Scared of Sex? Maybe...

Hey all, Jake here,

I have to decided to share something about myself that's pretty much known for several people. I am a virgin, that I haven't actually had sex beyond the online stuff or masturbation. Many of you might be wondering why I am a virgin, but consider myself bi-curious or even why I am one in the first place, considering my age.

Well, I guess I should open up that I have always bounced forth between the concept of me being bi or being gay but in denial. Anymore, I'm more open to saying that I am bi, though I think I prefer looking at guys in a sexual way. I'm still attracted to women, and I do think the concept of me having actual sex with a sexy lady is enticing, but at the same time, I can't deny the thought of feeling another man's cock in my mouth is a definite turn on.

So, why am I a virgin? Just haven't had too many opportunities for it, I guess. I'm the type of person who isn't a very outgoing type of person (I guess you could say that I am introverted), nor do I really want to take risks either. In a way, I'm scared of having sex in any way, but I also want to have it.

I think the fear comes more from where I live, as I live in a large town that is pretty religious in places, and homosexuality or bisexuality isn't exactly looked fondly in these parts. While I don't care what people would think of me if I was more open about my bi-curiosity, I would prefer not to be beaten up because of it. Also, I would like to start a family (though recently, that feels more like a pipe-dream since I am nearing my forties), and wanting to suck cock when you know you have k**s at home feels weird, even if the marriage was open.

Plus, I still need to get my driver's license and learn to drive, but that's another fear I need to overcome. I hope to see a counselor in a near future to see if I can overcome these various fears.

Anyway, I guess I just have to suck it up and take a plunge, eventually. I will practice safe sex (sorry folks, but I will only bareback if I know you are clean) and I try to make sure that I know the person, man or woman, will consent to having sex with me, especially considering my body (though I am loosing weight).

So, that's pretty much it, I guess I just need to open up about this whole thing a bit more. Sorry if I sound like a total loser, but if that's the case, you can kindly go fuck yourself! There's nothing wrong with being a virgin, though I'm not against having a bit of fun here and there either.


Jake aka PornKaiju2
Published by PornKaiju2
7 years ago
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MPLSbiGUY 7 years ago
I think that it's great that you share on here. I find that a lot of guys are really good to talk to - it's a great community. I'm guessing you live in Kansas City. I lived there in the late 1980s - I hated it. lol Though I was able to find a crowd to hang with. I wouldn't like to live there as a gay man especially in the Trump era.

Don't beat yourself up over the virginity thing. Really there are so much more things in life that are more important. You seem to have a good grasp of your situation. You can't have a hetero family life and suck cock in secret. Lots of guys do - but I really think they refuse to look at themselves for what they are. Counselling would be good for you - just keep it honest.
PornKaiju2 Publisher 7 years ago
Oh, I agree
PornKaiju2 Publisher 7 years ago
to wankaboy : Alright
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PornKaiju2 Publisher 7 years ago
to oseppone58 : Sorry, I don't speak Italian, but I did translate with Google Translate!

Grazie, anche se non parlo italiano (usato Google Translate).
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oseppone58 7 years ago
Non avere paura,vivi la tua vita come vuoi,la vita e' la tua non devi dare spiegazioni a nessuno
wankaboy 7 years ago
All good man, take it easy.  Talk to me anytime.