Updating a friend
i'd enjoy your wife's vids
glad you still have a hot page
a friend from the senior ctr stopped by today
interested in seeing some porn he is 77 looks and feels 60
after watching some str8 stuff i landed on your page...
he perked up and wanted to see more of your page
we watched your vids.he loved the geezers
was unaware many senior men like sucking cock
it wasn't long before his cock was rubbing on my gums.
and after a little play, i got my cock in his mouth and he loved
his first taste of cock.mine was like 3 yrs ago .
lol, i think i created a monster..
he wants to return this eve after his wife goes to bed
for another lesson...i told him if he brings me some nude pics
of his wife on his phone we have a deal...lol now i can't wait for this eve.
thought you 'd like to know
73 y o gum job specialist and loves to prove it
glad you still have a hot page
a friend from the senior ctr stopped by today
interested in seeing some porn he is 77 looks and feels 60
after watching some str8 stuff i landed on your page...
he perked up and wanted to see more of your page
we watched your vids.he loved the geezers
was unaware many senior men like sucking cock
it wasn't long before his cock was rubbing on my gums.
and after a little play, i got my cock in his mouth and he loved
his first taste of cock.mine was like 3 yrs ago .
lol, i think i created a monster..
he wants to return this eve after his wife goes to bed
for another lesson...i told him if he brings me some nude pics
of his wife on his phone we have a deal...lol now i can't wait for this eve.
thought you 'd like to know
73 y o gum job specialist and loves to prove it
6 years ago
i don't have a wife but caN I USE SOMEONE ELSE'S WIFE?