Katie's Night Out

So she met Richard in town. They were in a bar for an hour or so making small talk when, and to be fair I don't blame him, Richard put his cards on the table and asked her straight out just what exactly was the point of this. He said that he'd been hitting on her for months and there was nothing doing and now she was there but it was like a first date. He knew she was married so what was she up to. Katie explained about what I'd said that I'd like to see her with a black man and maybe join in but that she hadn't been with anyone else since the early stages of our relationship 12 years ago (that's what she told me and I thought "hang on 'early stages'" but in the circumstances let it go, though I will be asking about it again sometime I honestly don't think she realised what she said). So she told him it was clearly about sex but that she was obviously very nervous going with a man who was almost half her age, she's 50 he's 26. His response was to draw her close and suggest that they go back to his flat and not to worry he would turn the lights down low, not off I noticed but low, he clearly wanted to have a good look at my wife.

They walked back to his flat and he didn't even offer her a drink but they went straight to his room and it wasn't even 10 O'clock by then. She said they were naked and at it in next to no time and he went down on her bringing her to orgasm quite quickly then she gave him a condom which he wasn't over the moon about and I'm with him on that but she's not on contraception and highly slim as the likelihood of her getting pregnant is neither of us want a baby especially one that would take some explaining away. He put it on and entered her, he was very big but she said it didn't hurt and she loved it.

By half past 12 she was dressed and ready to come home, they had used all three condoms they had but Katie laughed as she told me he just lay there on the bed with another huge erection. I think she'd forgotten what 26 year old men were like. Now she never does this with me because once it's been in her pussy it ain't going in her mouth, but in fairness he had been wearing condoms so it was only his juices, anyway she sucked him off. Then she was naked again and he was helping himself to what must've been a rubbery tasting cunt. She swears, and I believe her, there was no more fucking and she finally got away around 2.30am.

This is basically what she told me but the story was punctuated with a lot of sex interruptions as I was incredibly turned on. Remarkably I felt very little jealousy which surprised me a bit. I felt more jealousy after my first post when she told me her true number. She is going to see Richard again and maybe bring him here before trying to get him into a threesome hopefully. I will have to find out about the "early stages" at sometime too, but to be honest my wife's number has gone from "5" to "27" then to 28 in a very short space of time so m really not that concerned just interested really and I suspect I know who it was. In the circumstances of Katie's history nearly 12 years of faithfulness I find pretty extraordinary.
Published by soliboy
7 years ago
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Really hot especially the blow job to finish of his big young cock. Must have shot a lot of cum. Sexy as fuck.
petedennis2002 4 years ago
soliboy Publisher 7 years ago
Hi I will, it's gone a bit quiet this week she hasn't really wanted to talk about it. It's been a little awkward to be honest and not from my side. I'm away with mates on Friday night but she hasn't said anything is going to happen. I don't mind if it does but I'd want to know first.
Nice story, hope you'll share the next chapter after her new friend drops by.