
Hi this is an update, for some people who already know and others that don't. This past year my wife has been very sick, which is why there hasn't been new content and why she's barely on anymore. In the past 3 years she's had 3 major operations and at the start of this year was beginning to get better until March when she had another set back. Currently she is in hospital again, she's been in for the past week and a half, she's hoping to be back home and start recovering sometime next week. I had considered deleting this account or even just making it a single account instead of a couple but she asked me to keep it the way it is because she wants to continue coming on here and having fun with it as her health improves, so for the time being it will stay as it is. Anyone who wishes to unfriend us because of this feel free to do so. Thank you to everyone who's known she has been struggling with her health and has sent well wishes.

Published by 87Danny
6 years ago
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mfcouple4fun 6 years ago
Get well soon x
belfast324 6 years ago
Hope she gets better in time. Take Care! :smile:
We hope all is and goes well, D&H x