I have had a helluva week.

Lets recap from part 1...

Had a regular who lost his mind because of the shit he smokes and treated me rudely and i basically told him to shove it cause I wasn't doing midnight shows not prepaid and scheduled.

The California tax franchise took 200 bucks out of my bank account for something that happened back in 2015 ..thanks to my worthless husband. Spent all of friday going back and forth with the bank and those people to fix things.

and now...more to add to the pile...

my cat, BOOGER is in heat


I just found out someone I know who lives close to me is moving soon to Santa hour away.

I don't blame him for moving. Long beach is a shithole. It's cheaper than a lot of areas but still a shithole. Dirty as fuck. Ugly. It's not the nicest and prettiest well maintained of areas. Not like Redondo Beach or Huntington Beach where everything is nice. Seems like the cleaner and nicer the area the higher your rent gets jacked up. You pay for those clean sidewalks and so forth jack..and if it's by a beach, then guess what?...$$$$$$$$$$$$$.Seriously, your wallet is gonna get hurt.

I feel sad because when he moves that means I will probably never get to see or hang out with him again because he will be an hour away from me. Very sad day for me.

Going back to the cat...(sigh) I got lucky when it came to her. BOOGER has always been mainly quiet. I rarely hear her even Meow, and even in heat shes quiet. Lots of the frog pose and head rubbing on everything and soft trilling but no loud ass yowling. I had to put her in another room to make this blog though or else I wouldn't be able to type.

So right now I am still working on rent. Need about 200. I cammed from 1 pm until 8 yesterday and did well so I can't complain. I was dead on my feet by 8 pm though..completely exhausted. I will be pulling another long day today and tomorrow. Hopefully, by today I will be done or by tomorrow so wish me luck.

so lets recap...

crazy regular pissed me off acting stupid

bank account got jacked

which led to my rent getting fucked up

still fixing that mess

cat in heat

found out a friend is moving away soon

I won't ask what's next. I hope things calm down

until then I will staple a smile to my face.

and im out...take care
Published by WOWgirlsarah111
6 years ago
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bashit1 6 years ago
It’s only 30’ if you meet halfway!?!? Good luck with the rent!!!