Little Help in Finding 2 Films

many years ago I saw 2 erotic/soft-core films that I never could find in again. Nor they were uploaded here, I think. I can not remember the names of the films, so looking for them are a bit difficult. Both may be from the latte 70's, I guess.

One I saw on the M6 French channel, when they broadcast this genre on latte friday or saturday nights. It is during WW2, in a French brothel. A bit of a comedy but with several sex scenes, noting very hard in terms of v******e as Ilsa films. As a bit of Allo Allo, English airmen hinding on the brothel, the germans officers going there, etc. I can remember that one of the main actress has blue makeup on the eyelids.

The other one is a historical soft-core/erotic film also, action is during Austria-Hungary times, about the royal family, but with a transsexual/shemale character.  The last scenes of the movie are highly sexual, with a  threesome between the shemale, a male and a female, and then only the male and shemale characters.

Does this ring any bell? Any help is appreciated. The names of the films are welcome, so  I can try to found them.
Thank you, kind regards
Published by Rhodes69
7 years ago
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Rhodes69 Publisher 11 months ago
Yes, one of them. Italian film - Private Vices, Public Pleasures
chiguy_38 6 years ago
Wish I could help. They sound interesting.