Six Weeks of Eternal eyes deceive me?
Okay, I'm wondering if someone could explain this to me? So in about a six week period, we have now lost three pornstars. If i had to guess, this may have something to do with a psychological issues within the industry. Now i gotta say, I'm sure most people know that the industry can be thrilling and exciting at the highest level, but when you look real deep inside the industry, from what has been told can be stressful, sometimes exhausting and also overwhelmingly. Not to mention, there are supportive fans and well...there's those people (let's just say, consider why they hide behind the screen). I'm willing to bet lot of pornstars went through this and have or had their break points a time or two. So here's the thing, witnessing August, Yurizan, and Olivia's passings, I think that each of us should remind at least one pornstar that we appreciate them, that they're doing great, and let them know you're glad they're still alive and well. Folks, this is a very tough and stressful business deep down because this not only affects them physically but mentally and emotionally as well.
Hearts to the Stars
Hearts to the Stars
7 years ago