Dr's questions
Thank you, Dr. Wellhung
Patient name: Jo
Patient email:in time see what you moment on
Patient location: Cedar Springs, Mi
Age: (49)years
Height: (5)feet (6)inches
Build: ( )slim (x)average ( )voluptuous ( )bbw
Measurements: (34)breast (28)waist (36)hips
Brassiere Cup Size: ( )A (x )B(x )C ( )D ( )DD ( )Larger
Breast Implants? (x)no ( )yes
Pubic Hair: ( )full ( )trimmed (x)shaved
Have you given birth? (x)no ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( )more
If yes for birth, did you deliver vaginally? ( )yes ( )no
If yes for birth, did you breastfeed? ( )yes ( )no
Have you had a tubal ligation? ( )yes (x )no
Have you had a hysterectomy? ( )yes (x)no Cyst both ovaries removed
Do you have regular menstruation? (x)yes ( )no
Do you use contraceptives? ( )yes (x)no
Have you been fitted with an IUD? ( )yes (x)no
Do you douche? (x)yes ( )no Part of sex
Do you do breast self-exam regularly? (x)yes ( )no
Do your nipples erect spontaneously? (x)yes ( )no
Do you experience nipple secretions? (x)yes ( )no
Does your clitoris erect spontaneously? (x)yes ( )no
Does your vagina lubricate spontaneously? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever had an STD? ( )yes (x)no
If yes, please provide details:
Age of first pelvic exam? (about 13)years
Date of last pelvic exam? (6)month (2018)year
Practitioner: ( )male (x)female
Manual Breast Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Manual Internal Vaginal Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Vaginal Speculum Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Manual Recto-vaginal Exam? ( )yes (x)no
Rectal Proctoscopic Exam? ( )yes (x)no
Did you experience sexual arousal? (x)yes ( )no
Did you masturbate following Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Age of first masturbation: How long since most recent? 10 ish today
Age of first orgasm: How long since most recent? 10 ish today I have always easily Oooo'd
Age of first receiving oral: How long since most recent? 12 last week
Age of first vaginal intercourse: How long since most recent? 17 two days ago
Age of first anal intercourse: How long since most recent? 35 not enough lateley
How often do you masturbate? (x)daily ( )weekly ( )monthly
Have you ever used a vibrator? (x)clitorally (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you ever used a dildo? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you ever used a shower massage? (x)vaginally ( )anally ( )no
Have you inserted a vibrating egg? ( )vaginally ( )anally (x)no
Have you inserted fruits/veggies? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you inserted a bottle? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you inserted a hairbrush? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you inserted other objects? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
If yes, please list all objects and where: cucumbers front and back and other toys I see and like
Do you have any bi-sexual tendencies? (x)yes ( )no
Have you had a female partner? (x)yes ( )no
Do you have submissive tendencies? (x)yes ( )no
Have you been with multiple partners at once? ( )no ( )male and female ( )2 males (x)2 females ( )orgy
Have you ever done DP with 2 males? ()no (x )vaginal and anal ( )double vaginal ( )double anal
Where have you been inseminated? (x)vaginal (x)oral (x)rectal (x) facial (x)breasts ( )other
Preferred location to be inseminated? (x)vaginal (x)oral (x)rectal (x)facial (x)breasts (x)other
Have you ever had a medplay experience? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever been fisted? ( )no (x)vaginally (x)anally
Have you ever been given an enema under erotic circumstances? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever explored urethral stimulation (peehole play)? (x)yes ()no
Have you ever had sex while restrained? (x)yes ( )no
Do you often experience multiple orgasms? (x)yes ( )no
Do you squirt (female ejaculation)? ( )yes ( )no (x) depends I have here and there
Have you ever experienced a vaginal orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a clitoral orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a g-spot orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a urethral orgasm? ( )yes (x)no
Have you ever experienced an anal orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a cervical orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a nipple orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you become sexually aroused by filling out this form? (x)yes ( )no
Your examination will be exceedingly thorough and complete.
In addition to the typical procedures, there are a number of
specialized treatments and procedures recommended to ascertain
the sexual health, function, skills, and responsiveness of the patient.
While it strongly suggested that ALL of the treatments and procedures
be authorized, some might cause the patient to feel embarrassed or
otherwise be reluctant to undergo them. In this case, the patient
has the option to decline to authorize the procedure(s). Of course,
should any procedure(s) not be authorized, the Doctor's
evaluation of the patient's sexual health, function, skills, and
responsiveness may be incomplete in the related area.
Please review the list of typical and specialized procedures
and select all of those that you authorize, pursuant to the advisory
statement above.
