Rising tide of frequent bators and proponents

More recent surveys reveal that, indeed, more people are masturbating now across all demographics but more importantly, the proportion of masturbators who masturbate often is increasing dramatically.
For example, the proportion of woman who masturbate one or more times a day has grown significantly in tjust the last decade. It has grown to a full third of women whereas just a decade ago, masturbation that often hoovered around 10% and was still considered extreme or compulsive. Another third are now up to several times a week whereas that used to be considered as "frequent" in years past but is now the norm.

One such study you can read about in the June 2017 Daily Star you can search up.

Vibrators, fleshlights, an pumps and other toys have become a common accessory to the average 16 to 24-year-old
In fact, a 2011 British survey conducted by the Hewson Group concluded that t vibrators will soon be as ubiquitous as mobile phones. They have, and the sex toy industry has profited greatly. At this point of saturation, the interest and focus has shifted away from the mere act of masturbating and toward developing the orgasm and pushing the boundaries of an orgasmic lifestyle.

There are a growing number of public proponents beyond Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross espousing the virtues of an orgasmic heavy lifestyle such as Amber Leitz and Emile Straubel you should look up.

But more public figures have come forward who openly embrace masturbation-

Madonna, of course. Nuff said.

Eva Longoria- “I didn’t begin enjoying sex until I started masturbating. Before that, I really wasn’t sexual. I bought my first vibrator three years ago. It’s a shame I didn’t discover it sooner. Now I give Rabbit vibrators to all my girlfriends. They scream when they unwrap it. The best gift I can give them is an orgasm.”

Kate Moss- Puts a great deal of importance on developing the orgasm. An unapologetic connoisseur of vibrators. In 2007, she even purchased a 24K “Little Gold” vibrator made by Jimmyjane for a totally-reasonable $500.

Gina Rodriguez- recently revealed she masturbated often and used to feel guilty about that.

Maggie Gyllenhaal- always an avid masturbator, she said that "Pornography is an art form" and the idea that her character Candy in the deuce should masturbate on stage was her idea. "I wanted to find a way to express the difference between performative, transactional sex, and sex that is about someone’s actual desire."

Hailee Steinfeld- An avid masturbator who only recently came out of the closet, she wrote the song "Love Myself" to as a masturbation balled, a tribute in support of it. Asked whether she expected fans to interpret the song as a "pro-masturbation banger," Steinfeld replied with a seemingly enthusiastic, "Yeah, of course!" Lyrics such as "Gonna love myself, no I don't need anybody else," and "I'm gonna put my body first/ And love me so hard 'til it hurts/ I know how to scream the words/ Scream the words." Masturbation is a celebration of liberation, a duty really, and should be embraced.

Shailene Woodley- "I’ve always had a dream of making a book called There’s No Right Way to Masturbate,"
Emma Watson- "[The benefits of masturbation] are based on research, which is a complete study on female sexuality,"

Gloria Steinem, Is a big fan of OMGYES website that is dedicated to teaching people about women's sexual self-pleasure through videos and instructional tutorials.She has been a strong and vocal proponent of a highly masturbatory lifestyle and does what she can to encourage women into embracing it.

Anna Kendric

Aubrey O'Day

Kate Hudson

Published by trevor100a
7 years ago
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