When I first discovered nylon (2)

As this is not fiction you might find thats this is not for you as there's no fucking or sucking (except with my girlfriend at the time) its just how things evovled for me and my passion for ladys underwear. so you might want to think about it before you read on. Yes it true. Yes i did want to have sex with a Tranny/shemale/CD so many name these days But it was not going to happen for quite a few years and when it did it was totaly by chance but not in this chapter of my life.

Moving back to Greenwich life seemed pretty dull for the first couple of weeks but once i had caught up with some of my old friends + i had my gifts form Dagenham to play with so life seemed to start moving up, My mums flat was on the top floor and had a small loft hatch which became my hiding place for my nylon goodies.

Greenwich park was a good place to hang as a teen with lots of girls and we was always on the prowl as one does at that age (17 now) and the girl that became my girlfriend Kerry who was the same age as me.

Kerry was like me skinny as hell but very beautifull to look at !!! Big brown eyes and long brown hair, nice long legs and the flatest chest I've ever seen even to this day, no tits just nipples but in the bedroom she came into her own, and to be honest she is probably the hottest woman I've ever slept with and my first time anal even though it was by accident. Things got very hot wet one night and i just popped in. Kerry said wrong door it was like being in a clamp we both started laughing and for some reason i lost all controll and just cum and then she did as well, she said after when we was laying back that it was the reaction of her bum stretching when i cum that kicked her off as well. so we did do more anal now and then.

By this time i had a driving license and a car (Mini) small but it was a car so things were good, My mum had a new man in her life who lived up on the Heath (Blackheath) so me and Kerry more or less had the flat to ourselvies which was good as sometimes i could slip into her pantys and enjoy my old Dagenham habits when she was out.

When i was 19 i got a van driving job working for a local guy that run a second hand shop (Antiques as my boss called it, Rubbish as I called it) of which there was many in Greenwich and house clearence was a good business to be in at that time, to keep the stock up and my boss seemed to be able to buy stuff for next to nothing and sell it for a mint, but wages wise he was a tight bastard so anything found on a clearence (cash) that he didn't know about went into my back pocket. And this was how another chapter in my life opened up.

Council house clearences was the best for my boss as many of them where peoples homes that had passed away or people that had passed away and there family didn't want any of it, or they had no family. others were people that had been evicted for rent arreas, how ever we seemed to get more than our fair share, I think my boss used to bung someone a drink in the council.

If it was heavy stuff to pick up 2 of us would go to the job someone he would just bring in for a few hours, Other times small items it would be me by myself, and it was when i was by myself one day that my cock nearly burst through my jeans. I had almost finished loading the van with small items of furniture and other stuff when I thought I'd better check the door under the stairs as you never knew what you might find there, in the past i had found money hidden but not this time just more boxes.

6 or 7 boxes later sitting on the hall way floor i started to open them, old china cups and other rubbish which would probably go in the skip when i got back but the the 4th box I was about to open almost made me cum in my pants........ The whole box was filled with porno mags not like what you got in the UK at that time but real porn, fucking sucking women being fucked in the arse it was pure gold to me but the diamonds where still to come.

All these mags were German and Swedish some maybe French and the deeper i dug the more i found and then i pulled out one which made my eyes water titled TV something on the cover but more than anything it was the picture "A beautifull woman with tits stockings and susspenders and high heels" but what made my cock go rock hard was that this woman also had a cock as well i just flicked through th pages and it was full of women with cocks, that was it i had my cock out with the mag open and 2 beautifull dressed women with cocks out and big hard on's, 30 seconds later i shot my load on the hallway floor.

But to top this find of goodies off after i had gone through the box proply i ended up with 11 trany mags and 30 + porn straight mags and there was still more to come in the next box ther was a load of VHS tapes yes more porn but sadly only 2 was about trannys one was called shemale surprise and the other one was Tranny something and many times I did bring myself off watching them.

I needed stockings and sussies badly, i had plenty of pairs of nylon pantys but stockings like those in my mags i did not have and this was pre internet days befor online shopping. Then i remembered Kerry used to buy cloths from mail order catalogues and thats where i got my first stocking and sussies from, sizing was easy when Kerry was here her stuff fitted me fine. Not a great choice of stockings as tights where more in fashion then but they did sell black and tan colours in packs and sussies only in black or white though.

