New Adventures 6, introducing Lady J
New Adventure 6
Introducing “Lady J” … just my musings on things xx
So where does that leave us? … months into our new fun and games we have an exciting little fantasy to call upon when the desire so takes us but, in truth we are no closer to having another party join us in our bed at night, or indeed the darkest corners of a busy club or bar.
My wife, I shall give her a name, one she invented for herself, “Lady J”. Petite, is the term that comes to mind, I have always considered her simply stunning, not just in looks but her strengths and personality are beyond compare, she is simply out of my class. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not a betta-male, on the contrary I am a natural alpha-man in the true sense of the term, by that I mean I am comfortable in myself, my physique and my intellect and comfortable in any environment and social situation. Rarely do I find myself physically, emotionally or socially intimidated.
This dear reader you may find hard to understand, after all I have written thousands of words here, expressing my wishes for her to take a lover! But, I do so not as some subordinate to another man’s lust, but as a man offering a gift to his wife, his love, his life. I freely admit that I enjoy the torment and uncertainty of the possibilities that such a liaison could bring, but, I see no threat. You have to understand what a natural alpha-male is, you see there is much confusion on the mater, especially in realms of human sexuality. People often mistake bullish attitudes and demeaner, the imposition of will over another by brute force as being illustrative of the type. Indeed, for some people who live the “cuckold-lifestyle” or in some BDSM circles, that is the very definition of what an alpha-male is and does, but this is wholly incorrect. A true “dom” has nothing to prove to anyone else, has no need to belittle or deride another person in order to reinforce their own ego or self-esteem, on the contrary a true “dom” empowers those around them and a subordinate personality would gravitate and grow with such a person.
By the same account, it is quite distressing to see someone who is naturally subordinate by nature, consider themselves as being somehow, less of a person because of that. The whole notion of Sub verses Dom is actually a fairly simplistic term for a series of quite complex, human behaviours. These evolved relatively recently in mankind’s story, as coping mechanisms as our species transcended from living in small, widely dispersed family-groups to being a more social creaturel.
If you, or any other person are predisposed to having submissive behaviours (as the vast majority are), it is because that is the most successful survival technique in dealing with life and all that it can throw at you, congratulations then you are on the winning team !
Anyhow, I have digressed considerably, but I did so to try and explain that LadyJ’s usually submissive role in our games is quite at odds with her professional and usual social conduct, it’s an escape form the normal convention and one she throws herself into completely, with myself at any rate. Our stories here started with her confession of a sexual, attraction to someone else, well, as of today by some particularly poor stroke of fate he has not been back to her office. So, even as her confidence has grown and she knows that I would support her in any interaction she chooses to undertake, she has not had the opportunity to act on it. I have said in previous accounts that anyone reading this would have to understand that Lady J, rarely, very rarely finds someone sexually attractive enough to comment about them, so, it’s not like she’s is going to go dogging or anything like that simply to find a “cock” to play with. In fact, the majority of the people who have got her attention in that way over the years have been other women. She has also told me on numerous occasions that she simple doesn’t feel the need to stray from our marital bed, and I really should feel so grateful for that. If there is a problem it is my own sexual appetite, I could fall in love fifty times a day, and even though her sexual needs are higher than average but, is nothing compared to my own.
So, why are we here, what are we up too … her “confession” and the circumstances around it have opened our eyes to new experience. Rules that she put in place to make her feel safe and in control, have been agreed on and then thrown out by her on several occasions. Lady J is more and more taking the lead in our sexual games and teasing me through the day, and night when I’m working through, hence the little photo album. One of our galleries, “A Dull Night Out” is only four photos, I believe, showing how, heading home after a disappointing trip into town, Lady J, stops my moaning by slipping out of her dress at the side of the road and walks, no struts, the rest of the way home in just her coat and heals, dozens of passing motorist would have had a welcome eye-full, something that I find such a turn on. I also get a massive buzz thinking about people getting off, (however they choose to do so), or getting turned on by looking at her pictures.
