock.
Every sex toy and sex device ever imagined was in this room, there was a surgical table in the middle, a padded sawhorse, a bed with black plastic sheets. I was in shock. He continued to carry me until we were in front of the Stainless steel table. He said that it may be cool, but I should lie down for a while to make sure we had pressure off of the foot.
I did as he asked, I lay down and now my eyes were growing wider and more concerned, I could see everything on the walls, whips, chains, dildos, leather strap, rope, metal things, etc.
He began to look at my ankle. He slipped off my shoe and sock very gently. He began to massage my foot.
I learned a technique while in the nave for medical treatment, do you trust me? He said as he stared into my eyes. There was something there that made me hesitate, yet made me feel exited. The look of passion, love, kindness, and lust.
He began to massage my foot and ankle, I was moaning with pleasure, he then got out a towel and wet it down with cool water. I think this is going to help, it is a hot day out there as a matter of fact, I think I need to lose my shirt, and it is stuffy down here in the basement.
With that he stripped off his shirt exposing his hairy chest and well rounded belly. He was such a huge man I could feel his warmth, he stood about 6’5” tall, always looking down at me with those eyes.
I need to get an Ice pack for your ankle, wait here. Would you like something cool to drink? Injury like that you deserve a beer or two!” he laughed out loud.
I smiled and nodded. I was starting to get really horny, it was sinking in, and I was in a play room with every sexual thing you could imagine. He must really trust me. I thought to myself.
He came back with the drinks and now he was only wearing a jockstrap.
“Too fucking hot man!” was his explanation as he walked in... He placed the ice pack gently on my ankle. There you go, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off.
He handed me a beer. I did not tell him it was my first.
“You may want to take some ibuprofen with that, but you have to eat something first.”
I was stunned with everything that was going on, it was so fucking awesome, but it was happening so fast.
So, you are a fit young man, any sex in your life?” asked Mr. James.
I was thrown back by the question…. I just told him I did not have a girlfriend. He laughed.
He had me all sprawled out and I was suddenly feeling like I needed to pee. I cleared my throat, can I use the bathroom?”
He smiled and said, “Sure but you have to go here, we got to keep the weight off that ankle for at least three days!
I must have looked confused because he pulled out a bed pan and handed it to me. This is what you can use; they do the same thing at the hospital.”

I blushed, but I really did have to pee, I set it on the side of the bed and pulled my shorts down, I leaned on my side, I froze for a second getting pee shy in front of Mr. James. He turned away like he was going to get something, where he had previously been staring at my cock.

I pulled more of my cock out of my shorts and then also pulled out my balls, now I felt more comfortable. The piss steam started off kind of weak but soon I relaxed and let it go. Mr. James turned around at5 the sound of the blasting piss stream.

