xHamster a place of Catharsis & Cathexis ?

The more I think about xHamster the more the concepts of Cathatrsis & Cathexis comes to my spirit.
After all when you connect to xHamster, it's not only for fun, but also to relieve from tension and anxiety, and when you post you go through the expression of repressed thoughts and feelings you can't express in real life, and this is precisely the definition of Catharsis, that strange satisfactory feeling that overwhelms you when you watch Porn. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Now most of the members are aware they are in a world of fantasy, they are not what they say they are in real life. In a way you disguise, you cross dress, you put a flattering avatar and pretend it's you. You become another person that probably you estimate a lot and in which you invest imagination and energy. And again that's the definition of Cathexis : the energy invested in an action or object or person.

That's why your contribution is important because as you can see now, when you comment, post, and engage energy in it, you are living a unique experience that takes you by the hand on the way of showing you who you really are.
Published by gapedanal91
13 years ago
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