What is it like to cuckold ?

I was previously in a cuckold relationship, and have posted pictures taken by my ex husband of me with a black man, since i posted them i have had lots of questions in my inbox about it so ill attempt to answer your questions with firsthand experience.

For my now ex husband and I, it is a very fulfilling part of our sex life. I have a bit of an exhibitionist streak and he has a voyeuristic streak so these kinks work well with each other when it comes to cuckolding.

We have ground rules set up in advance and we do not break them. First and foremost, I do not meet anyone without him present. This is my rule, not his. One time while my husband was away for work, I saw someone that we had been with on a few occasions. My husband was aware of it in advance and it was done with his blessing, but I found my pleasure was diminished because he wasn’t there to experience it with me. I also missed my time with him afterwards.

Another rule is that if either one of us is uncomfortable with a particular person, nothing happens with them. There are other rules, but I won’t get into all of them. The most important rule is that if one of us decides we only want to be with each other, the other stuff stops. And we’re both 100% okay with that.

You have to have a very strong relationship for this kind of a set up to work. We did have immense trust in each other, we loved each other very much, and neither of us saw this as a way to cheat without cheating. We had a very fulfilling sex life with each other and used cuckoldry as a way to enhance our lovemaking. We would only bring in someone else every couple of months. The rest of the time it was just the two of us and a really good story I’ll tell to turn him on.

You say this is something your husband wants, but do you? You’re the one who is going to be with someone else. Will you be ok with that? You don’t want to do something that will make you feel guilty afterwards. I would recommend starting with dirty talk. Make up stories of a mysterious stranger you went home with that afternoon and tell them to him as you’re having sex, but make them believable. I’ve found, even in our fantasies, if you start bringing in things that wouldn’t turn you on in real life, it won’t turn you on even talking about it. If talking about being with someone else excites you while you’re with your partner, then discuss it further.

Do not make the decision lightly. REALLY talk about it with each other. Lay down the ground rules. Both of you need to express any concerns you may have before it happens because it isn’t something you can take back. This is not a way to save a relationship on the rocks. You can’t blame each other if it goes wrong or one of you doesn’t react the way you expected to react.

Cuckoldry is something you will be entering into together as a couple. And if you decide to do it, make sure there is aftercare for you both. Hug, kiss, make love, snuggle, reassure each other. Remember it is supposed to be about the both of you.
Published by -H-
6 years ago
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-LAD- 6 years ago
If your husband is like me.
It is very sexy.
Once she is passed the denying she likes it/wants to try it phase.
It is obvious they love it.
Perfect slut wife.

Its all i want
MrsElge 6 years ago
Wow. I just read some of the answers to this question. People who are doing this do not love their partner, and their partner does not love them. What is "loving" about having sex with another man in front of your husband & your husband pimping you out to another guy? That's not love. It sounds messed up, because it is. Why be married to each other? Why not just be buddies who arent faithful? That is not a marriage. It's something else.
ILWW 6 years ago
All wife should do this
abemuna 6 years ago
Cuckold or hot wife is a life choice, not just something you try. It can be very rewarding or detrimental to a relationship, depends on your outlook. If this is a fantasy your spouse has,and just wants to “try” it, I wouldn’t recommend.