First virgin
i was put in a situation no man would have not been tempted with what happened to me one weekend when my ex wife was in london with her daughter for 3 days ex wifes neice lived with us at the time she was 21 and still a virgin all her friends have had sex she was only virgin in her group i took her to a house party when ex wife was away when i picked her up she couldn't stand up very drunk when we got home she was asking me things about sex how old was i when lost my virginity also my ex gfs and what did i do at sex she wanted know my exps she opened up talking to me she shocked me telling me she could hear me fucking my ex wife very clearly she only in next room so i know she did asked her she turned on hearing me fucking yes it did i said did you rub your pussy her face went red i said nothing be ashamed off she said she wants a cock fucking her but she will if she knows him feels safe with exp he has to be someone like me was shocked her being open and saying that we had sex that night and i was gentle and took my time she had a very tiny tight pussy she llet her self go with me her first fuck was very good they say girls remember all their life the first cock in them wasted if a young in exp boy was first fuck her my first virgin to have had the first cock in her what a horny couple of days with her
6 years ago