Whatever happened to pubic hair?

I read an online article that said, back in the 1960s, getting to see a girl’s pubic hair ‘marked pleasures yet to come.’ But nowadays, pubic hair is a thing of the past. Most of my friends -- in real life and online -- remove it all. I have a few friends who ‘let it go’ when their real-life sex life is nonexistent. But if they’re in a relationship and having sex, they make sure it's as smooth as can be.

Some friends have told me they’ve “never seen” ‘actual pubic hair’ in real life. Everyone they’ve ever been with has either been shaved or waxed. I’ve also had idiots tell me that, if their girl’s not shaved, they ‘won't go down there.’ Well, Mister Smart Ass, it's *my* pussy and I make the rules about whether I want her shaved, natural or trimmed. (I'm trimmed, my anus is smooth though) And morons don't deserve me to begin with.

In doing research I came across another article that mention it all started with the movement of the bikini line and with the thong. But from there it went into removing all of a woman's pubic hair.

Doing more research, I came across an article that said young women want to be ‘ready for sex.’ They see porn stars all smooth and shaved. They want that. That actually pisses me off. Just because my pussy’s not smooth doesn't mean I'm not ready for sex. Some want to keep only a “landing strip” or a “Dorito chip.”

More research shows me that the history of porn tells us the story of the disappearing pubic hair. Pubic hair appeared for the first time in Penthouse in 1970. In 1974, Hustler published the first ‘pink shots.’ But the porn starlets only began shaving it off altogether in the 1980s. Until then, they were on screen with full bushes ablazing.

Final thoughts
It's your body; do what YOU want. Don't let any man or woman tell you what you ‘should’ be. I have been with women trimmed, smooth and even ‘full-bush.’ I’ve also read that being hair-free facilitates and encourages men to provide oral sex for their partners. Also, some men comment that sperm is ‘so messy on pubes.’ Well, guess what? You can *keep* your sperm, Mister Monkey Man! Which leads me to another ‘Fuck You’ if you feel that way.

Here are some pictures. *All women* are beautiful, no matter what they choose for themselves.

Published by Dark_Witch
6 years ago
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walterscot1 4 years ago
Maybe its due to my age but I dont find shaven or even trimmed attractive. Natural for me EVERY time, pits included.
Dark_Witch Publisher 5 years ago
to Scuzz_Twittly : A. a little. :smile:
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Dark_Witch Publisher 5 years ago
to lilith10 : There is a little gay in all of us. I have always said. :wink:
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lilith10 5 years ago
That picture of Sasha Grey makes me feel a little gay lol.  She's just got a sultry way about her that makes me want to eat her up!
Dark_Witch Publisher 5 years ago
to lilith10 : I understand see your point. I never thought on a cock looking bigger without a Forrest. But that does make sense. As long as a person clean. Do what makes you comfy. But thanks for your good detailed reply.
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lilith10 5 years ago
It's sad to note that women nowadays do not feel ready for sex unless they are completely shaven.  This is one of the negative side effects of porn.  Personally, I like it bald and smooth, both on myself and on my men (and women).  I don't like the bristly nature of pubic hair.  With porn is sort of raises that philosophical question: does life imitate art or does art imitate life?  To this I'm really unsure.  Is the increasing prevalence to go shaven a reflection of what is depicted in porn or is porn just showing what people want to see?  Personally I want to see shaved genitalia, so I can see it unhampered by the hair.  To be, a cock looks that much more bigger when it isn't surrounded by a forest of pubic hair, and the beauty of a vagina is best viewed when it, likewise, is unobscured.  So I guess what I'm trying to say is that while i prefer it bald, it really is too bad that men and women have to feel bad about their bodies if they choose to go it natural.  Shaving down there is a bitch, afterall!
kakabru 6 years ago
to jackabbott : I loved your comment, Mr. Jack Abbott.
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jackabbott 6 years ago
And finally, to quote the beautiful Stoya, "If you think pubic hair on a woman is unnatural or weird, you aren't mature enough to be touching vaginas."
jackabbott 6 years ago
I love and adore ladies with pubic hair. Hair separates the women from the little girls. I don't understand why anyone would want a grown woman to look like a little girl. That's creepy to me.
So thank you ladies, those of you who go natural. Hairy is very sexy and womanly.
peaches4me 6 years ago
I like a little something to tickle my nose!  :smile:
Stu5360 6 years ago
Out of these photos i prefer the top one as i love that bush,closely followed by 2nd one
cleo4 6 years ago
As a guy that grew up in the heyday of the bushy woman I can atest that at an early age getting a glimpse of a females pubes was the mother load of sexual arousal! I have watched my on wife's evolution from nice bush, to slightly trimmed, then slowly trimming off more offer time to the total wax job. None of the evolution is bad but will always be a pubic hair lover and seeing some younger women following the tradition does an older gentlemans smile well.
sanxavier8 6 years ago
I miss a good bush every once in while .I miss the unique smell the spitting out hair from my tongue n teeth
DanielPortenio 6 years ago
Like to see bush and specially to feel my face caressed by them.
666Rhino 6 years ago
Rule 1: It's YOUR pubic area - maintain it as YOU wish
Rule 2: Anyone lucky enough to be invited had better be wise enough to mind their manners

Yes of course I have my preference, which I will keep to myself unless she asks me (she never has).

