Mathew's Wife

"This will be your desk," Tanya said, pointing towards a work area which was strewn with files and boxes. We'll train you on our systems which will be familiar to you and show you the ropes. But the good news is, you won't be chained to your desk all the time" she said smiling at Kim.

Kim smiled back but her smile was a little nervous. She'd worked in accounts prior to starting her family and had enjoyed spending time with her little one. But her husband was unable to produce enough income for them to survive so Kim had reluctantly sought out work. Admin was within her remit and she needed part time hours when she had scoured the papers.

She'd responded to an advert in the local press, a Government funded charity that works with the young and homeless that were looking for a part time accounts person and general assistant. Kim had impressed Tanya at the interview and she'd been offered the job almost instantly. It had broken Kim's heart to leave her little baby son with her own mum, but it was easier and cheaper than c***dcare. A c***d minder would cost them more than £600 per month and that was well beyond their budget. Kim would express some milk and refrigerate it so that Grandma could feed the baby with breast milk. Kim had enjoyed the first bits of being a mother and despite the interrupted nights and constant fatigue, it had been exhilarating for her. Baby was 4 months old now and was slowly being weaned onto solids but Kim was insistent that she continued to offer breast milk for as long as feasible.

Kim looked at the pile of work on her desk and her smile began to fade.

"Cheer up!" Tanya said. Tanya was a couple of years older than Kim and was of Caribbean extraction, her skin more brown than black. She wore no rings on her fingers indicating she was happily single. Tanya stood an imposing 5' 10" in her bare feet and had shoulder length dark hair. Proportionately built, Tanya dressed smart but with just a hint of seductiveness, her blouse undone one button less than professional but one button more than indecent. Her long slender legs were covered in black stockings and her almost knee high boots were not untidy but added to her aura of sensuality.

Kim was shorter but was pretty; very pretty in fact. Kim, however, could not see that as she thought she was too short and she felt plump. Having just had a baby, her figure had returned to almost normal but her boobs were still engorged with her own breast milk and she felt top heavy. She'd always been well proportioned up top but she felt too weighty and uncomfortable. Her husband, however, had found her tits more exciting at their new found size and had wanted to enjoy them for himself. Kim had other opinions at this stage, she had rejected her husband stating "Baby only" and this had caused minor friction. It had also caused her some additional male attention, some of which she enjoyed. Kim was happily married but it boosted her own ego to know other guys still found her attractive. At the tender age of 28, married and now a mum, she could still attract the wolf whistles, ogling eyes and lewd comments from builders!

Kim dressed more for comfort but her shapely figure meant that whatever she wore, she always looked attractive. Today was no different, her blue denim skirt finished just above the knee and her V neck blouse revealed just enough cleavage to catch the eyes of most straight men.

"Like I said, I don't want you chained to your desk. You will be my assistant......" Tanya added, reaching for her small attaché case, ".....and today, we'll begin by visiting two of my clients on Roeun Road."

Kim winced slightly. She knew this part of Norwich, which was reputed to be the red light district of the city. Sure, it was improving since the knocking down of the old Colemans factory and the construction of some expensive apartments, but it was not an area she felt comfortable in.

Kim followed Tanya to her car, a sporty little Peugeot and was the perfect accessory for Tanya, Kim thought to herself. A small hands-free cradle sat on the centre dashboard and a fluffy Eeyore hung from a ribbon from the rear view mirror. A flat pair of driving shoes were stashed in the passenger foot-well and the rear seat was strewn with various overnight bags and loose items of make up. Kim got the impression that although Tanya lived in her own apartment, she probably didn't spend too much time there. She also got the impression that Tanya's book of boyfriends may have been the size of the yellow pages.

Kim smiled inwardly as she reflected on her own youth. She wished she'd been maybe a little more adventurous in her earlier relationships, that she'd had the confidence to date several boys. Before getting married, she'd gone steady with a couple of lads, one for a bout 7 months. They'd even holidayed together in the Maldives but the pressures of his work meant they grew apart. Her other long term relationship dissolved due to his preference for beer over her. That realisation that her boyfriend would rather be down the pub than with her had devastated Kim and she'd withdrawn into herself for a while, her confidence shot to pieces.

