A Cautionary Tale
I was riding several different toy on the edge of my bathroom vanity, and basically did a couple of hours of squats. Again, it was so fun in the moment, and I didn't realize how much time was passing, butt now I'm chafed and have tired legs. I don't know, it was like I was in a fucking trance a "fucking myself trance" maybe. Whenever my quads got tired I would turn and grab a different dildo and pump it in and out by hand. I probably got a little dehydrated by how much precum I leaked. I was in a fapping fuck fog
Anyway, now I am regretting being so stubborn. I should have stopped or jerked off around the 2nd hour. Oh, well it was so much fun (AT THE TIME), and some masochistic part of me wants to go again, but I won't. I'm far to tender.
7 years ago