Email to a Canadian friend...

"Have'nt turned the compost heap over yet - twice a day, morning and night - but will do so shortly. I have'nt laughed so much about real world stuff in ages, aeons...

6 weeks. I know I have been wrong about all this twice before but who could've guessed that their entire "Republican" party could be so venal and corrupt as to willingly and knowingly aid and abet this ludicrous clown show of a presidency! Aside from the 2 or 3 who simply quit, or changed parties immediately after the election it's only in the last 10 days - 2 weeks that ANY of the big rats at the top of the heap started discretely leaping off the taffrail in search of a newer, more salubrious, sewer.

Nope! T'were'nt me .... as they slink and dance their ways back into the shadows. It's not like they're gone or will be magically erased from causality in 6 weeks time, but they are definitely seeing an iceberg and now are hoping to get off the boat before the entire trump presidency collapses. Implodes. Goes "Poof!" and vanishes in an acrid oily cloud of stench that will still be on all our tongues - that lived through it - 60 yr's from now, if we live that long.

And in the aftermath all the big and little "Oligarchs" and other little emperors will realise that they have no clothes .. and ... it just get's funnier ...

Big 'tell' today. The (how d'ya spell/abbreviate "number" in Canadian? I will use the proper brit form)...

The No.3 Domino, who has not yet been formally arrested, fired his attorneys without hiring better attorneys beforehand. He is either in the wind or pleading his guts out hoping with all his heart he can Still get off with 5 yr's 'soft time' and be very deeply buried in a witness protection program. Somewhere. AnyWhere...

Huge tell this Friday. Domino No.2, who was seized and put under formal arrest months ago, will either be bound over to formal custodial remand that day - revocation of bond proceding for attempted jury tampering, with yards of "evidence" or else the whole damn thing is a farce, a scripted soap opera meant to entertain us all whilst someone else switches out all our boxes of laundry detergent.

Too weird for words. All the logic points one way, too many bodies behind too many arrases - however that's spelled - for anybody to talk their way out of that mess Now.

The No.1 Domino has known that he was wanted to assist authorities with their Inquiries for at least 6 weeks now, if not far longer. Known identified 'supect' in an ongoing criminal investigation into both state/provincial and Federal/National i*****lities. He has not been publicly arrested yet but went al fresco conversational with "I Expect to get arrested any day now" about 6 weeks ago now...

Just after Domino No.3 had his house, business residence & Office 'raided' by the FBI and all his computers & E-devices seized.

It can only go one way .. it always does.. and I cannot explain that.

I am sending this further onwards to a very few interested parties ...

Published by gaiseric13
6 years ago
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