My husband is Extremely Jealous
He calls or texts every few hours and gets angry if there is no answer.
He says hates if i have male friends.
If i go out with friends, when i return i get an all-night interrogation.
He gets angry each time you i within 50 feet of another attractive men and asks questions like, "What are you looking at?"
He blows up when i even mention a male celebrity.
He constantly questions me about my male coworkers.
He's even jealous of my family and asks questions like, "Why were you talking to your mother for so long?"
He tries to trap me with questions like, "Do you find him attractive?" and freaks out no matter what the answer is.
For years he has accused me of multiple affairs and always threatens to take away our daughter.
Anyone have any advice on how to handle this situation ?
6 years ago