Our New Adventure 9: Christmas Do and a Fantasy Sw
Lady J was welcomed home from her brief trip to the North in the manner to which you would expect dear Reader, I missed her terribly, I think she may have welcomed the break to tell the truth, but she was very happy to be home with me again.
It was a busy week, very little time to our selves with work etc but, there was a nice reward waiting if we saw it through, this being Lady J’s works Christmas do. As I have stated previously, although things are improving, lady J works in a very male dominated field and her company is no different, it’s taking her a long while but she is finally making her presence felt and appreciated, we were looking forward to it a lot.
The theme was 1920’s gangsters and molls, I was a Peeky-blinder, and Lady J a London flapper, for those not in the know, Peeky-blinders were a ruthless criminal gang from the industrial heart land back in the day, there’s a bloody good TV program on at the moment, based on them. We were chuffed and surprised that so many of her sometimes, starchy colleagues had also dressed up, some looked awesome. My role at these events is to support my wife, she is now the principle bread winner and it’s my role to help her as much as I can in her career now. At previous do’s I was often charged with taking the wives to the bar, or the dance floor, to spoil them a bit whilst Lady J cornered the husband and talked business. Her position is secure enough now that at last she could let her hair down a bit, which was great. We still flirted like anything, and I was strangely excited when Lady J introduced me to some new colleagues and their spouses as her “trophy husband”, most happy when she was buying me pretty things! Later when we were dancing, my dance partner, probably half my age and a little tipsy, quietly asked what it was I did for Lady J, that warranted her buying me pretty things! … she blushed and giggled when I whispered my answer in her ear whilst we danced.
Lady J did do a little business, pressed the flesh and laughed at the right jokes but spent much of the evening dancing with me, we like to dance. We consider it our mission to get everyone up and dancing, fortunately for me there were lots of unattended wives and girlfriends sat around at their tables as their partners found it more important to talk football or something propped up at the bar, it was a veritable buffet for us. I have said before, that Lady J gets very attentive of me when other ladies are giving me their attention. One in particular caught my eye, a new colleague or hers very similar to Lady J in many ways, but especially so in the way she danced, it was electric and her conversation was equally stimulating and we really hit it off. Like the gent I am, I walked her to the taxi rank and waited for her ride, it would have been very nice to join her in that car… Lady J noticed my interest too. All-in-all a very good night, tame but fun, turning the tables on my gorgeous wife and getting the attention for a change was nice as was me being able to be my more natural self for a while.
The following day, was a hectic start but, we were able to chill and let our aches and pains from the previous night’s dancing ease a bit before going to bed. We messed around online for a while before our passion aroused began to kiss and make out, pushing the laptop off the end of the bed to make room. We kissed a long time, pressing our selves tightly together, I was loving the feel of her lovely round breast against the muscles of my chest, her nails were drawing white lines down my shoulders and on to my upper arms, I was very comfortable and happy with my lot.
“Rub my shoulders” she said, rolling away from me on to her left side, arching her back so my hard cock found the gap between her bottom cheeks. She had folded her arms tightly over her chest, her left hand one over her upper most shoulder her right hand holding the back of her own neck. It gave the lovely impression that my gorgeous wife of 25 years was in a deep and passionate embrace with another lady, my cock jerked to a greater hardness at that thought and I began to rub her back to her soft purrs.
“It really looks as if you are kissing another woman, and she has her hands wrapped round you so nicely” I cooed into her ear as I snuggled closer.
“What like this”, her lower most hand now caressed the back of her own neck, the upper clawed at her shoulder, giving real life to the illusion, that another party was enjoying my wife’s mouth with hers. I let that thought fill my mind.
“ummmm yeah! she is a hot kisser, her tongue is small and fast, she stabs as my mouth and lips with it, finding an opening and pushing it quickly onto my own … but darting away again before I can react! … every now and then she bites my bottom lip before pressing home for a longer … loving, deep kiss … pulling my head forward into it” as she says this, the burgundy painted fingers on the back of her neck, found purchase in her hair and her head is drawn away from the kisses that I am planting in the knap of her slender neck.
“of course, … you can’t see where my hands are can you? …you can not see how I have drawn the nails of one down her pale soft breast, over her hard belly to find that soft wet opening … she resists at first but my other hand, that was gently cupping her buttock, my finger tips resting lightly against her other opening, is now squeezing hard, my nails biting at that sensitive flesh a tiny bit … she gets the message that I want to feel in side her and have her cream run through my fingers …does that sound nice darling?”, her bum is now pressed hard against my crotch.
“that sounds fantastic … looks dam good too!” I want to close my eyes to allow the vision that she was weaving a freer range with my imagination, but those burgundy coloured finger nails were still touching and rubbing her head and neck. “but you have needs too” I suggested as the head of my erection found the wet and inviting opening to her pussy, and slid inside. Fucking her spoon fashion, I rested up on one elbow running my other hand down her back to her perfect backside. Her legs parted and one of her hands disappeared from my view, the sudden pressure against the underside of my shaft betraying the fact that it had found a new roll.
