Feminisation - A Mistress's view

Feminization is the practice, especially in female dominance, of switching the gender role of a male submissive. Also known as sissification.
It is usually achieved through cross-dressing, where the male submissive is dressed in female attire. There are many degrees of Feminization, from just wearing female undergarments to being fully dressed in female attire.
Some submissive males often take on tasks, behaviours and roles that are overtly feminine, and adopt female mannerisms and postures in task such as sitting, walking and acting in a feminine manner.

The costume is sometimes very domestic, suggestive of servitude and out-dated, distancing the submissive male from acceptable feminine clothing. This is also an opportunity for ageplay, further diminishing the submissive male's status.
Naming may also be employed. A submissive male may be given a female name, designated as "a good girl", or given as a name an explicitly female insult, such as "slut" or "whore".

forced feminization is totally different. The key word here is "forced". forced feminization is where a dominant female forces her submissive male to dress up like a woman, against his will. This is a form of domination and extreme humiliation. The idea of forced feminization is to make a man who has absolutely no desire to dress in woman's clothes, to do so for the woman's entertainment.

forced feminization is fun because the woman knows that the man "hates" to do this. She will force him into woman's clothes, add make-up and maybe even a wig, than she will parade him in front of a mirror and force him to look at himself. She will then precede to humiliate him. Finally, she may even strap-on a dildo and fuck her "sissy slut" to further control him and dominate him. A lot of women really enjoyed doing this to their men.

Feminizing a man is the ultimate symbol of the feminine defeating the masculine. That is a rare feat in our society. We are so use to seeing the masculine having his way with the feminine. That is why it can be such a rush for a woman to feminize a man. It causes a woman's dominant energy to really flow out of her as she does this. She loves to humiliate and degrade her man and she loves the social statement it makes at the same time.

forced feminization allows a woman to be more aggressive. It causes a man to become very weak and submissive. His ability to resist and object go by the way side and he is very vulnerable. Women love this because now they can do whatever they want with their helpless victim. Now the woman can be the aggressor and she can have her way with the man. The man is not threatening to her and she no longer fears his strength or masculinity. Women have told me that they have a very strong desire to take a man very forcefully with a strap-on dildo when he is feminized. The desire to **** the feminized man becomes very real to the aggressive female and the actual act becomes very satisfying to her. Again, it sends such a message to the man and society. It says that the woman is the aggressor and the giver and the man is the weaker sex and the receiver.

forced feminisation F may become very attractive to a woman who has been abused by a man before. Some women fear men due to being mistreated and abused and feminizing a man causes the man not to be intimidating to her. Now she can have her way with him because he is just a little sissy boy. Like so many things about this lifestyle, it is hard to pinpoint for sure why we love to feminize a man but this we do know. There is something inside of a woman that is excited by the thought and activity of making the masculine submit to the feminine through forced feminization.
Published by subsissyuk
14 years ago
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servetta 10 years ago
to kuk4yoo : i'm complety agree, i desire to be submission to a dominant woman
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kuk4yoo 10 years ago
This is the lifestyle i desire.
I very much am attracted to and would love to experience, being force fem'ed. I realize that wanting this kind of removes the "forced" aspect, but I really like the idea of being vulnerable and controlled.