Incest report

Another real story chat I had.

Anonymous asked:
Can you give some details of how you arrived at getting a BJ from your mother?

ryanandhismom-deactivated201712 answered:

Sure. It took along time for me to get comfortable with the idea of sharing this before. I finally posted it January 2017 even though it happened months earlier. Here’s the brief version:

I returned from military service. Very shortly after, diagnosed with Lymphoma. Everyone treats you like you’re going to die. It wasn’t part of my thought process, I’ve dealt with the death of friends and teammates and near death in combat overseas. Cancer is fuck all to me, I’ve survived worse, but everyone else treated my cancer like i was as good as dead.

During a conversation about death and what i’ve done with my life and not done yet, my mom asked if there was a make-a-wish type program available for adults, What would i ask for ? I said in a tongue in cheek way, “a blowjob from you.” There was a moment of stunned silence. I said “Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldnt have said that”. Mom said “No, it’s ok. We’ve always been very honest about anything and everything.” She said “I can do that”. It was my turn for stunned silence. Totally unexpected. We talked about it for a while. My mom said she had thought about it before, just out of a curiousity. She had seen me naked growing up but she wondered what my cock looked like as an adult, if it had gotten bigger, what it looked like when hard. She had heard me having sex with my girlfriend in the other room. That led to thoughts about what sex would be like with me. They were innocent and private thoughts, not an ongoing fantasy. A HUGE factor were her thoughts of my possible mortality in combat and now with “deadly”cancer were likely also a factor in her willingness.

My mother invited me over for dinner one night when my stepdad was working evening shift. He left before 0400 and wouldnt be back til after midnight. We went to the living room after dinner to watch tv after. Mom started rubbing my dick through my jeans until it was hard. She got off the couch and between my legs. Mom pulled my pants down and went to work sucking my cock. The blowjob was great. She was far more into it that i thought she would be. I guess i expected it to be more robotic, like something she was obligated to do. She licked and sucked my penis like it was coated in chocolate sauce lol.

My mother is common-law married to another man, not my dad. I have a girlfriend. But we’re both interested in exploring our sexuality with each other as well. So far it’s only been oral sex. I did stick my penis inside her the one night but she seemed a little stressed out by it, so i stopped. She said “You dont have to stop, you can keep going” but i could tell, I could see it in her face she wasnt ready, I didnt want to ruin our (sexual) relationship, but far far more importantly our normal mother-son close bond we have. She’s always been an excellent mom, and i hope i’ve been a good son. Its still just oral, we’re just taking it slow and we’re both enjoying our time together. At some point we’ll revisit intercourse and maybe more. She’s told me about a couple things she wishes she could try but my stepdad isnt in to.

If i remember any missing details, i’ll update this or make an update post.

Yes, that’s a real pic of me and my mom (see picture added)



Yup, that’s the look …
Published by niteshade
6 years ago
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thighfan 2 years ago
Going the extra mile for her son!  Hot, kind deal.
iheartboobies79 3 years ago
Great story!
daddydon1 4 years ago
one sexy mom, family love is always good
niteshade Publisher 6 years ago
Thank you Jani, that means a lot to me :smile:
Erieman2006 6 years ago
Great story keep me Cumming!!!!!!
Awesome thanks for sharing 