My Epiphany

I have recently come to the revelation that the huge disparity between the number of men vs women out here on the online dating/hook-up world is due to the old double standard. The reason I have hordes of cute young guys literally begging me to fuck them is because (most) men are hypocrites when it comes to sex. You shame women for doing the same thing you can't get enough of - ha that's a fitting phrase seeing as how you actually can't get enough of it since you chased all the chicks off with your judgmental bullshit. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! lmao. When a guy gets a lot of action he's a player, a baller, high-five, etc., but if a woman has an active and diverse sex life she's a slut, a whore - no high-fives going on there.

I'm a little bit guilty of it myself, but only to the extent that when girls chase my adorable 16 year old son, I say to myself, "that's my boy!", but I doubt I'd be as supportive of guys trying to get in my offspring's pants if she were a female. Nonetheless, in this adult world I am a firm believer in the application of equal standards for men and women, and those in between (I noticed some purple symbols in my friend requests so for them also). Since that won't happen anytime soon - change takes time, and so many men are completely clueless, in general but especially when it comes to women (you guys out to pay a little closer attention to the world around you and stop being so self-involved), I will continue to enjoy the fruits of your hypocrisy. I shall have my pick from among the hundreds of guys who are dying to fuck this fat old lady while you fools are left to scour the bottom of the barrel that I shoot fish from. I used to feel kinda bad for you, not really but I thought it sucked and thanked God I'm a woman. Now I am cracking up at the whole thing. You made your beds, now lie in them. You won't be lying in mine lololol... It is all your fault, you have no one but yourselves to blame for the dearth of females who are DTF. hahahaha

Except for maybe on, the ratio of men to women is at least 10 to 1, as my hater husband insists on reminding me every time I let him know that I'm #winning. I say who gives a fuck why I have my pick of young boys and you don't (well refer to the photo album called "Nasty Nest - Open 24/7), the fact is that I do. He just can't stand that his old wife can get laid twice as easily as his hot 28 year old self. But truth is, it's partly his fault. After all, he is the MF who posted our videos, sold them too, with titles like "old whore" and "fat cheating slut" (what a guy huh?), allegedly because fat-assed women who are freaky in bed are popular in porn. I'm confused, do you guys like loose women or scorn them? Make up your minds. Oh I know, you want to fuck the "bad" girls but only marry the "good" girls. Well guess what I already have a husband and an ex-husband and I don't need another boyfriend, have too many as it is, or anyone to buy me dinner. And I couldn't care less what any of you think about me, so I shall continue to win this game and fuck every chance I get. Sorry but there aren't enough hours in the day to fuck all of you so if you don't wow me with a big dick :D then you probably won't get a response. That's just the way it is. Or as my old friend Steve used to say, "That's life in the Big City".

Don't playa hate and always remember who the coach is.


Published by MrsDic
7 years ago
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amadeus57 5 years ago
I like your open way of addressing things like this! Even better, you don't take a leaf off your tongue. Is a saying in my home country, but it sounds a bit strange when translated.
cambriakid 5 years ago
I definitely agree with you! The double standard hasn't helped me any with my conservative wife. She was raised with a healthy aversion to anything sexually risque. I wish women could be as assertive as men and enjoy the same acceptance! This shit will fuck you up for life with all the mixed mmessages!
johosalsa 7 years ago
to MrsDic : totally agree!!
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MrsDic Publisher 7 years ago
to johosalsa : Thank you. :smile:
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MrsDic Publisher 7 years ago
MrsDic Publisher 7 years ago
to johosalsa : I can't believe it took me this long to figure it out. It was only after yet another guy called me slutty, and not in a good way. It doesn't bother me, I couldn't care less what random guys or anyone really thinks of me, but the hypocrisy is hard not to catch.
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MrsDic Publisher 7 years ago
Thank you, thank you, and I am. The fruits of male hypocrisy are mine to enjoy...:smile:
shortstroker 7 years ago
I say have fun.
johosalsa 7 years ago
Clap,clap,clap.....Very successful your epiphany, better could not be done