Damn Boy! Heavy shooter!! He chuckled, and I smiled a little as I blushed. Mr. James than started to unzip his pants.
“Damn boy that makes me have to go real bad!”
With that he steps towards the bedpan I was holding and let’s loose a thick piss stream.
“Hell yeah that feels good he exclaimed, no use making to trips to dump it out right boy?”
I was stunned, not only had I really never had my penis out in front of another man, but not there was a man penis pissing into the bedpan I am holding, and right in front of me is my first ever close up of a man cock.
He finished pissing and began to milk it to make sure he got it all. I then realized that his cock was huge. He milked it, and milked it, and milked it, as he began to get hard he looked me in the eyes and said,” You always gotta make sure you milk out the last drop, don’t ever want to waste none”… I didn’t get what he meant because piss seemed like it was in abundance and something that could be wasted.
I was now hard; I didn’t realize what my cock was doing because I was so intent on what Mr. James was doing. He looked down at it and said” that my boy is a good sign”….. I blushed and moved my hands to cover it,
“No no. let it breath. Matter of fact let me get you more comfortable. Let me show you what the navy medics taught me.
He undid my other shoe. Removed my sock slowly and gently and began to massage my feet.
Next he began to work my legs over with his strong hands. I was so fucking hard, my cock was throbbing,
He moved up my legs and came to my shorts. He looked up at me for the first time, with a question but also a statement in his eyes like “would you like me to take off these shorts for you? Or I am about to take off these shorts and fuck you like you have never been fucked before.
I complied; I lifted my hips as he pulled them free. Now just my tank top was protecting me from the cool table.
Mr. James neatly folded my shorts and socks and placed my shoes near the door. He looked at me and motioned for my shirt; I quickly pulled it off and threw it to him. He folded it neatly and placed it on top of my shoes.
I was naked in my neighbor’s house. But it felt so right. We drank some beer as he massaged my muscles all over my body, after 2 I was feeling pretty good, He offered another and said that I should drink it, It will be fun to see how much beer my bladder can hold, he laughed. I laughed, and drank more.
This went on for about an hour. I suddenly came to my senses, “Where is everybody”? I asked, in a panic, thinking I did not want to get caught totally naked with the neighbor’s husband.
“Oh, they are gone for a day or two to her sisters, double trip, she took the k**s with her. Just you and I buddy!”
He smiled, I felt relief, I smiled, and my hard on smiled.
He could tell I was getting tipsy; he started to ask me some questions about me taking care of the dogs.
So how often did you come down to care for the dogs?
Did you have any problems?
As we were talking he had been moving around the table, he had put some Velcro bracelets on my wrists.
The questions got more direct.
Did you find my porn stash boy?”
I flushed, I tried to get up, just then he tugged on a strap and my hands and feet were pulled tight to the table.
“Did you find my porn boy?” he shouted in my face.
I began to cry, I did not know what was going to happen t me, was he mad, was he going to tell my mom, was he going to beat me?
He loved the tears, he reached down and adjusted himself, I had never noticed until now, but his package was huge his big man cock was now straining against the jock strap.

I quietly nodded as I cried.

“I thought so, you see, before every trip I put them in a certain order and I also put them in a certain way so I know if someone has been fucking with them.”

I realized I had been caught.
"Did you beat off in my house?" At that question he grabbed my junk violently.

I yelped. "Yes sir!”

"How many times boy?" He squeezed my junk and I let out another yelp.

"2 or 3 times a day!" I pleaded.

"Where did you bust boy?"
"On your bed, in the bathroom."

He let up on his grip and started to caress me, the pain subsided and was soon replaced with pleasure, I was now rock hard and leaking cum.

“I really appreciate what you do and taking care of the dog and all, but you have a lot to learn about giving good service, from now on you don’t come in my house until I tell you to do you understand you little fucking punk!”
He was yelling in my face and I could sense his anger.
“My wife don’t want no boy jizz all over here house!” You lil fuck!
With that he gabbed my cheeks hard and said “now, you listen to me boy, I am going to teach you all about pleasure, you like those porn mags and books? Yeah, well now it is time for the real deal.”
I was naked and strapped to a cold stainless steel table, I was not going to argue, my cock was throbbing with scared excitement.
The next thing I know he is putting a gag in my mouth and telling me to shut the fuck up.
I lay there, I hear him go upstairs and make a phone call or two, can’t hear the details. I start thinking about my mom, she won’t know I am missing until late about 20 when she gets off her second job. Shit, nobody knows where I am.
Fear and panic start to overcome me, then I begin to look around more. All of the sex toys and straps and stuff starts to get my loins going, I start to imagine having some of the toy in me just like the porn I had read. Now the fear was replaced with pure sexual energy.

To Be Continued:

Published by jblofuk
13 years ago
Please or to post comments
wackyrabbitpa 3 years ago
Finished the story do not leave us hanging 
Davo60 5 years ago
divedog1960 11 years ago
I have to agree.. you got to finish .. this is getting real good
e-mustall 11 years ago
well? What next!!
Nice story, too bad you never wrote the second part :wink:
I know something about dogs who want to hump everything. My own is crazy like that too.
But that boy is really lucky to find such a big guy who want to teach him how to be a good boy :wink:
sdfrog 12 years ago
thanks for sharing! hot coming of age story...
HtwnCock4U 12 years ago
Can't wait to finish reading
FlaVoyer 13 years ago
Sounds like a great start to a hot story!