Nuff said!
Dark_Witch Publisher 6 years ago
to st_john_green : the ready for sex article pissed me off. I will look for it. If i can find it again i will link you.
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ellenblake 6 years ago
I'd ask that about hairs all together, I honestly don't even remember the last time I shaved! XD
st_john_green 6 years ago
Yes a topic that I have done my own reaserch on. Fashion has influenced the American culture to shave the underarms and pubic areas. Later on the company's who made razors stepped in with adds and propaganda on everything from health reasons or other nonsense. I would like to read the article you read that said young women want to be "ready for sex". I think people should be able to choose if they want to shave or do whatever with their bodies. Personally I like it when a lady has pubic hair I find it attractive because it is beautiful and I could go on forever as to why I love it. As long as she chooses to stay natural, trim, shave, and importantly be healthy in body and mind that is important to me. Myself I am natural I don't shave or wax I just keep myself clean and enjoy the natural look. I laughed at the mention of Penthouse. The founder of Penthouse his attitude was if Playboy won't show pubic hair I will. I really would like to read the "ready for sex" article because honestly I find that very disturbing and want to see who wrote it. Here is a example I bring up when discussing this topic. I mention the fact that halitosis did not exist until Listerene came onto the market. Also look into how men who have facial hair have less respiratory and sinus issues. To me the hair has a natural purpose and I leave it alone. Thank you for the great post.
Talon_1965 6 years ago
Interesting topic. I'm 52 now and have lived to experience this evolution of deforestation of female, and increasing male pubic hair.

I don't have a preference either way. I think each woman is unique and how, or if, they trim or shave is just another way of expressing themselves. I will say though that one thing that turns me off is just not taking care off it at all. I give myself a trim on occasion to keep things under control.
gayfras 6 years ago
to Nickyhere : Nickyhere, Before I went bald I had a girlfriend that trimmed and shaved. It was funny how she really liked my bushy loins. As I've said at length I love my nakedness but if someone showed up with a jungle that would be cool- clean though, please.
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Nickyhere 6 years ago
Hear hear! to your last sentence!
(by the way........I am very attracted to hairy...furry...whatever...these days.)
gayfras 6 years ago
Good morning, I know that we've chatted about this topic before and now I'll add a bit more of my thoughts. Growing up in the 60's and 70's was so fun. Hair was everywhere. A child became an adult when they were "gifted" with a grown in "patch". The old thinking was the more the better. I was gifted as well. I wore my hair long and bad a huge, generous bush of pubes. Being active and athletic I fortunately bathed a lot so it really wasn't an issue. When porn went the "prepubescent" way in the eighties and on it was kind of a turn on only if it was an adult actor. The thoughts of me personally shaving nude came up from time to time.

So on a beautiful spring day I decided to just try it out. Knowing that it would grow out I claimed a no harm no foul for myself. I think that one of my only concerns was ingrown hairs. So out came the shears and razor and an hour later I couldn't believe how good it felt. The next two or three days were an amazing masturbation fest. All of the new sensitivity and sensation was just incredible. It was like I had a new and different genital. I met a boyfriend shortly after and he was bald everywhere and it further reinforced my feelings. Another positive was/is that it was so clean and easy to keep that way. I rarely had an ingrown and I shaved every three or four days to keep it smooth.

I moved to a different area and when I went to a new hair stylist she asked me if I "manscaped" nearly right away. I'm comfortable in my own skin so I affirmed. She then got right to the point and asked me if I'd like a Brazilian. She offered all of the details and shared her experiences. This woman is hot and so was the other friendly and hot hairdresser that was hanging around. So I went for it. I'd heard about waxing and the initial pain and such but I know so many people that are into it that I just joined the club. Oh fuck- the first pull was miserable and the experience was more of an initiation. I stuck with it every three or four weeks and began to love the nakedness and only soft hair that grew back. After a number of times I would pull the wax off myself when she had turned around.

I liked the fact that there were no nubs and coarse ends and it seemed that less grew back after each sesh. I saw something about "Laser Hair Removal" and began to research it. A female co-worker mentioned that she had had a great deal of and loved it. I found a place and got a series done. Wish that I had done it twenty years ago, or more. Now, what little grows back is negligible and once a month I wax myself where I need it.

I love being clean and I have a fair sized package to deal with so it is so much easier and just better for me. I've played with all kinds of people with all kinds of pubic hair or lack of it. This is what has worked for me and I wouldn't change a thing. My advice to anyone is to do what you feel is comfortable and maybe stretch your beliefs and shave. If it's not right it'll all be back in while.
sub-lu 6 years ago
to Dark_Witch : I thought it added a little je ne sais quoi to it.
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Dark_Witch Publisher 6 years ago
to sub-lu : very nice
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montuhotep 6 years ago
to heelssexy : I love auto correct. Thank you. It was initially typed pubic.
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6Rhonda9 6 years ago
Hair,lil` hair or no hair, I just love PUSSY : )
heelssexy 6 years ago
to montuhotep : LOL, sorry had laugh :grinning:
Unless Public hair is a thing, in which case I'll shut up :smile:
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