“Can you feel that? … can you feel her rubbing my clit? …” her voice was faltering a little and the pace of her pussy being rubbed quickened considerably, I fucked hard to keep up.
“that’s it … she was doing all the work … what with kissing, sucking my tits, biting and licking them,… rubbing and finger fucking my wet cunt … she was going to make me cum I wouldn’t have needed …you”. I carried on driving my cock home hard, her juices now freely running down my shaft, and balls. A rivulet found it’s way to her bottom and was pooling there as my fingers found it and began to rub this lube into the opening. She came then, as my finger worked inside her to the first knuckle, a wet orgasm, it did not surprise me that my cock was ejected then by her convulsions and I began to stroke myself as these subsided, ejected but not rejected as it turned out.
Leaning over and back she presented her glistening digits for my inspections, pussy juice was literally dripping from them!
“I think you should taste her too”, it wasn’t a question, they were first dangled near enough for me too lick then pushed deep into my mouth. I didn’t have the chance to ”clean” them properly however, as those same sticky fingers were quickly wrapped around the base of my cock, a small, quick-shift in her position and she had it pressed against her rosebud, the pressure she applied allowed the first inch or so inside. She held me there for a moment before I was aware of the fingers of her other hand deep inside her pussy fucking herself, and I could feel them against the gland of my penis, then wanking my cock to set the rhythm for her DP, I found myself corrected:
“can you feel her fucking me? … hey can you?” she asked, “she’s going to make me cum …are you going to let her?”
This wasn’t a porn film so, dear reader, so, I’m not going to regale you with “balls deeps” anal action, real life just isn’t usually like that but, it certainly was deeper than I usually get to fuck her there and all the time I could feel her working her pussy in time with me. Eventually she let go of my shaft and allowed me free range, her liberated hand went to her mouth to stifle the cries of pleasure as she bucked against me. I thought I’d be forced to withdraw from her again, I am well aware that anal sex is not her favourite sexual activity, and I can imagine that with eight inches it may not be particularly comfortable sometimes but, my fantastic wife surprised me again:
“fuck me full of cum … I want to feel it fill me …she’s making me cum now …”. She now played with her clit furiously to another wet orgasm, but not forgetting my own needs, she expertly worked herself against me, and me into her, repeatedly squeezing my tool with each push until I exploded inside her in a long drawn out climax, which rocked me until I realised that I had not taken a breath since it started.
Literally breathless I wrapped myself around her and she leant back into my arms and we drifted off to sleep like that, neither of us saying a word.
It was a busy week, very little time to our selves with work etc but, there was a nice reward waiting if we saw it through, this being Lady J’s works Christmas do. As I have stated previously, although things are improving, lady J works in a very male dominated field and her company is no different, it’s taking her a long while but she is finally making her presence felt and appreciated, we were looking forward to it a lot.
The theme was 1920’s gangsters and molls, I was a Peeky-blinder, and Lady J a London flapper, for those not in the know, Peeky-blinders were a ruthless criminal gang from the industrial heart land back in the day, there’s a bloody good TV program on at the moment, based on them. We were chuffed and surprised that so many of her sometimes, starchy colleagues had also dressed up, some looked awesome. My role at these events is to support my wife, she is now the principle bread winner and it’s my role to help her as much as I can in her career now. At previous do’s I was often charged with taking the wives to the bar, or the dance floor, to spoil them a bit whilst Lady J cornered the husband and talked business. Her position is secure enough now that at last she could let her hair down a bit, which was great. We still flirted like anything, and I was strangely excited when Lady J introduced me to some new colleagues and their spouses as her “trophy husband”, most happy when she was buying me pretty things! Later when we were dancing, my dance partner, probably half my age and a little tipsy, quietly asked what it was I did for Lady J, that warranted her buying me pretty things! … she blushed and giggled when I whispered my answer in her ear whilst we danced.
Lady J did do a little business, pressed the flesh and laughed at the right jokes but spent much of the evening dancing with me, we like to dance. We consider it our mission to get everyone up and dancing, fortunately for me there were lots of unattended wives and girlfriends sat around at their tables as their partners found it more important to talk football or something propped up at the bar, it was a veritable buffet for us. I have said before, that Lady J gets very attentive of me when other ladies are giving me their attention. One in particular caught my eye, a new colleague or hers very similar to Lady J in many ways, but especially so in the way she danced, it was electric and her conversation was equally stimulating and we really hit it off. Like the gent I am, I walked her to the taxi rank and waited for her ride, it would have been very nice to join her in that car… Lady J noticed my interest too. All-in-all a very good night, tame but fun, turning the tables on my gorgeous wife and getting the attention for a change was nice as was me being able to be my more natural self for a while.
