Masturbation Survey

Masturbation Survey v1.1


General information:
Are you male or female?    Male

How old are you?         35

At what age did you start masturbating?     12

How many times a week do you masturbate?       5-7

How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself?    5-6

Where do you masturbate?:

In bed?       yes

In the shower?      yes
In the bath?    no

Outdoors?     sometimes

At work?     of course

Every room in the house?      just about

In a car while traveling along the interstate?    got a handjob on a greyhound once does that count

If yes, where?

What do you fantasize about when you play?:

A significant other?  if I had one, yes

A friend?    plenty of times

A friend's significant other?  oh, hell yeah

A stranger?   yes

A co-worker?  all the time

A member of the same sex?   sometimes

A member of the opposite sex?  of course
A past lover?   oh yeah

A family member? once in awhile

If yes, who? a big titty cousin.... I mean these  tits are massive

If yes, who or what?

What position do you play in?:

On your back?  yes

Standing?  yes

Kneeling?  yes

Sitting?  yes

Lying on tummy? no

If yes, what position(s)?

How do you play/what do you use?:

With left hand? LoL, hell yeah. stranger in the shower

With right hand? that's my dominate hand

With a toy?  never had one....whats a good one?
With water from bath/shower?  I love letting warm water run over my dick
Written erotica/stories?  if its hot enough yeah

Magazines?  not always

Pictures?  ooh yeah

Movie clips online? sometimes

Videos? hell yeah, that what I love about Xhamster

Something on TV? every now and again

Cartoons?  not my thang

Hentai?  had a co-worker that as really into it, I feigned interest just to fuck her

If yes, how?

What is your favorite porn?:

Straight sex between man and woman?  my usual go to... I love love BBWs, magically delicious

Gay or lesbian sex? when the mood strikes

Group sex or orgies?  yeah, but again when the mood strikes

Blow jobs/oral sex?   all the time

Cumshots? not always, but yeah

Age play? not into granny play, but love me some mature pussy
B&D/S&M?  I like it a lil rough,, nothing to brutal

Role playing?   oh, fuck yeah...... ill hear your confession now....LoL

Cartoons/comics/hentai?  not my thing, ill feign interest just to fuck

Kinky/taboo/other? Tranny

If yes, what other type(s) of porn?  theres just somethimg about a hot passible tranny,,, damn

Have you ever masturbated to:

Email messages? no

Chat room dialogue? plenty of times

Exchanged stories?  yes

Exchanged pictures?  yes

Webcams? a few times

If yes, have you ever paid to view a webcam? no

If yes, have you ever paid for a private show? no

Have you ever:

Been caught masturbating? who here hasnt

If yes, who caught you? family member

Masturbated for a man/woman? yes

Masturbated for the same sex? yes

Masturbated in a group? no, but sounds fun

Masturbated for a photo?  ooh yeah

Masturbated for a webcam? yes

Masturbated for a video? again yes

Masturbated in public? too many times to count

If so, where? public restroom, at work by co-woker... and the list goes on

Sharing yourself:

Have you swapped private photos of yourself? only with someone I trust

Have you swapped private videos of yourself? same as above

Have you posted private photos of yourself? no

Have you posted private videos of yourself? no

Sharing your significant other:
Have you swapped private photos of your significant other? no
If so, do they know?
Have you swapped private videos of your significant other? no

If so, do they know?
Have you posted private photos of your significant other? no, im greedy I like to keep that shit for myself

If so, do they know?
Have you posted private videos of your significant other? same as above

If so, do they know?
Have you shared personal/private information with others? no, the interwebs is a crazy place

If so, does your significant other know about it?

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating?  I might pinch them every now and again

Insert something or play with your ass?  I used a exes vibrator once, wow

Insert something in mouth when masturbating?  no, should I
Use pain as a method of playing? no

Go to adult bookstores/theaters? sooo many times

For both men and women:

Do you taste your cum? no

Have you ever tasted your own cum? I did once

If yes, do you like it? meh
When was the last time you masturbated? today at work

Are you wet or hard now? I gotta a chubby

Are you going to masturbate now?  soon as im done here

Do you think you are addicted to masturbation? if I am oh well, there are worst things to be addicted too

What is the highest number of times you have played in one day?  4

What was your longest single masturbation session? a straight hour. mostly edging

Don’t be shy now!:

Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Published by Lostboi559
6 years ago
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