My manifestation of Sex Addiction

My name is Marie and I am a sexaholic. Really, I have been diagnosed with a form of sex addiction. This condition can be more harmful and dangerous than one thinks, as a person that is compelled to have sex with strangers can put themselves at risk in a number of different ways. Fortunately, my addiction does not compel me to have sex with others, I truly do not desire to have sex with anyone other than my husband. But my desire makes me obsess about masturbating. Even though my husband and I still do it 3-6 times per week (not bad for a man his age), I must have more orgasms in a week than he (or any other human) can provide.

For me, the orgasm is my d**g of choice. And, like with any d**g, there have been times of moderation, as well as times of significant indulgence. When I was studying for exams in law school, I would go at myself 5-6 times every day. On one particular day, I engaged in 10 separate masturbation sessions, each session with a minimum of 3 orgasms. Do you know any other woman who can have over 30 orgasms in a day?

Over the years, the occasional ther****t would tell me I should try to masturbate less. If they can find a reasonable substitute for the sheer pleasure of the orgasm, I’ll try it. Until then, I’ll be getting myself off constantly, thank you. I get their point, though. Any excessive and obsessive habit can create harmful consequences, and that thinking is indicative of something deeper in the mind. But, in much the same manner in which pro-marijuana advocates extol the positive physical and psychological benefits of cannabis, I would encourage everyone to masturbate more often and with more purpose. It is not merely a substitute for sex, it is a beautiful form of sex itself.

When I am loving myself, I can truly let go and give myself to the sensation. There is no partner to think about having to please. I am the focus of it all. This allows to me to almost go into a meditative state, letting the sexual pleasure flow over me. I try my best to turn my addiction into a positive influence in my life.

You only hear about the extreme cases of sex addiction, because they make for better Lifetime Network movies. I may have well become one of those extreme cases if not for masturbation. I have a real need for the type of orgasms that satisfy deep within my soul, to feed my addiction. You can see that urgency in my face as I am pleasuring myself. In a sense, masturbation is my medicine, and the good news is that addiction is good in this case!

xoxo Marie
Published by MarieRocks
7 years ago
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Juicygob2 4 months ago
My wife loves fingering her wet cunt 2/3 times a day 
Pat2610 9 months ago
Is finger fucking myself an addiction
DCMDVA 1 year ago
Seems about as harmless an addiction as one could have.  Please, keep enjoying yourself, Marie.  You'll outlive us all.
Eddie38478 1 year ago
Hi Marie!  It’s Eddie from Ballwin!  If you ever get back to Chesterfield for a visit, look me up.  I still have a hard-on for you! 😘🥰
miltep4evr 1 year ago
Bearhung 1 year ago
💋💋💋and Happy Mother’s Day 🌹🌹🌹🌹
swingle66 2 years ago
I have a similar addiction. I cannot go through a day with masturbating at lease 5 times.
Taras73 2 years ago
My friend has up to 75 orgasms in one evening, and I have 5! Her musical accompaniment of orgasms is an incomparable pleasure! Marie, do you also accompany your orgasms with singing sounds?! If so, I am delighted for you!!!
smoothmale 2 years ago
ms_dyna_slut 3 years ago
hell i have 30 orgasms a day fucking my husband every day he is a hot wicked fuck and we fuck every day 
wanton69 3 years ago
Somehow exhibitionism figures into your pleasure, yes?  After doing a shoot, do you then pleasure yourself?  Is it more intense?  A friend wants to know LOL.
neoguy 3 years ago
It seems to me that your "addiction" is mostly positive for you!  Enjoy yourself Marie!!
Italianinala 3 years ago
Thank you for sharing this feeling. At 39 Im learning a lot about myself too. Life can be perfectly beautiful if we accept and improve constantly ourself 
valethyl3 3 years ago
This is great that you openly explain your situation.I find it interesting to hear you describe the why you do what you do.Is there an exhibitionist part of your thrill also?You could masturbate the same and just do it privately and no one would know.Your fans are happy you post yourself though.One more thought.I bet a lot of men here at xhamster have similar addiction.Everyone to a different degree.I guess I did also.With older age ( I'm around your age )my urge has lessened.
Seeker376B 3 years ago
I appreciate everything you had and have experienced from your addiction.  I felt myself with the same conclusions as you arrived with.  A difference maybe is that I need to see you satisfy yourself so I can complete my ejaculation.  I get excited thinking about a beautiful mature woman (you) who loves pleasuring herself and lets it be known.  Thanks, you really rock!!!
Joesch69 3 years ago
i wish i was your husband i would spend my days and nights eating your pussy orgasm as many times you want
Madame_and_Perot 3 years ago
Interesting that you speak of addiction to being satisfied several times a day ... I kind of feel the same way about masturbating to porn or having to have sex chat several times a day or as soon as I have the opportunity
MMSdawg 3 years ago
I am so addicted as well! 
BatorGuy 5 years ago
Marie, I hope you will write more about your progress coping with your intense needs and how your husband is coping or assisting you through it. I believe there are many such people who could benefit from your own experience and how you have cum to grips with your need in a natural and positive way.
deepman81 5 years ago
Great Post Marie. Hope you are doing well. It is tough to explain sex addiction. Everybody knows about alcohol addiction or smoke addiction. I wonder if there are organizations Like AA for sex addiction. 
A very honest post and oh so true. We should all masturbate unashamedly and’s good for both body and mind
iggy61 5 years ago
I am one of many proud masturbaters.Love to see you enjoy making love to your pussy.Thank you for sharing your passion!
I can never give up binging on pornography and masturbation, so I know exactly what you mean. Do you think it is a peculiarity common in the legal profession?
hornyoldpervert 5 years ago
Good for you! Like you, I seriously enjoy my masturbation! Have been doing it since I was a young boy and enjoy it now as much as ever! :smile:
goforhours 6 years ago
Amen to that! 
jamesbond101069 6 years ago
Masturbation is wonderful.
BatorGuy 6 years ago
That's so honest of you to open up like this about something so personal. I know that can be difficult. I agree with many of the comments below. I'm glad you found a way to cope by incorporating into your lifestyle and have a husband who is understanding and supportive. It would be a sin, a denial of what nature blessed you with, to suppress such a powerful and rewording side of yourself.  If I were your husband, I would do the same and even help you take it further... for your own benefit, of course. I've read about Tantric orgasm and that can help you attain new spiritual planes if you can sustain it long enough.
fishkiller 6 years ago
I dont think there is anything wrong with multiple orgasms or sex on a daily basis.  Use it or lose it!
YummyPumpkinsMax 6 years ago
Your story was an eye opener for me.I have to finally admit that I must admit my own addiction. When my significant other has sex with me I have at least 25 orgasms and sometimes lose count after I experience upwards of 100. He is an older gentleman and has an average sized penis. However, I had 30 minutes f continual orgasms when a very large penis is in my ass. The pressure is so intense that I cannot control myself. My significant other has made numerous videos of our love making and some think I am exaggerating my expressions of pleasure. I am not. I simply cannot help the sounds I make when I get lost in orgasm. Thanks for opening my mind to what I think I am----a sexaholic!