A sample contract between a slave and the Master


I, Registered as slave number on the International Slave Registry hereinafter referred to as ‘slave’, submit, of my own free will to be the slave of hereinafter referred to as ‘Master’, and I agree to the
following Terms and Conditions as set out in this Contract of my Slavery:

1 i I am a slave, I have no rights whatsoever and I am the owned property of Master;
ii I agree to complete and instant obedience to any command from Master;
iii I agree that my body belongs to Master to do with as he pleases;
Iv I agree to be bound by and to obey ALL of the rules to which Master may
subject me.

2 i I agree and I will submit to any discipline or punishment Master sees fit to inflict on me, AND of which Master has informed me of the reason thereof;
ii Punishment to be delivered in any manner Master chooses - This might include, but is not limited to: Corporal punishment, Prolonged bondage, Confinement in cell or small space, Punishment tasks of a degrading and humiliating nature,
Maintenance punishment.
iii As all punishments are of benefit, to instruct and improve me as a slave, I will always thank Master for my punishments;
iv I agree that my safety word can not be used during punishment (But see Clause 7 (ii) infra)

3 i I agree to put on or take off any article of clothing, at any time and in any place at the command of Master;
ii I agree to have my body marked in any way that Master chooses to
indicate my slave status and Master’s ownership of my body. To include, but not limited to: Branding, Tattooing, Piercings.
iii I will keep my body hair exactly as Master wishes

4 i I shall never embarrass Master in any way;
ii My manner and tone shall be that of a slave at all times, and will reflect my deference to Master at all times;
iii I shall always show due respect to Master;
iv I will not act defensively when questioned and I will always be truthful;
v I shall love Master.

5 i I will not go to the lavatory/toilet without permission from Master;
ii I will adopt any pose or bodily position as indicated by Master;
iii I will not engage in any sexual activity, including any touching of my
genitals, without the express permission of Master, and most importantly I will not permit myself to have an orgasm without express permission from Master;
iv I will accept in body and mind any sexual activity that Master sees fit for which to use me;
v I will exercise and develop my body in any manner that Master chooses;
vi I will keep myself clean and made up as Master chooses;
vii I will undertake any chores or tasks that Master sets me.

6 i I will take any form of contraception as required by Master
ii Should I become pregnant with c***d, then, I agree that following
parturition the c***d will be put up for adoption, and that I have no rights to keep the c***d.

7 i I will inform Master promptly if I break any of his rules;
ii My safety word will be ‘CABBAGES’, and it will only be used with good reason: eg, a serious cramp in a bondage situation, an onset of ill health etc. On its use I understand that all current activity in the use of my body will cease, until the cause of its use is determined and resolved.

8 I understand that as a slave I have no rights of revocation and that disobedience in any form will result in painful, mental and physical punishment. I, further, release Master from any past, present, or future liability in connection with or as a result of this contractual agreement.

9 I, slave, agree to all these conditions PROVIDED THAT:
i Master takes care of all slave’s welfare needs (provides food, drink, warmth, shelter, health and medical requirements etc);
ii Master does not expose slave to any criminal activity, or expose slave to any sexually transmitted disease;
iii Master permits slave to have contact with family members;
iv Master will not discard slave without good reason and just cause after suitable discussion and proper notice;
v Master will not cause slave any ‘grievous bodily harm’;
vi Master will allow slave to continue with slave’s addiction to smoking.

By the hereunder affixation of my witnessed signature, being of sound mind and
discretion, I freely, and without any coercion or other pressure, agree to this contract of slavery dated this day 2018 and I completely give myself to Master of my own free will. I agree that I have been examined and tested by the undersigned witness as to my veracity and understanding of that which I am signing as a legally binding contract between myself and my Master.

Signature of Slave: Signature of Master:

Signature of Witness: Print name of Witness:

Address and occupation of Witness:

Signed Copy to: All parties as signatories.
International Slave Registry.
Master’s Solicitors
Executors to Master’s last Will and Testament.

Published by tim1936
6 years ago
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tim1936 Publisher 8 months ago
to msholly : Thank you for the appreciation of MY master/slave contract. Regrads Maitre Tim
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msholly 8 months ago
Great contract - well done! 
alan_inlondon 1 year ago
to tim1936 : very well put 
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alan_inlondon 1 year ago
wow  a very good contract  -  i am sure it has been utilised
tim1936 Publisher 1 year ago
to 59 : Bonjour. Merci. Maitre Tim
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59 1 year ago
intéressant l'idée d'avoir un témoin de la signature j'aime l'idée
59 1 year ago
un vrai bon contrat
Horny1950 2 years ago
to tim1936 : Exactly as I suspected, keep up the good work :smile:
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tim1936 Publisher 2 years ago
to Horny1950 : Yes, Top public school education and degrees/masters etc. read Times and finishthe crossword, correct them on mistakes!!
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Horny1950 2 years ago
to tim1936 : I agree whole heartedly. I susspect that you also write a lot and have decent handwriting. :smile:
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tim1936 Publisher 2 years ago
to Horny1950 : It is only good manners and common decency. Cheers Maitre Tim
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Horny1950 2 years ago
to tim1936 : I think you are the first person to thank me for visiting and commenting on their content. :smile:
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tim1936 Publisher 2 years ago
to Horny1950 : Thank you for the visit and all your comments, I am glad to have been of help, Cheers Maitre Tim
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Horny1950 2 years ago
A very interesting document
Toosoon 6 years ago
Well that that sorted then, on with the training, hope to see her fully shaved and pierced soon.
tim1936 Publisher 6 years ago
to sex-n-brain : Agreed, thi is only a sample and can be altered to fit any particular relationship. The expurgation of sin through punishment is a powerful point in the master/slave relationship, and this is all bdsm role play within the bounds of a loving relationship. Thank you for your comments
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sex-n-brain 6 years ago
to penelopeslut : It's 'a sample' and not necessarily matching your needs. Coming from a catholic country you are probably familiar to the idea of purgation by punishment. Besides, many subs are proud of bruises. Getting punished is the most intense feeling of not being in charge.
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tim1936 Publisher 6 years ago
to penelopeslut : I think that you are missing the point of the contract. You will never be a successful sub if you can not accept merited punishments for your misdemeanors and disobediences. I fully agree that trust and respect are the key to the arrangement betwenn Master nad subservient. It is actually far harder to be the Master than it is to be the subservient. The master has all the responsibilities - a very onerous task that he must execute with due diligence, the master is not a Sadist - thatis a different relationship all together.;
I have managed to be a master on several occasions, and believe me, I know it is not easy, it is much easier for the sub to sit back and abnegate all responsibility - so who is actually in charge? i often think the sub is actually in charge!!!
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penelopeslut 6 years ago
to tim1936 : of course, always ready to serve, and fulfill the caprices of the owner
always full of grace and charm ... for the pleasure of the owner
give pleasure ... to exist to give the consummation to the owner
slut is not licentiousness....
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penelopeslut 6 years ago
to tim1936 : according to my mrs. trust and ritual are most important in bdsmlivestyle....constant training, mantra and specific ... "tasks"...
I hate bruises on my body....heavy corporal punishment the physiology of the organism depends on one's will? it's sadism
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tim1936 Publisher 6 years ago
to penelopeslut : Destructive criticism is worthless, so lets have your constructive thoughts, I would value them
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tim1936 Publisher 6 years ago
to penelopeslut : Accepted, but the standard format does cover the basic essentials. so what would you have added or changed - so that it is not weak or trite?
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penelopeslut 6 years ago
weak, pretentious, and so trite....of course, in my opinion