So anyway. Sorry for the wait. Thanks you if you're still with me. I finished my purchase, went to my car and put the pump in to refuel while I made sure my suspicions were right on target. !!!! it was! The three speed I ordered a while back and it looked way bigger than I remembered it being... to my liking mind you. Wonderful considering I had been conditioning myself for the past few months to move up a size if you know what I mean *wink wink*. This was perfect. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy and I could feel myself dripping wet inside of my panties. Which in it's own felt amazing. I was wearing summer shorts and some nude silk cheeks that made you feel like you were being touched by a nimbus cloud any time you turned just right. The pump stopped and I dropped the package on the passenger seat in a rush to finish fueling and get home to start my real errand. I dropped it next to me so that I could glance at it occasionally on the way back home. I went over everything I was going to do to myself in my mind and got so enveloped in my day dream that I missed my exit. Shit!! that's an extra five to ten minutes I would have to wait before the fun.. I had to calm myself. Okay Ellie, relax. Take a deep breath and focus. You have one goal right now. Get home. Re-centered, I pull of at the next exit and turned left to get back on so that I could hurry up and get off *wink wink*. Everything went smooth. Traffic was scarce, lights were in my favor and they had finished up the road work on my block a couple of days ago. Yes! Home sweet home. I pulled my car into the drive, gathered my things, went into my house and drew all the blinds. I wasn't gonna be peeped on this time. I went upstairs hooked up my I-home and started the playlist I had made a few days ago for my special bath time. I had just gotten a new shower hose with different flow settings you see, which is probably why I forgot about my toy to begin with. Started the water, poured my bubble and began to undress. I wanted to warm the engines up before going for my first ride. I have two tall full body mirrors in my bathroom that I use to get off on myself. Yeah I said it! I worked very hard on my body and would be damned if I didn't enjoy it. I took off my blouse and undid my strap. Unbuttoned my shorts and watched through the mirror to my back side as the slid down my smooth.... Be back
6 years ago