My Puddin's Dream II

So I don’t remember details but we drove around atlanta. I had on a wrap dress that was opened. We lived out our fantasy of stopping to have strangers grope me. Then we got on the express way headed to the hotel and caught a truckers attention.
 He ended up following us off the exit. Once he got his feels we continued our way to the hotel. When we got there you said you had a surprise for me. I was intrigued.

 I took a shower and came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. When I did you and your friend from Greenville were sitting in the room drinking and talking. I turned to go back in the bathroom and you told me it was ok and to come over.

 You had me sit in your knee and gave me a kiss and introduced us. You said I told you that I had a surprise for you get in the bed for me. I was nervous. You covered my eyes and unwrapped the towel. What I didn’t know is that you let someone else in the room

 I felt hands touch my body then open my legs. Then something warm and wet in my pussy. It was so soft. It didn’t feel like you but I enjoyed it. After some time you took the cover off my eyes and were looking down at me. That’s when I saw there was another woman in the room.

 It was her who had been tasting me. I was embarrassed. She didn’t say a word then your friend had her leave. Y’all had been enjoying the show.
Published by jamski23
7 years ago
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