Freak quiz - share your score in comments!
Saw this on a friends page - thought it was fun
Freak Quiz - Copy, Paste & Put Your Answers
Are you a freak - Quiz
1. Have you ever had intercourse? Y or N (5pts) Y
2a. Oral Sex: Giving to Orgasm Y or N (5 pts) Y
2b. Receiving Y or N (5pts) Y
3. Licked an ass? Y or N (5pts) Y
4. Had your ass licked? Y or N (5pts) Y
5. Stuck your tongue in their ass? Y or N (10pts) Y
6. Swallowed Cum? Y or N (5pts) Y
7. Practiced Bondage or BDSM? Y or N (5pts) N
8. Had anal sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
9. Had an orgasm from anal sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
10. Ever squirted or made someone squirt? Y or N (10pts) N
11. Squirted from oral or made someone squirt? Y or N (5pts) N
12. Had sex with someone of the same sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
13. Did a threesome? Y or N (5pts) Y
14. Did a foursome? Y or N (5pts) N
15. Been in an Orgy? Y or N (5pts) N
16. Been in a gangbang? Y or N (5pts) Y
17. Had sex in public? Y or N (5pts) Y
18. Snowballed (swapping cum) with someone? Y or N (10pts) Y
19. Had your toes licked or sucked? Y or N (5pts) N
20. Licked or sucked someone's toes? Y or N (5pts) N
21. Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a day? Yor N (10pts)Y
22. Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a week? or N (10pts)Y
23a. Had cyber sex or phone sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
23b. Reached an orgasm? Y or N (5pts) Y
24. Watched porn? Y or N (5pts) Y
25. Bought a dirty magazine? Y or N (5pts) Y
26. Posted nude pictures of you on the net? Y or N (5pts) Y
27. Let someone video tape you having sex? Y or N (5pts) N
28. Had sex without protection? Y or N (5pts) Y
29. Had someone give you a cum facial or gave someone a cum facial? Y or N (5pts) Y
30. Have you participated in any type of golden showers? Y or N (10pts) N
31. Have you let anyone or have you shit on anyone? Y or N (10pts) N
32. Had sex with a friend's significant other? Y or N (10pts) Y
33. Ever did one of your significant others friends or relative? Y or N (10pts) N
34. Have you ever cheated on your significant other? Y or N (5pts) N
35. Made someone pass out from sex? Y or N (10pts) N
36. Tasted your own cum? Y or N (5pts) Y
37a. Masturbated? Y or N (5pts) Y
37b. Let someone watch you? Y or N (5pts) Y
38. Ever showed you naked on cam? Y or N (5pts) Y
39. Had sex while on your period or while someone was on their period? Y or N (10pts) N
40 Been ate or eaten someone on thier period? Y or N (10pts) N
41. Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? Y or N (10pts) Y
42. Had sex in a vehicle? Y or N (5pts) N
43. Been caught having sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
44. Paid for sex? Y or N (5pts) N
45a. Used toys during sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
45b. Used food? Y or N (5pts) N
46. Like pain from a little to extreme during sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
47. Ever been dominated in bed? Y or N (5pts) Y
48. Ever had a wet dream? Y or N (5pts) Y
49. Like to have your ass slapped during sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
50. Like having your nipples licked, sucked, or bitten? Y or N (5pts) Y
51. Had sex with someone you didn't know their name? Y or N (10pts) Y
0 - 50 Average man or woman (need to be a little more adventurous)
51 - 100 Beginner Freak (keep up the good work)
101 - 150 Big Freak (your heading in the right direction)
151 - 200 Professional Freak (you could charge for your services)
201 - 250 King or Queen Freak (others will never forget you) over 250 SUPER FREAK (you could write the book, teach the class and hang the certificate on your wall)
Damn, I only got 220.
Freak Quiz - Copy, Paste & Put Your Answers
Are you a freak - Quiz
1. Have you ever had intercourse? Y or N (5pts) Y
2a. Oral Sex: Giving to Orgasm Y or N (5 pts) Y
2b. Receiving Y or N (5pts) Y
3. Licked an ass? Y or N (5pts) Y
4. Had your ass licked? Y or N (5pts) Y
5. Stuck your tongue in their ass? Y or N (10pts) Y
6. Swallowed Cum? Y or N (5pts) Y
7. Practiced Bondage or BDSM? Y or N (5pts) N
8. Had anal sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
9. Had an orgasm from anal sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
10. Ever squirted or made someone squirt? Y or N (10pts) N
11. Squirted from oral or made someone squirt? Y or N (5pts) N
12. Had sex with someone of the same sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
13. Did a threesome? Y or N (5pts) Y
14. Did a foursome? Y or N (5pts) N
15. Been in an Orgy? Y or N (5pts) N
16. Been in a gangbang? Y or N (5pts) Y
17. Had sex in public? Y or N (5pts) Y
18. Snowballed (swapping cum) with someone? Y or N (10pts) Y
19. Had your toes licked or sucked? Y or N (5pts) N
20. Licked or sucked someone's toes? Y or N (5pts) N
21. Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a day? Yor N (10pts)Y
22. Had sex with more than one person (one on one only) in a week? or N (10pts)Y
23a. Had cyber sex or phone sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
23b. Reached an orgasm? Y or N (5pts) Y
24. Watched porn? Y or N (5pts) Y
25. Bought a dirty magazine? Y or N (5pts) Y
26. Posted nude pictures of you on the net? Y or N (5pts) Y
27. Let someone video tape you having sex? Y or N (5pts) N
28. Had sex without protection? Y or N (5pts) Y
29. Had someone give you a cum facial or gave someone a cum facial? Y or N (5pts) Y
30. Have you participated in any type of golden showers? Y or N (10pts) N
31. Have you let anyone or have you shit on anyone? Y or N (10pts) N
32. Had sex with a friend's significant other? Y or N (10pts) Y
33. Ever did one of your significant others friends or relative? Y or N (10pts) N
34. Have you ever cheated on your significant other? Y or N (5pts) N
35. Made someone pass out from sex? Y or N (10pts) N
36. Tasted your own cum? Y or N (5pts) Y
37a. Masturbated? Y or N (5pts) Y
37b. Let someone watch you? Y or N (5pts) Y
38. Ever showed you naked on cam? Y or N (5pts) Y
39. Had sex while on your period or while someone was on their period? Y or N (10pts) N
40 Been ate or eaten someone on thier period? Y or N (10pts) N
41. Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? Y or N (10pts) Y
42. Had sex in a vehicle? Y or N (5pts) N
43. Been caught having sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
44. Paid for sex? Y or N (5pts) N
45a. Used toys during sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
45b. Used food? Y or N (5pts) N
46. Like pain from a little to extreme during sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
47. Ever been dominated in bed? Y or N (5pts) Y
48. Ever had a wet dream? Y or N (5pts) Y
49. Like to have your ass slapped during sex? Y or N (5pts) Y
50. Like having your nipples licked, sucked, or bitten? Y or N (5pts) Y
51. Had sex with someone you didn't know their name? Y or N (10pts) Y
0 - 50 Average man or woman (need to be a little more adventurous)
51 - 100 Beginner Freak (keep up the good work)
101 - 150 Big Freak (your heading in the right direction)
151 - 200 Professional Freak (you could charge for your services)
201 - 250 King or Queen Freak (others will never forget you) over 250 SUPER FREAK (you could write the book, teach the class and hang the certificate on your wall)
Damn, I only got 220.
6 years ago