One of her rules, the one where she would not reply in person to mail or comments but, content herself to vetting replies “penned” by myself, was recently discarded. I think she found herself frustrated at both my ability as a word-smith and as a typist and simply took over as I thumbed the keys on my laptop and carried on the conversation I’d been having with a fellow dom. I was certainly, playing the sub at that point as, after introducing herself to my pen-friend, she typed away at 90 words to the minute a very at a very intimate conversation. When I paid too much attention to her writings, I was instructed by her to “worship” her pussy and arse, and did so, with great gusto and a rapidly hardening cock as their communications continued without my “direct” input. I brought her off several times as, my pen-friends own slow typing caught up! It was a very horny experience, one I very much would like to repeat, as often as my sexy wife wishes.
I should say here, that the pics, the arty ones at least, are thought out and planned by her, her twenty fifth, wedding anniversary present was a pretty smart camera, which she has taking too like a duck to water. Mine? You ask dear reader, well it was a gas knife making forge, yep I really am that macho ! So, the staged photos are hers, and considering that it’s something that she has only been doing for a few months, I dear reader, I think you have to agree her photographs are testament to what a fantastically talented person Lady J is.
Forgive me then, dear reader if I put words down and occupy your precious time with my ramblings but, it does occur to me that what ever the base motives of many posting here or trolling the archives for their thrills, it actually takes people of courage to put themselves and their sexuality out there for the rest of the world to ogle over.
So, thank you dear reader, if you persevered thus far, I shall I promise, make every effort in writing a more sexually explicit and themed account in the near future but, I felt the need to publicly, well as publicly as I am able too, to express my gratitude and love for the woman in my life, Lady J , and by inference all the other brave, brave people out there willing to expose themselves in the interest of sexual freedoms … thanks is not enough xx
Introducing “Lady J” … just my musings on things xx
So where does that leave us? … months into our new fun and games we have an exciting little fantasy to call upon when the desire so takes us but, in truth we are no closer to having another party join us in our bed at night, or indeed the darkest corners of a busy club or bar.
My wife, I shall give her a name, one she invented for herself, “Lady J”. Petite, is the term that comes to mind, I have always considered her simply stunning, not just in looks but her strengths and personality are beyond compare, she is simply out of my class. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not a betta-male, on the contrary I am a natural alpha-man in the true sense of the term, by that I mean I am comfortable in myself, my physique and my intellect and comfortable in any environment and social situation. Rarely do I find myself physically, emotionally or socially intimidated.
This dear reader you may find hard to understand, after all I have written thousands of words here, expressing my wishes for her to take a lover! But, I do so not as some subordinate to another man’s lust, but as a man offering a gift to his wife, his love, his life. I freely admit that I enjoy the torment and uncertainty of the possibilities that such a liaison could bring, but, I see no threat. You have to understand what a natural alpha-male is, you see there is much confusion on the mater, especially in realms of human sexuality. People often mistake bullish attitudes and demeaner, the imposition of will over another by brute force as being illustrative of the type. Indeed, for some people who live the “cuckold-lifestyle” or in some BDSM circles, that is the very definition of what an alpha-male is and does, but this is wholly incorrect. A true “dom” has nothing to prove to anyone else, has no need to belittle or deride another person in order to reinforce their own ego or self-esteem, on the contrary a true “dom” empowers those around them and a subordinate personality would gravitate and grow with such a person.
By the same account, it is quite distressing to see someone who is naturally subordinate by nature, consider themselves as being somehow, less of a person because of that. The whole notion of Sub verses Dom is actually a fairly simplistic term for a series of quite complex, human behaviours. These evolved relatively recently in mankind’s story, as coping mechanisms as our species transcended from living in small, widely dispersed family-groups to being a more social creaturel.
