Edging masturbating lifestyle
Please don't judge me harshly cause Im still new to xham posting and the while masturbation lifestyle thing, but I enjoy keeping myself in this state for hours before finally ejaculating. Slowly stroking to keep my erection at its stiffest so my precum begins oozing out heavy and runs down my shaft. My tissues become totally saturated having absorbed so much semen for hours and then it begins surging and erupting in thick ropes ejaculating way up onto my chest. For me, it's very rewarding and feels especially good and right. I know not everyone will understand if they don't need that feeling as much or don't get as much out of masturbating their cock. I get a lot out of it, gushes in fact.
But there are probably things othets need that I may not appreciate or understand. Working out at the gym, for example. Some guys really get a lot of pleasure working out and do it several hours a day. They enjoy reaching new heights and sharing with others who also work out. They compare each other, motivate and help each other stay with it, compete and push harder, building their muscle bigger and stronger than They would naturally be. They need it and love it. I'm no different other than that my cock is simply the muscle I am focusing on and I am not alone in that, if you're reading this right now.
I understand from research and surveys that everyone just masturbates so much more these days than in generations past. Our need for cock stimulation and ejaculating has grown. Natural evolution or a richer diet that demands we ejaculate the excess protein out, or the far greater stress of today just requires it. Whatever the reason, I enioy it and am so I'm fortunate today to able to earn a living and have a flexible work environment where I can also masturbate and ejaculate so often. Was just not possible a generation ago. I can't imagine someone having to hold off on masturbating or suppress it as in years past.. With porn and bator friends but a finger swipe away, and a masturbation friendly work arrangement, there is really no excuse not to stroke your erection and shoot your cum all the time now!
We must help those who areleft behind, those less fortunate, to come to terms with their increased need, learn to fully embrace masturbationy. To find a work schedule and workplace more conducive to hours of edging and frequent masturbation so they can be ejaculating as strong and as often as we. They crave that and need that deep down after all.
Some articles and resouces:
Onania is a support group for those who have accepted and embraced chronic masturbation. A positive and non-judgemental forum to help masturbators make the most of who they are and support each other-
But there are probably things othets need that I may not appreciate or understand. Working out at the gym, for example. Some guys really get a lot of pleasure working out and do it several hours a day. They enjoy reaching new heights and sharing with others who also work out. They compare each other, motivate and help each other stay with it, compete and push harder, building their muscle bigger and stronger than They would naturally be. They need it and love it. I'm no different other than that my cock is simply the muscle I am focusing on and I am not alone in that, if you're reading this right now.
I understand from research and surveys that everyone just masturbates so much more these days than in generations past. Our need for cock stimulation and ejaculating has grown. Natural evolution or a richer diet that demands we ejaculate the excess protein out, or the far greater stress of today just requires it. Whatever the reason, I enioy it and am so I'm fortunate today to able to earn a living and have a flexible work environment where I can also masturbate and ejaculate so often. Was just not possible a generation ago. I can't imagine someone having to hold off on masturbating or suppress it as in years past.. With porn and bator friends but a finger swipe away, and a masturbation friendly work arrangement, there is really no excuse not to stroke your erection and shoot your cum all the time now!
We must help those who areleft behind, those less fortunate, to come to terms with their increased need, learn to fully embrace masturbationy. To find a work schedule and workplace more conducive to hours of edging and frequent masturbation so they can be ejaculating as strong and as often as we. They crave that and need that deep down after all.
Onania is a support group for those who have accepted and embraced chronic masturbation. A positive and non-judgemental forum to help masturbators make the most of who they are and support each other-
6 years ago