It didn't take me long to get my new undies on once they arrived it had to be the white susspender belt and black stockings and pink nylon pantys, bit of a mismatch in colours but i felt like a million dollars laying on the sofa with my cock in hand and one of the tranny vids playing and then the other one. I had 3 wanks that night and didn't even clean the cum up, what i didn't eat i just rubbed into my black nylons..

I would lay in bed looking at the mags with the trannys getting fucked in the arse and having there cocks played with or sucked by another tranny, some being sucked off by the guy who fucked them, and the guy being fucked by the trany. In my mind i wanted to have some of this for real.

Once i decided to go up the westend of London as that was where all the action was supposed to be so off i went to statue of Eros!!! no joy loads of the so called rent boys milling a round so i just went for a walk i should have done my home work properly. But all was not wasted as i walked along i ended up in Soho and found the most fantastic lady's underwear shop it was closed but i had already decided to come back the next day (Saturday)

The next morning bright and early i was up and out and at the shop by 10 o/c. and there was other men in the shop as well buying. for there self or someone else i dont know i just went in and started looking around at the items on sale, this was nothing like what you could buy on the local high street this was in a different league. I ended up spending over a £100 but i got what i had been looking for since the day i found the tranny mags. A £100 + in the 90's was a fair bit of money but for me it was well worth it.

I now owened a 6 strap susspender belt 2 pairs of ffs with seams one pair in black the other in a really dark brown and 3 pairs of nylon pantys that were just as sheer as the nylons I had bought and the girl that served me didn't even blink. needless to say i did visit the shop a few more times. On my next visit I bought more nylons and a latex 6 strap suspender belt.

I also bought a few viberaters to experiment with, the one that i liked best was a long thin plastic one very smooth and very easy to insert with a bit of lube and easy to hold in a semi sitting position on the settee and it also had a variable speed on it and sometimes using it i could cum hands free which was a blast by its self. But i was still looking for another cock to play with other than my own.

As much as i enjoyed my dressing up in undies i always felt i was missing out on a sexual relationship with CD, 2 men together just did not cut it for me it had to be the transformation from the top down but it wasn't going to happen for a good few years yet so i just had to wait which my have been a good thing with all that was going on in the 80' and 90's

If you got through this bit of my life and want to know the last chapter up to date I'll write it up and post it soon. There is more that happened in my earlier life but this is about me and my fetish as i guess you would call it and please remember this is not fiction or made up its about me. As in the first part "When I first discovered nylon" its true to how i remember it.
Published by paddy-paddy
7 years ago
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paddy-paddy Publisher 2 years ago
to Ginahose74 : Doesn't seem worth the effort to rewrite it to much stuff seems drop of the pages lately xxx
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Ginahose74 2 years ago
to paddy-paddy : Wish I'd been able to read itxxxx
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paddy-paddy Publisher 2 years ago
to Ginahose74 : Pity When I first discovered nylon (1) disappeared xx
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Ginahose74 2 years ago
Wonderful xxxxxxx
Guy49007 2 years ago
Wow great story loved reading it hope there is a next part
nwukcupl 3 years ago
Lots of the things you recall were similar to mine...
fleego 3 years ago
love this   I just need to know more
oldmanray57 4 years ago
I dressed since an early age in nylons and girdle, i wanted and need acock to use.at age 55 i found and sucked my first cock and glt fuck shortly after.it was heaven
hottvcarole 6 years ago
Love to read more sweetheart
GeorgeCross 6 years ago
I'm looking forward to read the story of your first meeting with a tranny!
Awesome story, encouraged me to thin kabout writing mine and being caught a few times but very understanding women!
thanks for sharing
stockingslut2016 6 years ago
Great stories . Cant wait for more
chrisffn099 7 years ago
And nothing beats that first discovery of tranny porn. Well except for the second and third and fourth ....
chrisffn099 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing this. Sounds really horny. Nothing beats that feeling of slipping on some nylons for the first time.
paddy-paddy Publisher 7 years ago
to dasilva1672 : Its funny how things turn out you wait years for a door to open and when it does you feel terrified, well I did. But that's for another time. Thank you all for you kind comments. xxx
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dasilva1672 7 years ago
Superb story! Many of us would have shared your experiences and will relate to them. My first TV porno mag was bought under  the counter in Soho and like it was for you, it was a revelation.
belindatv 7 years ago
great read can't wait for more
Loveitall66 7 years ago
Great insight, we all have our story, thanks for sharing
Rory4Me 7 years ago
I understand a lot of what your are talking about in your blog.