4th of July

It was fourth of July weekend. A bunch of us, 3 couples, and Jeannie and I, we went to watch the big fireworks show up in Greenville. Everybody was drinking beer and shots, except me. I’m the designated driver and my body doesn’t like alcohol anymore. Sometimes life sucks. Anyway, we were all having a good time. We took a van up to Greenville so there was enough room for the couple to evolve into various stages of coupling. As the designated driver, the most I could do was to look in the rearview mirror to see who was doing what to whom. I did have Jeannie riding shotgun, and she was playing with my mind, trying to distract me by pulling her shorts down to her feet and play with her pussy. Damn, that woman’s pussy is almost always wet. Knowing that 6 people were hooking up right behind her, sounds very much included, got her wet. Anyway, Jeannie took hold of my hand and put it right up against her pussy. I used my fingers to play with her clit, rubbing it, pinching it, tugging it, watching out of the corner of my eye to see how she was reacting. She was moaning that she was going to cum. I have that magic touch. While my hand was on her pussy, in her pussy, she had her hands on her tits, playing with them, flicking her hard nipples with her fingers. I don’t know if she was the first one to cum, but she certainly wasn’t the only one to cum. Damn, that was getting my cock hard and I know that if Jeannie reached over and started to jerk my cock I would have wrecked the van, and I didn’t want that. She reached over to grab my cock, but I headed her off. I told her that she should go back and see if she could join the others in whatever fucking and sucking she could join in on. She was welcomed with open arms, open mouths, and before she knew it, she had a face between her legs and a cock in her mouth. They were still going hot and heavy when I pulled into the driveway of my home. I told everybody that they were welcome to crash at my place for the night. Some of them crashed out in the living room, others went to the 2nd bedroom and kept going while I went into my bedroom, took off all my clothes (I sleep in the nude. In my bed but my body was nude). The next morning, I woke up to the sound of somebody taking a shower. I turned over and saw that I was alone in bed, and I figured that It was Jeannie taking the shower. I rolled back over and drifted back to sleep. I woke up again feeling a body pressed against my back and a hand reaching around my hip, hand on my cock. It felt good, but what the hand was doing to my cock didn’t feel ‘right’. Her hand wasn’t doing what it usually did. It felt great, but it was a different great. I reached back and felt the curve of her hip. Not Jeannie’s hip, that’s for sure. More slender. I slid my hand down between her legs. Trimmed, not baby smooth like Jeannie. Now I was sure that it one of the other ladies. Jeannie and I are secure enough in our relationship that what was going on, whatever it was, was not going to get me in serious trouble. I pulled my hand back and relaxed and enjoyed the sensations. The hand’s owner user her other hand to gently roll me over onto my back. I kept my eyes closed, focusing on her hand working magic on my hard cock. She moved her body and positioned herself and soon I felt a warm wet mouth on my cock, taking it into her mouth. Great bj, that’s for sure. Different technique, but still great. My cock was rock hard, wet from her mouth, and getting close to eruption. She must had sensed that I was close to cumming because she got up on top of me, sliding my cock into her ass. Not what I expected, but I was not about to say anything and ruin the moment. She was using her muscles to make her ass even tighter as she rocked her butt back and forth on my cock. I was just about to cum in her ass when she pulled up and my cock popped out. I was just starting to moan in extreme disappointment when I felt another mouth come down over my cock. That sent my cock, and my mind, over the top. I flooded the mouth, whoever it was, with what felt like a huge load of thick cum. When my brain recovered I looked down to see sweet Jeannie between my legs, cum dribbling out of her mouth. How was she? Jeannie asked. Great!! I replied, my mind still swimming in the deliciousness of what had just happened. Take a shower with us, Jeannie asked. Us? Yes, us. Sure. We helped each other get into the shower and spent a long time washing each other. I’ll admit that we did get distracted every now and then, what with naked people in a close intimate place and lots of warm water.
Published by mkultra2
6 years ago
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