After a little break

Katie's been ill since Richard's visit with that nasty flu bug so there'd been no action for a while but she was better by the weekend so she texted Richard and, not surprisingly, he invited her over.

She went to his flat in the afternoon as he was going out in the evening. Katie told me they spent a few hours in bed then he invited her to go out with him. He was meeting mates in Revolution and, although he swore he hadn't told them about Katie, he must've because they were all over her. She says they were all making suggestive comments and one sleezy guy kept mentioning gang bangs. We haven't discussed gang bangs and, to be honest I'm not keen. Women usually get disrespected in them and we're about good sexy fun. Anyway she left about ten and came home to me. Fortunately she wasn't sore this time so I got what Richard had had earlier.

Katie wants to carry on seeing Richard and we're both keen for her to experience a threesome but not with any of Richard's mates. I'd like her to try one without me there first time before we try it together. There's no one we know at the moment but we're on the lookout. Anyway I'm getting loads of sex and Katie's obviously getting even more so everyone's a winner so far.

Published by soliboy
7 years ago
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I love the idea of his friend fucking her too...very slutty and yes she'd be "disrespected" but that just makes you more of a cuckold which is hot.