Lovely women oh how i wish......

Topic for today....Womens arousal vs. Mens arousal and Visual stimulation, and why its almost better then sex? haha yea right i do love looking at a beautiful women, especially in leggings. ive noticed the older i get the more it is needed for my arousal. take for instance fucking the shit out of a lovely lady and you watch as your cock goes in and out of her pretty little vagina it seems to arouse you more, well it sure the hell arouses me to the point of a solid rock hard pulsating cock that the girls i sleep with cant get enough of. i would love to post a vid of how i really like to get down and what it means to me to please women. anyways kinda off topic. so as a young boy ive always been overly curious about the female anatomy thus resulting in the constant research about them and that cozy warm wet spot that i love so much which led to porn and my wicked ways. when i was younger, and i say younger cuz im still young right now i thought i was gods gift to women and i was full of myself. when i realized that there was more than just "external buttons" for a women to help her achieve the ultimate arousal i had to rethink all of my tactics and how i was gonna improve them so i could be a womans guide to a whole helluva lot of fun, because for me i just cant enjoy it unless i can get her to enjoy it more. i needed to add passion to everything i did when i spoke to a female, weather it be showing what your saying with your eyes or your body language, in a sense i wanted to put of a strong aura around them of foreplay but appropriately so i didnt come off as a creep. i guess it helped this conclusion of mine comes from talking to many of the females i have in my life. anyways for us guys it is a whole lot simpler for our peak arousal to be met, most of us have to get that job done ourselfs which is fine with me since for me everytime i have a sexual encounter its a learning experience or i better find something in it i can learn from. see us guys are so simple we can complicate things like i have in which ive been talking about here. i had lots of fun doing this stuff and still do believe me and i still love looking at a random beautiful woman on her jog or out at the grocery store and when they are wearing yoga pants or tight leggings i, more times than not get so worked up that ill have to go home or find some comfortable privacy and take care of business it arouses me up so intensely. WOMEN SHOW THE CAMEL TOE AND CURVES, us men love to see it...... ;) ;) ;)
Published by serious214958
7 years ago
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