Don't get me wrong, I like to watch a good ass pounding as much as anybody else. I've even pounded a few asses in my time and while my ass is generally an exit only, a finger up there during a nice blow job is remarkable.
For me the thought or concept of anal sex is far more appealing than the reality of it. For one, the fit is just not the same as the vagina; The entry is tight usually, although there have been some exceptions, but then it's always to loose after that.
Unlike porn movies where the one to be fucked has had a proper douche prior to their anal escapades, reality is often a little different. Maybe you have experienced pulling your dick out of a woman's (or man's if you're into that sort of thing)ass covered in shit or at least traces there of. This isn't exactly arousing unless your into that sort of thing, in which case you're probably German.
OK, OK. You Germans settle down, no need to get all tight ass about it. I'm just k**ding, loosen it up.
Then there is the smell of shit on your cock and the problem of removing the shit from your cock. Even if you're smart and wearing a condom, you have to dispose of said shitty condom somewhere. It's not like you're just going to toss that mother fucker under the bed.
Though you could but then you'd probably be...
OK...I got in enough trouble with the Germans so I won't go any further.
My point is that it just seems like a lot more trouble than it's actually worth; the cost to benefit ratio is all out of whack.
Also...in case you haven't noticed...
Poop comes out of there!
13 years ago
but what is really weird is that finger-up-the-ass-during-bj thing. she's preparing your breakfast. think about it