If you, or any other person are predisposed to having submissive behaviours (as the vast majority are), it is because that is the most successful survival technique in dealing with life and all that it can throw at you, congratulations then you are on the winning team !
Anyhow, I have digressed considerably, but I did so to try and explain that LadyJ’s usually submissive role in our games is quite at odds with her professional and usual social conduct, it’s an escape form the normal convention and one she throws herself into completely, with myself at any rate. Our stories here started with her confession of a sexual, attraction to someone else, well, as of today by some particularly poor stroke of fate he has not been back to her office. So, even as her confidence has grown and she knows that I would support her in any interaction she chooses to undertake, she has not had the opportunity to act on it. I have said in previous accounts that anyone reading this would have to understand that Lady J, rarely, very rarely finds someone sexually attractive enough to comment about them, so, it’s not like she’s is going to go dogging or anything like that simply to find a “cock” to play with. In fact, the majority of the people who have got her attention in that way over the years have been other women. She has also told me on numerous occasions that she simple doesn’t feel the need to stray from our marital bed, and I really should feel so grateful for that. If there is a problem it is my own sexual appetite, I could fall in love fifty times a day, and even though her sexual needs are higher than average but, is nothing compared to my own.
So, why are we here, what are we up too … her “confession” and the circumstances around it have opened our eyes to new experience. Rules that she put in place to make her feel safe and in control, have been agreed on and then thrown out by her on several occasions. Lady J is more and more taking the lead in our sexual games and teasing me through the day, and night when I’m working through, hence the little photo album. One of our galleries, “A Dull Night Out” is only four photos, I believe, showing how, heading home after a disappointing trip into town, Lady J, stops my moaning by slipping out of her dress at the side of the road and walks, no struts, the rest of the way home in just her coat and heals, dozens of passing motorist would have had a welcome eye-full, something that I find such a turn on. I also get a massive buzz thinking about people getting off, (however they choose to do so), or getting turned on by looking at her pictures.
One of her rules, the one where she would not reply in person to mail or comments but, content herself to vetting replies “penned” by myself, was recently discarded. I think she found herself frustrated at both my ability as a word-smith and as a typist and simply took over as I thumbed the keys on my laptop and carried on the conversation I’d been having with a fellow dom. I was certainly, playing the sub at that point as, after introducing herself to my pen-friend, she typed away at 90 words to the minute a very at a very intimate conversation. When I paid too much attention to her writings, I was instructed by her to “worship” her pussy and arse, and did so, with great gusto and a rapidly hardening cock as their communications continued without my “direct” input. I brought her off several times as, my pen-friends own slow typing caught up! It was a very horny experience, one I very much would like to repeat, as often as my sexy wife wishes.
I should say here, that the pics, the arty ones at least, are thought out and planned by her, her twenty fifth, wedding anniversary present was a pretty smart camera, which she has taking too like a duck to water. Mine? You ask dear reader, well it was a gas knife making forge, yep I really am that macho ! So, the staged photos are hers, and considering that it’s something that she has only been doing for a few months, I dear reader, I think you have to agree her photographs are testament to what a fantastically talented person Lady J is.
Forgive me then, dear reader if I put words down and occupy your precious time with my ramblings but, it does occur to me that what ever the base motives of many posting here or trolling the archives for their thrills, it actually takes people of courage to put themselves and their sexuality out there for the rest of the world to ogle over.
So, thank you dear reader, if you persevered thus far, I shall I promise, make every effort in writing a more sexually explicit and themed account in the near future but, I felt the need to publicly, well as publicly as I am able too, to express my gratitude and love for the woman in my life, Lady J , and by inference all the other brave, brave people out there willing to expose themselves in the interest of sexual freedoms … thanks is not enough xx
7 years ago
FEW will ever understand this. But who cares???
We did it and do it and keep doing it. It brings her joy and brings us closer than ever, every time!
Thanks again for sharing thoughts and emotions ae well!!!
With our best wishes!