How was your first Tinder hookup?
Im using Tinder as the example, mainly because i personally have used it the most. I use others like Bumble so the question is more about dating apps and sites ..
To those of you who have hooked up with other people on Tinder, how was your first time?
Did you go to his/her place?
Did you talk about what you were going to do before meeting up or was it all spontaneous?
Was it a one-off or a regular thing?
Was you cheating ?
To those of you who have hooked up with other people on Tinder, how was your first time?
Did you go to his/her place?
Did you talk about what you were going to do before meeting up or was it all spontaneous?
Was it a one-off or a regular thing?
Was you cheating ?
6 years ago
One weekend I am out partying with my friends in another part of the town and it said she was a mile or so away. So I randomly message her saying, "Looks like I'm in your neighborhood.. blah blah". She replies 45 minutes later when I am already close to my place, saying she'd love to cuddle. We have a back and forth, gets a little dirty and she gives me her # and address and I uber back as sloshed as I was. Another 45 minutes and some more sexting.
She opens the door promptly, looks like her pictures and immediately complains about me smelling of cigarettes. She insists on washing my hair to get the smell out, I thought she was kidding but she insists and I thought maybe we'd go straight to shower but she washes my hair in the wash basin.
We talk more, and she tells me that her fiancee dumped her a month back. We make out, she's turned on but keeps asking random questions ("Do you think you're attractive?" "yeah" "No, you should be more humble"). It goes on like this, she tries to bust my balls for stupid reason, and then I when I back off she would get sexual ("I so badly want you inside me"), this started at 3.45 in the night, and between some weed and music, went on till 5 when it reached a breaking point. I had put on the music from my phone on her ancient music system and then a song came up that she really liked and she demanded that I get out of the bed and put that album, and I was like "its your place, you can put whatever you want but I am not getting out" and she flips, looking so disappointed. I am not really into ball busting, so I get off, start putting on my clothes. There is anger on her face and tears begin to roll down and the door is smashed behind me as I go out and grab a bus home to avoid paying for another uber.
Messaged this chick and she was really flirty so we made plans to get together at my place later that night. So she showed up a little tipsy and we fucked like rabbits. After we were done we were hanging out but she wanted to go home so she called someone. Turns out that the person she called was her boyfriend. Not only did she never tell me that she had a boyfriend, but she also made him come to the door and meet me. Needless to say the interactions as really awkward. Furthermore I don't think that her boyfriend was down for an open relationship at all cause he gave me the dirtiest look imaginable and he almost broke my wrist when we shook hands. The next day she sent me a snapchat of her and her boyfriend that said "lets get together again soon". I never texted her again cause I'm pretty sure that her boyfriend will stab me if he sees me again.
These are the pictures
2. We met at a bar just to establish what i wanted and what she wanted, then we hooked up the weekend after at my house
3. just a one off
4. yes
He was in town for work, and was staying at a really nice hotel. He expressed that he'd like me to come meet him there. We exchanged numbers. I asked him to send me a photo so I could be sure it was him. He obliged. Definitely him. So, I went. I was surprised to find that he was WAY more handsome in person than he actually was in his photos; not to say he was ugly in his Tinder photos. He was just absurdly handsome. We got a drink beforehand to establish chemistry, which was VERY much so there. Had a really nice conversation.
He finally invites me up to his room. We have the best sex I've ever had. He was absolutely brilliant in bed. We then proceeded to have really nice pillow talk. I saw him twice after that. I'm actually hoping that I see him, again, before he leaves. He leaves tomorrow. And, admittedly, I'm a little sad about it... (I wonder how often it is that you develop affections for someone you've hooked up with on Tinder.) It's hard for me to feel genuine chemistry with the opposite sex. I'm very particular about men. It caught me off guard how well this experience went. This is primarily the reason I don't want to fool with Tinder, going forward. I don't think it gets better than this.
I drove two hours to meet this girl and she turned out to be rather large.
I still smashed.
She was my first and best Tinder hookup.
Next night comes, we meet at a bar, have drinks and chat for two hours like you would on a normal date. At one point when I was talking she got up from across the table, walked around to me and kissed me then asked if I was done with my beer. We promptly went to hers, had a good time and then I left. She unmatched me a couple days later. Was fun!
She wanted to meet down in her area and wanted to bring her friends. I felt really weird about that but was like, "well fuck it, if they are dudes I'll just run out the back and get in my car and go."
I got there, it was her and one of her girl friends and one of her guy friends (gay guy, not that it matters but for context, they were definitely not fucking). We had more than a few drinks, played pool. I could tell she was into me, and I was pretty into her after just breaking up with my gf (who had literally just moved all her shit out earlier that day).
Her friends asked her if she would be okay with me (after all hanging out for a few hours) and then left. I took her home, walked her to her door and gave her a kiss.
The next day we went to an early dinner, got a little faded and went back to her place and fucked a couple times. At first she was telling me she was going to want me to get the fuck out after sex and then she wouldn't let me leave and wanted to cuddle.
Then two days later she told me she didn't want to fuck until we were in a real relationship and gave me the speech basically.
She was nice. But, she drank too much for me to date her, and taking xanax didn't help, or having a few crazy ex boyfriends she talked about.
That's my one and only story. Been on Tinder a month now this time and haven't met anyone. Got a bunch of numbers, talked to people, even set up dates, and then when that day comes they go silent.
He knows this, and we're both happy with how everything turned out