Erectile Dysfunction

Does anyone else have Erectile Dysfunction besides me? Its very frustrating because no matter how horny you're feeling its almost impossible to get an erection. My doctor won't prescribe me anything for it because I have really high blood pressure and he says it would be dangerous for me to take anything. About 15 years ago my wife left me because I wasn't able to fuck her everyday anymore. For awhile she was happy with just oral but I guess that wasn't enough for her. Seems I only had about a 20% success rate when it came to being able to perform properly. Being only 2 out of ever 10 tries. My fear is that I'll remain single for the rest of my days because of this issue I have. I don't wanna be alone anymore but have no idea what to do about it. I've gotten to the point to where I'm even afraid to date because she may wanna have sex and it's embarrassing when you really want to but simply can't.
Published by RayLuvzBush
6 years ago
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mcravly 6 years ago
I use viagra to fuck th mrs but dont need it when i watch porn. Getting it hard isnt the problem, its keeping it hard.
MikeyV48111 6 years ago
Are you able to get hard when you watch porn?
RayLuvzBush Publisher 6 years ago
I appreciate your advice but I don't really think silk panties are for me