For single ladies that might be interested

I will not rush into a relationship and prefer to be friends first.
As for age as long as both of us are adults age is only a number.
I am looking for someone younger then my age but who knows if the right lady comes along even a little older then me anything is possible.
I am open to travel and relocate to any place in the world to be with the right lady but it has to be for real.
I have tried so damn many fake ass dating sites only to come across fake ass scammers,spammers,and crappy ass robots and to think of all the money i wasted joining those sites as a paying member only to get scammed or spammed by fake bullshit.
Here online i'm not scared to tell you honestly your beautiful and all but in person i am more shy then you could ever dream.
You could come have coffee,dinner,even stay at my place if needed and i won't even hug you because i am to shy to do that so ladies need to break the ice and pretty much hug or kiss me to get me out of my shy mode.
I am hard to break of my stubbron ways here is an example a few years ago i had a beautiful young lady i was friends with for years come to my apartment one night drinking needing a place to stay she was fighting with her boyfriend so i let her stay at my place and she offered to have sex with me but i said no and never touched her because i will not be with someone who is drinking,has a bf,and all that crap because i have morals and will not fuck over my friends or be sexual with anyone who needs be half drunk to have sex.
I am not into one night stands,but i have been thinking about fuck buddies lately seeing how i have never had a fuck buddy it might be a good start to meet the perfect lady for me but i doubt that will ever come my way.
When i was younger i traveled all over the east coast working doing all kinds of different work and i lived in about 11 states and never had time to date or be sexual due to long hours working and no time off to enjoy the single life but now that i am older and still single i have the rest of my life to be free and find that special lady in my life so if its you hit me up,drop me a personal message in my inbox and lets go from there.
If you have any questions just ask i will answer honestly i have nothing to hide or run from and will be here so don't be shy like me were here and now and this is my chance to meet you.
I do have a cam and mic to prove i am who i am so i can chat here or yahoo i am not into skype or msn those ones are a pain to chat on but here and yahoo work for me.
See you soon ;)
Published by singleguy19678
12 years ago
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I dont see on how not sleeping with a taken girl is being stubborn u did the right thing to many girls these days do bullshit like that to cause drama
I only smoke ciggarettes i do not use drugs and do not drink alcohol and now have diabetes II so life kind of really sucks now