Therapudic Massage? (x)authorized
Examination While Restrained? (x)authorized
Buttocks Hand Spanking Response? (x)authorized
Manual Breast Exam? (x)authorized
Breast Elongation/Lift? (x)authorized
Breast Vacuum Enlargement? (x)authorized
Nipple Oral Response? (x)authorized
Nipple Suction Pump Response? (x)authorized
Nipple Clamp Response? (x)authorized
Vaginal Douche? (x)authorized
Genital Area Shaving? (x)authorized I am lways shaved smooth
Labia Clamp/Spread Visual Exam? (x)authorized
Manual G-spot Response? (x)authorized
Manual Deep Internal Vaginal Exam (fisting)? (x)authorized
Vaginal Speculum Visual Exam? (x)authorized
Tunnel Plug Vaginal Visualization/Treatment? (x)authorized
Vaginal Birthing Simulation? (x)authorized
Vaginal Vibratory Response? (x)authorized
Vaginal Oral Response? (x)authorized
PC Muscle Tone Demonstration/Evaluation? (x)authorized
Observed Urine Specimen? ( )authorized
Enema Prior to Rectal Exam? (x)authorized
Rectal Temperature? (x)authorized
Manual Recto-vaginal Exam? (x)authorized
Rectal Speculum Exam? (x)authorized
Rectal Probe Exam? (x)authorized
Manual Deep Internal Anal Exam (fisting)? (x)authorized
Tunnel Plug Rectal Visualization/Treatment? (x)authorized
Clitoral Oral Response? (x)authorized
Clitoral Vibratory Response? (x)authorized
Clitoral Suction Pump Response? (x)authorized
Pelvic area TENS (electrostimulation) therapy? (x)authorized
Urethral Temperature? ( )authorized
Urethral Dilation Capability Evaluation (sounding)? ( )authorized
Urethral Vibratory Response? ( )authorized
Bladder Irrigation? ( )authorized
Cervical Vibratory Response? ( )authorized
Oral Penile Capacity Evaluation? (x)authorized
Vaginal Penile Capacity Evaluation? (x)authorized
Rectal Penile Capacity Evaluation? (x)authorized
Testosterone Treatment by Insemination? ( )vaginal ( )oral ( )rectal
Non-identifiable photos during treatment? (x)authorized
Non-identifiable videos during treatment? (x)authorized
Other Treatments Requested and Authorized? (please specify)
If you are aware of any other conditions or relevant
facts that the doctor should be aware of, or procedures
which might be advisable, please list them below:
Thank you, Dr. Wellhung
copyright 2018
Patient name: Jo
Patient email:in time see what you moment on
Patient location: Cedar Springs, Mi
Age: (49)years
Height: (5)feet (6)inches
Build: ( )slim (x)average ( )voluptuous ( )bbw
Measurements: (34)breast (28)waist (36)hips
Brassiere Cup Size: ( )A (x )B(x )C ( )D ( )DD ( )Larger
Breast Implants? (x)no ( )yes
Pubic Hair: ( )full ( )trimmed (x)shaved
Have you given birth? (x)no ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( )more
If yes for birth, did you deliver vaginally? ( )yes ( )no
If yes for birth, did you breastfeed? ( )yes ( )no
Have you had a tubal ligation? ( )yes (x )no
Have you had a hysterectomy? ( )yes (x)no Cyst both ovaries removed
Do you have regular menstruation? (x)yes ( )no
Do you use contraceptives? ( )yes (x)no
Have you been fitted with an IUD? ( )yes (x)no
Do you douche? (x)yes ( )no Part of sex
Do you do breast self-exam regularly? (x)yes ( )no
Do your nipples erect spontaneously? (x)yes ( )no
Do you experience nipple secretions? (x)yes ( )no
Does your clitoris erect spontaneously? (x)yes ( )no
Does your vagina lubricate spontaneously? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever had an STD? ( )yes (x)no
If yes, please provide details:
Age of first pelvic exam? (about 13)years
Date of last pelvic exam? (6)month (2018)year
Practitioner: ( )male (x)female
Manual Breast Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Manual Internal Vaginal Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Vaginal Speculum Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Manual Recto-vaginal Exam? ( )yes (x)no
Rectal Proctoscopic Exam? ( )yes (x)no
Did you experience sexual arousal? (x)yes ( )no
Did you masturbate following Exam? (x)yes ( )no
Age of first masturbation: How long since most recent? 10 ish today
Age of first orgasm: How long since most recent? 10 ish today I have always easily Oooo'd
Age of first receiving oral: How long since most recent? 12 last week
Age of first vaginal intercourse: How long since most recent? 17 two days ago
Age of first anal intercourse: How long since most recent? 35 not enough lateley
How often do you masturbate? (x)daily ( )weekly ( )monthly
Have you ever used a vibrator? (x)clitorally (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you ever used a dildo? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you ever used a shower massage? (x)vaginally ( )anally ( )no
Have you inserted a vibrating egg? ( )vaginally ( )anally (x)no
Have you inserted fruits/veggies? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you inserted a bottle? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you inserted a hairbrush? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
