Why so damn many Favorite Videos?
Yeah I got a lot of em. Matter of fact, I have over 2000 saved videos
One of my xHamster Christmas wishes would be a way to sort, categorize and generally handle the favorites list.
There are several reasons I have so many and it's not that I just click on whatever and save it.
Like many people and many of you I would think, I use to save porn on my hard drive, CD's and DVDs. That got to be a bigger problem than SEC officials http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/sec-pornography-employees-spent-hours-surfing-porn-sites/story?id=10452544 with a government credit card. When you start to consider buying a bigger hard drive or another tower of DVD's just to house your porn, it might be time to reevaluate your porn addiction.
Or, you can just start storing your collection online. Which I did.
See, I realized that with a few exceptions, most of the clips and video's I already had, were already available on xHamster so why should I spend time and money on my porn stash when somebody else could store it for me?
While that was my original intention, the more I added the more I realized that my collections was becoming more than just the manifestation of an obsessive compulsive behavior. It was becoming a reflection of the landscape of my sexual tastes. Or, you could say it was a road map of my personal perversion.
Either or.
So now I look back at the collection and see a pattern emerge. I see the patterns of what was turning me on during a particular period and what wasn't. I see patterns of what I really like and what I really don't like.
It's intriguing.
I now look at my collection as a window into who I am sexually and how I've grown and changed as time progresses.
Now I as you, if you will, to look at your own collections the same way. See what you see there and maybe you will see something about yourself haven't recognized or wanted to acknowledge.
13 years ago