The following day, was a hectic start but, we were able to chill and let our aches and pains from the previous night’s dancing ease a bit before going to bed. We messed around online for a while before our passion aroused began to kiss and make out, pushing the laptop off the end of the bed to make room. We kissed a long time, pressing our selves tightly together, I was loving the feel of her lovely round breast against the muscles of my chest, her nails were drawing white lines down my shoulders and on to my upper arms, I was very comfortable and happy with my lot.
“Rub my shoulders” she said, rolling away from me on to her left side, arching her back so my hard cock found the gap between her bottom cheeks. She had folded her arms tightly over her chest, her left hand one over her upper most shoulder her right hand holding the back of her own neck. It gave the lovely impression that my gorgeous wife of 25 years was in a deep and passionate embrace with another lady, my cock jerked to a greater hardness at that thought and I began to rub her back to her soft purrs.
“It really looks as if you are kissing another woman, and she has her hands wrapped round you so nicely” I cooed into her ear as I snuggled closer.
“What like this”, her lower most hand now caressed the back of her own neck, the upper clawed at her shoulder, giving real life to the illusion, that another party was enjoying my wife’s mouth with hers. I let that thought fill my mind.
“ummmm yeah! she is a hot kisser, her tongue is small and fast, she stabs as my mouth and lips with it, finding an opening and pushing it quickly onto my own … but darting away again before I can react! … every now and then she bites my bottom lip before pressing home for a longer … loving, deep kiss … pulling my head forward into it” as she says this, the burgundy painted fingers on the back of her neck, found purchase in her hair and her head is drawn away from the kisses that I am planting in the knap of her slender neck.
“of course, … you can’t see where my hands are can you? …you can not see how I have drawn the nails of one down her pale soft breast, over her hard belly to find that soft wet opening … she resists at first but my other hand, that was gently cupping her buttock, my finger tips resting lightly against her other opening, is now squeezing hard, my nails biting at that sensitive flesh a tiny bit … she gets the message that I want to feel in side her and have her cream run through my fingers …does that sound nice darling?”, her bum is now pressed hard against my crotch.
“that sounds fantastic … looks dam good too!” I want to close my eyes to allow the vision that she was weaving a freer range with my imagination, but those burgundy coloured finger nails were still touching and rubbing her head and neck. “but you have needs too” I suggested as the head of my erection found the wet and inviting opening to her pussy, and slid inside. Fucking her spoon fashion, I rested up on one elbow running my other hand down her back to her perfect backside. Her legs parted and one of her hands disappeared from my view, the sudden pressure against the underside of my shaft betraying the fact that it had found a new roll.
“Can you feel that? … can you feel her rubbing my clit? …” her voice was faltering a little and the pace of her pussy being rubbed quickened considerably, I fucked hard to keep up.
“that’s it … she was doing all the work … what with kissing, sucking my tits, biting and licking them,… rubbing and finger fucking my wet cunt … she was going to make me cum I wouldn’t have needed …you”. I carried on driving my cock home hard, her juices now freely running down my shaft, and balls. A rivulet found it’s way to her bottom and was pooling there as my fingers found it and began to rub this lube into the opening. She came then, as my finger worked inside her to the first knuckle, a wet orgasm, it did not surprise me that my cock was ejected then by her convulsions and I began to stroke myself as these subsided, ejected but not rejected as it turned out.
Leaning over and back she presented her glistening digits for my inspections, pussy juice was literally dripping from them!
“I think you should taste her too”, it wasn’t a question, they were first dangled near enough for me too lick then pushed deep into my mouth. I didn’t have the chance to ”clean” them properly however, as those same sticky fingers were quickly wrapped around the base of my cock, a small, quick-shift in her position and she had it pressed against her rosebud, the pressure she applied allowed the first inch or so inside. She held me there for a moment before I was aware of the fingers of her other hand deep inside her pussy fucking herself, and I could feel them against the gland of my penis, then wanking my cock to set the rhythm for her DP, I found myself corrected:
“can you feel her fucking me? … hey can you?” she asked, “she’s going to make me cum …are you going to let her?”
This wasn’t a porn film so, dear reader, so, I’m not going to regale you with “balls deeps” anal action, real life just isn’t usually like that but, it certainly was deeper than I usually get to fuck her there and all the time I could feel her working her pussy in time with me. Eventually she let go of my shaft and allowed me free range, her liberated hand went to her mouth to stifle the cries of pleasure as she bucked against me. I thought I’d be forced to withdraw from her again, I am well aware that anal sex is not her favourite sexual activity, and I can imagine that with eight inches it may not be particularly comfortable sometimes but, my fantastic wife surprised me again:
“fuck me full of cum … I want to feel it fill me …she’s making me cum now …”. She now played with her clit furiously to another wet orgasm, but not forgetting my own needs, she expertly worked herself against me, and me into her, repeatedly squeezing my tool with each push until I exploded inside her in a long drawn out climax, which rocked me until I realised that I had not taken a breath since it started.
Literally breathless I wrapped myself around her and she leant back into my arms and we drifted off to sleep like that, neither of us saying a word.
7 years ago