Kim had been introduced to a guy by a mutual friend and he, too, had just ended a painful relationship. They'd found some common ground and had struck up a great relationship. Within a few months, they'd moved in together and had married a year after that.

Since then, Kim had been happy, putting her past behind her. She was no virgin when she married but had always endeavoured to remain true to her man. Yet somewhere deep inside her psyche, she wondered what it would be like to be promiscuous. She recalled a holiday she'd had with a bunch of girls many years ago, Ibiza was buzzing and alive, night clubs open until sunrise, drinking WKD's until breakfast, sleeping on the sun loungers then a soak in the bath, changed into fresh clothes and out clubbing again. Two weeks of constant party and she'd only been laid once and even then, the guy was so pissed he took almost an hour to get an erection. It was after this that her confidence began to wane. Was it her? Why wasn't she able to give a guy an erection? Could it be she was unattractive?

Kim had found maybe she'd just been unlucky with the guys but it affected her to the extent that she was uncertain how attractive she really was. And deep in the back of her mind, she'd wondered what a string of one night stands and casual relationships would be like.

But she was 28 years old, married with a baby son and all the sowing of wild oats was behind her now. The window of opportunity had closed. She had responsibilities now.

Tanya negotiated her way through the city traffic and Kim was glad it wasn't her car, not just the volume of traffic, it was the neighbourhood that she was uncertain about. She'd been aware that this part of the city was a bit rough and, at night, a haven for junkies, prostitutes and a whole manner of other undesirables. Besides, she'd now rather be tucked up on her sofa with a mug of hot chocolate watching "Corrie" with her family than wandering the streets. She gazed out of the car window, graffiti was scrawled over shop shutters and bills were posted over closed shop fronts. Distant sirens of police vehicles reminded Kim that despite the fact she lived in sleepy East Anglia, shit still happens. It's not just the big cities that have problems with crime, d**gs and v******e.

Tanya turned into a small courtyard and parked in a space marked "Residents only" and Kim looked at the bleak building in front of her. This was where many of the homeless people were housed and a slight smell of urine tickled Kim's olfactory nerves. Tanya smiled at her.

"Relax, you're with me. I know everyone here, you'll be fine!" and with that, she opened the car door. They made their way through a corridor and into a concrete stairwell. The odour of urine was much stronger here and Kim had to hold her breath until they reached the first floor landing. Kim was not colour prejudiced but right now, in this part of town, she was glad she was with a black person. A little bit of security or insurance, Kim thought to herself.

"Now, just a little background. We are going to see two of my clients, both young lads who work whilst studying. They're called Mike and Tony and I think you're gonna like them."

Tanya smiled as they approached a blue wooden door where the paint was peeling away. Kim felt uneasy but Tanya gave an air of confidence and Kim began to relax a little. Kim knew that had she been there on her own, she'd be petrified but being with Tanya made it feel absolutely fine.

That was until the door opened. Kim almost gasped out loud as a tall black youth wearing a sleeveless vest opened the door. The lad stood about 6'3" and had very short black hair. He wore sports shorts revealing his long and very muscular legs and a pair of trainers that could only have been bought recently.

"Hiya Mike" Tanya said in her usual bubbly voice. Mike turned his back and walked down his hallway and Tanya followed him in, Kim trotting in behind Tanya and closing the door firmly behind them. She didn't feel totally safe in this environment yet Tanya seemed to take it all in her stride.

They entered a living room and a second black youth sat on a couch, the remote control in his hand. He wore a Norwich City football shirt with navy track suit bottoms and a baseball cap sideways. On the window sill was an ash tray with remains of something that looked like a joint and a blanket covered some boxes against one wall which offered little disguise to the fact they were trying to conceal something. The mood was casual and light and the boys obviously knew Tanya well enough as they made no efforts to make her welcome.

"Mike and Tony, this is Kim. She's new to my department and will be working with me so I'd like to make her welcome" she announced. Tony gestured with his spare hand for them to sit down, his eyes never leaving the TV screen.

"Will Kim be helping you look after us like you do?" Mike asked, his interest rising as he took in Kim's curves and buxom chest.

