Orgasm denial - A Mistress's view

Orgasm Denial. Women have come to discover that a denied and sexually frustrated male is a passionate and productive man but a sexually fulfilled male is a lazy man. So some women have embraced the practice of male orgasm denial to limit the amount of orgasms their man has. This keeps him in a heightened submissive state. Men love to be sexually dominated by a woman and men love to be taken to subspace. The mental stimulation and mental pleasure a man encounters from being dominated by a woman has been described as “heaven on earth”. When a woman “tames the b**st”, the lasting fruit is a loving, passionate and eager to serve male.

Male orgasm denial may vary depending on what works best in the training and controlling of each individual male. Orgasm denial means different things to different couples. If a man would have his way, he would be allowed sexual release multiple times a day. That is not a good idea if a woman wants him to be attentive to her needs. So if a man wants to have an orgasm every night but his wife denies him what he wants and limits him to say one orgasm per week, then that is considered orgasm denial. There are women who deny their men longer and limit them to only one orgasm every ten days to two weeks. Then there are women who think one or two orgasms a month is sufficient for a man in order to keep his plumbing cleaned and his desire to serve at a maximum level.

The male orgasm is a biological function that causes a sexual release, which relaxes both the body and the mind. The body wants to relax or even sleep after orgasm and the last thing it wants to do is to be forced to do a physical activity. This is why men lose the desire to pleasure a woman after they have climaxed and that is why so many women are unfulfilled sexually. This is especially true if the male achieves more than one orgasm. The woman that performs oral sex on a man and follows that up with intercourse should not be surprised by her lack of sexual fulfillment. If a woman decides that she is indeed going to allow her man sexual release she would be wise to forbid it until after she has been sexually satisfied. It takes women more time to orgasm but the payoff is well worth the wait.

The female orgasm is like the waves of the ocean whereas the male orgasm is like the eruption of a volcano. The female orgasm is the gift that keeps on giving but the male orgasm is Wham, Bam, Thank you, Ma’am. Keeping a man aroused and denied is the greatest technique a woman can employ for her own sexual fulfillment. As a man becomes full of passion, his energy level goes beyond his normal physical endurance. This sexual energy under the control of a woman can be channeled into her being pleasured. Then once she has been satisfied, she may permit her man sexual release. Or she can keep him denied and he will be much more attentive to her needs both that night and in the days to follow.

Men are less inclined to be obedient after orgasm because physically they are relaxed and they become lazy. They are not as easily aroused and thus their sexual drive is not as high. This is particularly true as men age. The male reaches his sexual peak years in his late teens and early twenties. The female does not reach her sexual peak years until her late thirties and well into her forties. The younger male is easier to get excited again after orgasm due to his testosterone level. However, as a man ages, his testosterone level decreases and it will take him longer to become excited again. But the denied man is easily excited and aroused and thus he is easier to control by a female.
The fastest way to a man's will is his penis and it is through the will of a man that a woman will achieve obedience. To be obedient or rebellious requires a decision and that decision is made within the human mind. The sexually satisfied man cannot be as easily controlled through his sex drive but the easily aroused man who is denied is eager to obey as his sex drive is at the forefront of his psyche.

An interesting aspect to the FemDom practice of male orgasm denial is the sexual impact it has on women. Few things rival the sexual intensity that a woman will experience when she denies her husband sexual orgasms while she enjoys as much pleasure as she desires. It is a psychological power exchange that releases more of a woman’s dominant nature and sexual desires. Women begin to not only enjoy the benefits of male orgasm denial outside of the bedroom but also the benefits inside of the bedroom. Male orgasm denial is all about control and the woman who controls her man’s orgasms ultimately controls her man.

A man being kept denied while pleasuring a woman is an incredible experience. The intensity of sex for a woman that is being orally serviced by a denied and passionate man will surpass most sexual experiences for the female. Likewise, few things rival the mental pleasure that the denied man experiences when he is being denied while required to sexually satisfy his Mistress. Those who have never experienced this power dynamic do not understand the power and intensity of male orgasm denial.
Published by subsissyuk
14 years ago
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kuk4yoo 10 years ago
Denial, chastity, and milking are powerful tools for Goddesses to use to develop their sissies.
servetta 11 years ago
many women are not aware of their immense powers of woman
useridna 11 years ago
nice info