Have you inserted other objects? (x)vaginally (x)anally ( )no
If yes, please list all objects and where: cucumbers front and back and other toys I see and like
Do you have any bi-sexual tendencies? (x)yes ( )no
Have you had a female partner? (x)yes ( )no
Do you have submissive tendencies? (x)yes ( )no
Have you been with multiple partners at once? ( )no ( )male and female ( )2 males (x)2 females ( )orgy
Have you ever done DP with 2 males? ()no (x )vaginal and anal ( )double vaginal ( )double anal
Where have you been inseminated? (x)vaginal (x)oral (x)rectal (x) facial (x)breasts ( )other
Preferred location to be inseminated? (x)vaginal (x)oral (x)rectal (x)facial (x)breasts (x)other
Have you ever had a medplay experience? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever been fisted? ( )no (x)vaginally (x)anally
Have you ever been given an enema under erotic circumstances? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever explored urethral stimulation (peehole play)? (x)yes ()no
Have you ever had sex while restrained? (x)yes ( )no
Do you often experience multiple orgasms? (x)yes ( )no
Do you squirt (female ejaculation)? ( )yes ( )no (x) depends I have here and there
Have you ever experienced a vaginal orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a clitoral orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a g-spot orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a urethral orgasm? ( )yes (x)no
Have you ever experienced an anal orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a cervical orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you ever experienced a nipple orgasm? (x)yes ( )no
Have you become sexually aroused by filling out this form? (x)yes ( )no
Your examination will be exceedingly thorough and complete.
In addition to the typical procedures, there are a number of
specialized treatments and procedures recommended to ascertain
the sexual health, function, skills, and responsiveness of the patient.
While it strongly suggested that ALL of the treatments and procedures
be authorized, some might cause the patient to feel embarrassed or
otherwise be reluctant to undergo them. In this case, the patient
has the option to decline to authorize the procedure(s). Of course,
should any procedure(s) not be authorized, the Doctor's
evaluation of the patient's sexual health, function, skills, and
responsiveness may be incomplete in the related area.
Please review the list of typical and specialized procedures
and select all of those that you authorize, pursuant to the advisory
statement above.
Therapudic Massage? (x)authorized
Examination While Restrained? (x)authorized
Buttocks Hand Spanking Response? (x)authorized
Manual Breast Exam? (x)authorized
Breast Elongation/Lift? (x)authorized
Breast Vacuum Enlargement? (x)authorized
Nipple Oral Response? (x)authorized
Nipple Suction Pump Response? (x)authorized
Nipple Clamp Response? (x)authorized
Vaginal Douche? (x)authorized
Genital Area Shaving? (x)authorized I am lways shaved smooth
Labia Clamp/Spread Visual Exam? (x)authorized
Manual G-spot Response? (x)authorized
Manual Deep Internal Vaginal Exam (fisting)? (x)authorized
Vaginal Speculum Visual Exam? (x)authorized
Tunnel Plug Vaginal Visualization/Treatment? (x)authorized
Vaginal Birthing Simulation? (x)authorized
Vaginal Vibratory Response? (x)authorized
Vaginal Oral Response? (x)authorized
PC Muscle Tone Demonstration/Evaluation? (x)authorized
Observed Urine Specimen? ( )authorized
Enema Prior to Rectal Exam? (x)authorized
Rectal Temperature? (x)authorized
Manual Recto-vaginal Exam? (x)authorized
Rectal Speculum Exam? (x)authorized
Rectal Probe Exam? (x)authorized
Manual Deep Internal Anal Exam (fisting)? (x)authorized
Tunnel Plug Rectal Visualization/Treatment? (x)authorized
Clitoral Oral Response? (x)authorized
Clitoral Vibratory Response? (x)authorized
Clitoral Suction Pump Response? (x)authorized
Pelvic area TENS (electrostimulation) therapy? (x)authorized
Urethral Temperature? ( )authorized
Urethral Dilation Capability Evaluation (sounding)? ( )authorized
Urethral Vibratory Response? ( )authorized
Bladder Irrigation? ( )authorized
Cervical Vibratory Response? ( )authorized
Oral Penile Capacity Evaluation? (x)authorized
Vaginal Penile Capacity Evaluation? (x)authorized
Rectal Penile Capacity Evaluation? (x)authorized
Testosterone Treatment by Insemination? ( )vaginal ( )oral ( )rectal
Non-identifiable photos during treatment? (x)authorized
Non-identifiable videos during treatment? (x)authorized
Other Treatments Requested and Authorized? (please specify)
If you are aware of any other conditions or relevant
facts that the doctor should be aware of, or procedures
which might be advisable, please list them below:
Thank you, Dr. Wellhung
copyright 2018
6 years ago
Not authorized? Surprising.