"I do hope so" Tanya replied, turning to face Kim. "You're happy to muck in and help these lads, aren't you?"

Kim nodded politely, not understanding the implications of her agreement. Tony had drawn his eyes away from the TV and was showing also showing interest in Kim.

"It's great to have two lovely ladies help us out when we need it" Tony said, his accent more African than local. Kim began to blush. She felt uncomfortable in the surroundings and now she was feeling embarrassed. Tanya smiled kindly at Kim, her brilliant white teeth contrasting against her dark skin.

"No need to be bashful!" Tanya said, her confidence over flowing. "These lads are good honest k**s and they just need a bit of nurturing from time to time. They come from broken homes and they lack a bit of motherly love!"

"My mother never acted like you do!" Tony interrupted, his broad smile showing his well kept pearly white teeth.

"Well, I like to do things differently" Tanya responded. Before Kim could question her, Tanya took control of the situation. "Right, you said you had something growing in the bedroom that you wanted us to look at" she said and made a swift exit for the first bedroom. Kim followed like a faithful puppy, uncomfortable being with these two large black k**s. Both lads sauntered along behind Kim, taking in the cute wiggle of her arse as she walked along the corridor.

The bedroom was a typical teenagers room, an unmade bed, dirty clothes strewn across the floor and a portable CD and Radio next to the bed. Pictures of J. Lo and Shania Twain adorned the walls and a used condom and several foil packets lined the waste bin in the corner of the room.

"Let's see this growth then?" Tanya ordered and Tony stepped forward. Kim expected him to point out some fungal growth or mildew on the walls but what she saw took her totally by surprise.

Tony stood on the bed and in one foul swoop, he dropped his jogging bottoms and revealed his enormous erection. Kim had limited sexual experience and had never seen a black cock let alone a large black cock. She felt repulsed that these k**s should be exposing themselves to her yet she simultaneously watched in awe. How on earth could a penis reach that size? She wondered if the effect of having an erection caused Tony any pain. She definitely thought that it would cause any woman pain if he tried to insert it into a vagina. She could almost feel the pain and she imagined her eyes weeping at the prospect of that coming any where near her. Yet she also wondered how much fun it could be, how pleasant it might feel. She shook her head slightly, trying to shake the impure thoughts from her mind. For crying out loud, she was a married woman with a c***d, not some single floozy who was cock hungry. She was mature, she had responsibilities. Yet her eyes remained fixed on Tony's enlarged organ.

"Go on! Touch it!" Tanya urged and Kim averted her eyes from the offending organ and transferred her focus on Tanya.

"No. It's wrong. I can't abuse my position with these lads. They're just k**s" Kim said. Tanya smiled broadly.

"These are not k**s, they're both 18 and at university. Besides, I've not seen erections like that on k**s and I've seen a few in my time, trust me" Tanya replied, raising her eyebrows. "Anyway, it won't hurt just to touch it, would it?" she added. Kim looked at her incredulously. Tanya was proactively encouraging her to abuse these boys. The lads, however, did not see it as abuse, more a part of the service. Kim wanted to turn tail and run, her head was telling her to walk out of the room, down the stairs find the bus station. This was not right. How could it be right? Yet she found herself edging towards Tony and his 10" monster penis. Was it just morbid curiosity maybe? Lost youth? She did not know.

Suddenly, the soft fleshy part of her fingers met with something warm and pulsating, firm yet slightly spongy. She looked back at the youth and found the contrast of her pale white skin with a dark brown erection in her hand. At first, she wanted to repel yet she found her body disobeying her thoughts as her hand curled around the shaft of the cock, her fingers unable to reach all the way around, such was the size of the thing. A sparkle from her fingers added to the mystery and the eroticism of the moment as her curled left hand with her wedding and engagement rings reflected light, momentarily dazzling her as her hand engulfed Tony's erection.

Kim was so lost in her moment, she hadn't heard the rustling behind her as Mike dropped his shorts and Tanya went about massaging his cock into a firmer erection. Mike was even bigger, his cock at least 12" and almost as thick as a cola bottle.

