Searching for discarded underwear .

One of the ways i like to keep my legs and ass in a fit shape is to cycle , i enjoy riding around the country lanes breathing the fresh air and getting some sunshine on my legs .
Many many years ago while out riding i saw a pair of discarded panties in the road side, i rode past for a while then my imagination got the better of me, what type where they ? , what size/material ? , who wore them ? , and did the have a nice scent ? , anyway i turned back and picked them up , they where a size 14 thong and quite soiled , naturally i had a sniff and put them in my pocket to wank over later .
Now from that day forth i have found probably hundreds of panties/bras/suspender belts/stockings and pantyhose , in face any likely looking woman`s undergarments i stop and pick up to save.
Most are in very wearable condition which i wash and use myself as long as they are between size 10 and 14 , any smaller or bigger i save in an old case under the bed.
Quite a few are very soiled ( i did`nt realise women and girls shit themselves so often ) , some just smell of piss and cum , these have obviously been used to wipe the vagina clean when the girls have urinated or had sex and cleaning themselves up afterwards , it dos`nt matter to me the smellier the better.
i fantasise who wore them , why they decided to throw them away , and the fact they drove home without wearing they`re undies , these are my kind of ladies.
i`ve had many a good wank with a pair of found panties wrapped around my cock dreaming of the girl who had them on probably only a matter of days before.
Bras are not as common to find , obviously they are more expensive to buy , so the lady is more reluctant to throw away , however i`ve got a good collection ranging from starter bras to the biggest to date 48EE , now id have loved a titty wank between these mams .
Every time i go out for a ride i`m full of optimism , the local lasses are quite slutty and Saturday mornings are a good time to find Fridays undies in the gutter , and i love them for it , certain roads are better than others , the main roads out of town are the best , i think the girls can`t wait to get home for fucking that they get there undies off on the way , more for me to find.
The end of Spring to late Autumn is best for obvious reasons , its warmer the girls don`t mind to get their pussies and asses cool , Winter is a poor time in my experience i think they keep their pants on till getting across the door post.
Anyway suffice to say the North East girls can rest in piece knowing all their discarded lingerie is finding a new home and is cherished as much now as when they bought them to cover their bodies , probably more so , so here`s to the next find , what will it be ? , what size ? , colour ? , will they smell spunky or of perfume ? , thats the best thing ..... not knowing :)
Published by miss-behavin
7 years ago
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toollkit 5 years ago
great story ,  I love finding undies when out on he bike , great thinking why they were  discarded , was  she  fucked in them  , did she  stop for a pee , did  her  bfriend use them to wank in  etc etc mmmmmmmm
KUSH_MAN 5 years ago
I Love finding panties and things too
nearlyrich 5 years ago
Happy hunting :wink: xx.
nearlyrich 5 years ago
to hottvcarole : Mmm! Lucky gurl Carole x. I believe panties in trees marks a dogging site! Keep looking :wink: xx.
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nearlyrich 5 years ago
to naomis_cuckold : Hi Naomis x, sounds like had lots of fun :wink:. I believe bras and panties left in trees and bushes marks it as a dogging spot! So keep your eyes open :smile: xx.
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Robert-not 5 years ago
to nylonslip : Thanks for the tip - I'd not thought of looking there
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virginabbi 6 years ago
mmmmm which I could find some xxx
Kircedes 6 years ago
wow this is so fun and totes new  I mean I have found a pair or two but nothing like this. .  
naomis_cuckold 6 years ago
i too have found many pairs of panties over the years and bra's too, although i get out on my bike down quiet country lanes i dont seem to find anywhere near as many these days, when i first left school i worked on a farm for a few years and for a period of about 2 years i started finding bras and knickers wrapped round the branches of trees in a local woods, there would usually be 3 or 4 panties and 2 or 3 bras on each find, this happened regularly (usually once every 2 months) for about 2 years then suddenly stopped, but during this time i would reularly wear them in the woods and usually wank myself silly, a few times i was very close to getting seen or caught, during winter months i would wear the bras and knickers at work as my thick winter clothing usually hid the fact i had a bra on during summer months i would wear the knickers, to this day i have no idea who it was that used to leave them, since then i have found many places where other discarded panties and occasionaly bras could be found although in recent years they have become much less common, i had many exciting wanks over the years with my finds.......just wish i could still find them as frequently as i used to
parkmate 6 years ago
No better way of making use of a country cycle. Good hunting for the future.
hottvcarole 6 years ago
Several years ago I was looking for a quiet spot for some dressed fun when I happened upon a bush that about 8 or 9 pairs of panties hung on the branches. Taking a pair to examine them I didn’t hear the owner approach. Being caught in the act. I admitted I was a cross dresser looking for a quiet place. He replied me too and this is my pant tree. He pronounced it pantry. We ended up with a mutual wank, both leaving our cum on the ground. 
footlover2121 6 years ago
Id love to go looking with you sometime, and have some outdoor fun with you x
Nylon_spunker 6 years ago
I cycle myself and also find discarded undies. Usually dirty used panties and thongs which Iove to sniff . I once found an old nylon nightie. ....possibly a cd purging his collection ... anyway I put it to good use . 
pantasy69 6 years ago
Been doing that for years myself!
MissLesley 6 years ago
Yes nothing like discarded goodies in the hedgerows - nice used rubbers as well x
i wish i could found some panties too, i always buy some here from xh friends
oddoneout 7 years ago
to nylonslip : IM going to have to remember that, Never though to look there. I travel for work at least 4 times a year and was thrilled when I found 3 pairs under the bed at one stay!
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Ultrasheertights 7 years ago
I would love to leave a pair of my tights for you to collect then wear and show on here
nylonslip 7 years ago
I have often found "lost" panties in the back of chest of drawers in hotel rooms. They often get pushed over the back of the drawer and get wedged there. My first port of call when I get into the room!!
bandaazul 7 years ago
I have found panties, bras and asorted lingerie discarded after an encounter maybe.  Very exciting to wash and get my wife to wear them then fuck her in them.
monteromr 7 years ago
We have something in common I also ride, but someday I would love to ride you