Update: More masturbation in the news, masturbatio

Of course if you read my earlier blogs on current research you know masturbation is healthy and even necessary to maintaining good health. Some modern countries with evidence driven health policies promote masturbation, NHS of UK.

A recent June 2017 article by Annamarya Scaccia of HealthLine newsletter reiterates this and updated what we know. Even if you are having regular sex, frequent masturbation is still essential to ensure you are ejaculating enough and maintaining that for the long run. Not healthy to binge, ejaculating a lot followed by dry spells. Best to just keep ejaculating a lot.

But what do we know about the relationship between masturbation and exercise. Can it substitute for those who are unable to exercise regularly or are unmotivated to do so?

The short answer is a decisive YES.

A July 2016 article published in the Lifestyle section of UK's Mirror
Confirms that sex is actually better exercise than going for a jog plus a greater pleasure and stress relief. Seems like common sense but science provides confirmation from data and testing. Couples who enrolled were asked about their sex and exercise then asked to increase their sexual release by more than double for 3 months while keeping all other activities and diet the same. Solo and mutual masturbation played an important role in allowing them to sustain this greater level of sexual release.
Bu the end, couple showed significant health gains which included a lower resting heart rate, weight loss, better muscle tone, reduced minstrel cramping, stronger more long lasting erections, even lower A1C levels in those participants with diabetes. While it is difficult to sustain more exercise, it is very easy to masturbate more and sustain it.

Antony D Karelis, at University of Quebec did a study, published in the on-line research journal PLOS One in October 2014, to look at how much energy is actually exerted during sex.

Karelis and his colleagues recruited 21 young, committed couples and had them jog on treadmills for 30 minutes while researchers monitored their energy expenditure so they could compare it with the physical demands of sex.

Then the scientists sent the couples home, instructing them to have regular sex for a month while wearing the armbands. Sex being defined in any form, e.g, foreplay, intercourse, oral, masturbation, etc.

When the researchers analysed all of the results, it was clear, Karelis said, that sex qualified as “moderate exercise”. This is usually taken as a 6-MET activity for men and 5.6-MET activity for women, the equivalent of playing doubles tennis or walking uphill.

Jogging, by comparison, is more strenuous, an 8.5-MET activity for men and 8.4 for women. Some, according to the activity monitors, burned more energy for brief periods during sex than they did jogging. Others burned more energy because they often extended their sex sessions well beyond the duration of their average exercise routines. For some couples, they were actually burning more energy through sex than exercise due to their frequency and duration of their sex verses their exercise.

The study showed that sex burned four calories per minute for men and three per minute for women, during sessions that ranged from 10 minutes to an hour. In comparison, men burned about nine calories per minute jogging and women about seven.

Can prolonged masturbation be considered a cardio exercise?

Evidence says yes. You can burn between 100-150 calories for each act of masturbation, but not from your 5 minute quicky but from sessions lasting an hour or more since the benefit comes not just from ejaculating but from a sustained act if getting there.  
The act of stroking, mildly thrusting your erection in and out of a tight hand, and tensing burns calories through isotonics especially, tensing then relaxing much of the body's muscles over and over and elevating heart rate. This tones and works the muscles in a low impact, and safe manner. Sweating during long sessions is evidence you can see and feel for yourselves that you are burning calories.

Then the ejaculation burns additional calories, purges toxins and cholesterol. That last part is a surprise but makes sense. The prostate is the gland that produces semen and it uses cholesterol from the blood stream to do this. So a greater production and ejaculation of semen is a good way to reduce LDLs and this was demonstrated in all men from both of the above studies. Ejaculating several times a day was actually more effective than medication at reducing LDL!

Ejaculation also helps relax the body back down to a resting state which is important in older adults.

But not everyone is able to keep that up from sex alone so they must be willing to masturbate more. Some couples were more open and supportive than others about this. As an aside, followup surveys revealed that most participants in the studies continued often even after study completion even among those who had slacked off in their exercise routine, which confirms that frequent masturbation can be sustained for overall health easier than exercise can be sustained.

So frequent masturbation is especially effective for men who have difficult exercising regularly due to either physical or mobility problems or are unable to motivate themselves to the gym. An hour long masturbation session twice a day can more than make up for traditional exercise and is far safer for most men. Of course, you already know about the benefits to prostate health so I won't repeat that.
Published by trevor100a
7 years ago
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