"I think Tony likes you" Tanya said seductively to Kim as she slowly worked her hand up and down Mike's enormous shaft. Tony stood on the mattress and closed his eyes, his balance in jeopardy. Almost without thinking, he stepped off the bed and gently applied pressure on Kim's shoulders, forcing her gently to her knees. Before her very eyes was this enormous erection, big and black. The purple head protruded past the fore skin and pre cum oozed from his hole.

"Why don't you give it a little kiss, Kim?" Tanya suggested from the wings as Mike undid Tanya's blouse buttons to reveal her bra covered tits. Kim had not looked at Tanya, afraid of what she might witness. She wanted to be at home right now, her husband and baby by her side. Yet she wanted so desperately to experience this black monster. Could it be that she really was attractive after all. How could she know? Was this lad in lust with Tanya or her? Kim's mind was in turmoil, she'd promised to keep only unto her husband that had been part of her wedding vows. Yet she desperately craved the attention of this young lad. A toy boy! She doubted she was attractive to people of her own era but she never dreamed in a million years that she could be attractive to younger men. Boys, even! Boys? These lads were of legal consenting age for heaven's sake!

Tony gently thrust his hips towards her face and Kim instinctively opened her mouth, allowing access to this enlarged penis. It entered her mouth and her lips closed slowly on the shaft, her tongue tentatively probing at the moist purple head of Tony's cock. Tony closed his eyes again and moaned gently as Kim gave head. She'd never considered herself as being good at oral, she'd performed it for the benefit of her husband (and previous partners) but she'd never really enjoyed giving oral. Yet now, she could hear Tony in ecstasy and it was because of her and what she was doing. Heavens above, she must have mastered the art of blow jobs.

Tony's moaning had masked the sound of Mike disengaging from Tanya and kneeling down behind Kim. The first she knew was when a pair of large black hands caressing her enlarged breasts. She wanted to tell Mike to stop but her mouth was full of black cock. Within seconds, she found her buttons being undone and slipped over her shoulders revealing her larger than usual bust. Kim began to feel cheap, that she was being used yet simultaneously, she felt wanted and sexual, her body and her actions were arousing these two young black studs. Tony was gently thrusting himself into Kim's mouth and her tongue continued to tease him, one hand on the base of his penis against the mound of pubic hair that was barely visible against his dark skin, her other hand cupped his balls as she gently caressed and tickled, making Tony moan more.

Mike had now unclipped her bra and was playing with her nipples, her areola darker than usual due to her lactation. Somehow, Mike must have known as he began to move his hand across the meat of her breast, his slow gentle action sexually arousing Kim. She felt herself lactate as his fingers finished the caress at the tip of her nipple, forcing a small drop of breast milk to appear on the very tip of her nipple.

Vaguely aware of someone else in the room, Kim continued to fight with her emotions, desperately wanting the guys to stop mauling her and permit her leave without further altercation yet she so desperately wanted to know how much she'd turned the guys on. To have young men find you attractive, especially when you feel so unattractive and frumpy was a major ego boost to Kim and despite the fact she felt like some cheap slut, she wanted to experience the sexual arousal of Tony and Mike.

With one hand still caressing a tit, Mike moved his other hand down her tummy, stroking the flesh that four months ago, had been stretched to beyond belief with her baby inside but was now almost as flat as before her pregnancy. It had been the first time any man (including her husband) had stroked her there. Her own hubby had gone straight for her enlarged tits every time, making her feel unloved and just a sex toy. Mike was treating her differently, his lips nibbled at her shoulders as she continued to give head to Tony. Mike's hand found the metal zip of her denim skirt and slowly, almost painfully slow, he unzipped her skirt until it dropped to her knees. He continued to kiss and lick her shoulder and upper arm, nestling into her neck and kissing her some more, his long expert tongue making her feel exhilarated and aroused, alive and aroused. Deep inside her own mind, she wondered what it would feel like to have that very same tongue probing at her pussy. It was at that moment that it dawned on her that her own pussy was soaking wet. Kim felt embarrassed but had little time for the embarrassment to affect her as, moments later, Mike was placing his hand inside her briefs, stroking her pubic hair.

Kim wanted to scream but she was too aroused to make any noise other than grunts of pleasure. Tony was now nearing the moment of no return and without warning, he removed his cock from Kim's mouth, her saliva making his cock glisten in the natural day light as it came through the window.

Tony bent his knees slightly and wanked himself for a few moments. Mike saw what his mate was about to do and moved his other hand away from Kim's tit and removed her high-leg panties to her knees. Tony took a step closer to Kim and crouched, his face contorting as he climaxed, spilling his warm seed all over Kim's pearly white tits, the cum spurting, forceful streams of sperm ejaculating from Tony's big black cock, covering Kim's milky breasts.

"Shit! You're so hot" Tony said. Kim felt elated and embarrassed with his cum dribbling down her cleavage and towards her tummy. Kim felt proud that she'd been able to turn another guy on, to the extent he was sexually aroused and wanted to cum, and that she had been able to accommodate his needs, to give him the sexual release that he needed. She felt proud that her body was still perceived as sexy and that people (other than her husband) found her sexually desirable.

"Here. Let me clean you up" Tony said leaning down and licking his own seed from her tits. His mouth began sucking on her nipples, the taste of his own spunk mingling with her breast milk. His spare hand felt her other breast, his actions becoming firmer and stronger, his actions becoming more intense as his state of arousal remained.

Kim felt so aroused as Tony massaged her chest, almost forgetting about Mike was still stroking her pubic hair, his fingers delicately sliding down her labia, touching her clitoris and making her gasp with excitement. Mike slid one finger, then two fingers into her wet and waiting vagina, the very same vagina that had given birth not 17 weeks earlier. God, it felt so good Kim thought to herself, unaware that she was moaning out loud in pleasure.

More movement around her and Kim was again vaguely aware of Tanya who had been watching the entire episode. A quick glance and Kim saw that Tanya was endeavouring to make a phone call or send a text or something. Her mind was taken back to the present time as Mike removed both his fingers from her pussy temporarily and Kim felt minor pangs of disappointment. Her disappointment was short lived.

Kim's pussy was soon filled again, only this time it was not a finger that penetrated her most personal of areas, it was cock.

Big black cock.

She felt his penis touch her pussy lips and with very little resistance, he entered her, slowly and steadily, inch by agonising inch he entered her with his big black erection. Kim experienced sensations that she'd never imagined possible as Mike began to fuck her doggy style. Kim had been fucked by a handful of men, their cocks differing in size but 7 inches had been about the most she'd ever had. Now Mike had inserted more than 7 inches and was penetrating her deeper, further than she'd ever experienced before.

She gulped in air, her body tingling all over. Without another second of hesitation, her body cheated her, bringing her to her first orgasm. Her entire body went totally rigid, her pussy muscles tightened on the cock that had stretched her labia more than anyone else ever had, except for when she was delivering her baby.

Her climax subsided and still Mike pushed in further, 8,9,10 inches and then some more. Her second climax came when she felt his balls slap against her buttocks, the full 12 inches inside her, the purple tip of his dick just touching the cervix, causing her to loose her control again, cumming and squirting on his cock.

Mike withdrew a couple of inches before sliding back into her again, his tip again stimulating her cervix. Kim squealed in delight as Mike fucked her, time after time, fucking her as deep as he could, the sound of his balls slapping against her buttocks. His rhythm and rate picked up and he thrust himself deep into Kim, his strong black hands holding her hips firm as he pounded her from behind.

Tony continued to suck on her tit, his hand squeezing her other tit as hard as he could. Kim squealed in agony as Tony continued to abuse her breasts, his sucking changing to nibbling, his teeth biting into her nipple as he pulled his head back, making her nipple elongate. Kim cried out in pain as Tony abused her but as quickly as he'd begun, he'd stopped. His cock was still erect and as he stood, she saw his testicles hanging from between his legs, his black busy pubic hair making his genitals look bearded!

Mike took his cue and withdrew from Kim, pulling her onto the bed with him so she was on top, his strong muscular body forcing her close to him, his erection finding its way back inside her, deep into her waiting pussy. Kim wanted Tanya to rescue her, to save her yet she also wanted the sex to continue. She felt herself blush but the guys had not noticed. Mike was now caressing her tits as he fucked her with Kim on top. She sensed Tony kneeling on the bed and guessed he also wanted to join in. Scared that he was getting rough and would violate her mouth again, this time painfully, she decided to ensure her mouth was occupied, leaning forward and kissing Mike. He opened his mouth and permitted her tongue to enter his mouth, replicating her actions.

Tony, however, had other ideas. He'd found another orifice he was interested in and without warning, penetrated her arse.

Kim felt pain like she'd never felt before, like a red hot poker in her anus. She tried to scream but Mike held her close, his tongue still deep inside her mouth. Tony thrust his 10 inches into her arse, Mike filling her cunt with 12 inches of black pudding, their thrusting unsynchronised, random thrusting causing Kim to enjoy and endure simultaneous penetration. Her eyes filled with tears as they fucked her holes, double penetration not bad enough, but DP by monster black cocks. Yet despite the pain, Kim felt yet another orgasm building.

Tanya had moved to a different position for a better view of her new colleague being fucked by these 18 year old students. Mike's big black cock slid in and out of Kim's pale white pussy, his hands firmly holding her hips still as he pounded her cunt, his rhythm building and becoming faster, the pace intensifying.

Kim found it harder to breathe as Mike fucked her harder.

"What was your name again?" he asked, nonchalantly, disengaging from the kiss.

"Kim" she replied, breathlessly.

"Fuck me, Kim. Push yourself back towards me and fuck me" he ordered. Kim responded, the sensation seeming to give even greater depth of penetration.

"Fuck me, Mike. Fuck me deeper. Please!" Kim implored as Mike pounded her pussy for all he was worth. He moved one hand from her hips and found her pussy, his fingers expertly finding her clitoris and his fingers worked it like a piece of plasticine.

Tony assumed she'd been talking to him to and he increased the pace, fucking her arse deeper and harder.

"Fuck me. Shit, I'm cumming!" she screamed, her body becoming rigid once again, thrusting herself forwards onto Mike's large cock. She was still mid-climax when she felt Mike do the same, then the tell tale sensation of his cock pulsating, rhythmically as he climaxed inside her, filling her open cunt with his warm black semen, beyond her cunt and deep beyond the cervix, bathing her very womb in black man's sperm. A few seconds later, Tony's cock pulsated within her arse, filling her descending colon with his white sticky sperm. He withdrew slowly and went to find a joint.

Kim collapsed on her fore arms, her arse still in the air. She fought hard to regain her breath, her eyes regaining focus and settling on the bin in the corner of the room, the one full of foil packets.

Kim disengaged from Mike, the removal of his now flaccid penis as erotic as being fucked by her own husband. Mike was bigger soft than her hubby was when erect. Fluid was matted into her dark pubic hair and some dribbled down her thighs onto the bed sheets.

"Shit!" she exclaimed.

"What?" said Mike, sitting up, her voice startling him.

"I'm still very fertile. You did use a condom, didn't you?" she asked, her face visibly paling. Mike shook his head.

"No. Didn't see a need to!" he answered honestly. Kim looked up at Tanya for support, dread and guilt in her eyes. What if she was pregnant? How would she explain a black baby to her husband?

But Tanya was busy with her phone, capturing video footage and still digital pictures of Kim being fucked by two black youths. Tanya knew this footage was probably more valuable than the footage of Saddam being hanged. Kim would soon be an international porn star on the internet and Tanya knew she'd make big bucks out of this. As for Tony & Mike, Tanya knew they'd take their payment in the form of fresh pussy. But for the time being, Kim was unaware of Tanya's intentions or the consequences of her actions. All Kim could do was worry if she would soon have another bulging belly and how she would explain a black baby to her faithful husband.
Published by hondo1906
6 years ago
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Dormir06 3 years ago
Hmmmm… hot whore story….
I'll bet Tanya knows of some other females who'd love to help these young boys out of their pants. Thanks!
txslmmr 6 years ago
damn, this is a HOTTTT interracial story. Please tell us there is more to Kim's continuing saga!

Thanks for posting.