Fuck it, I get political

i've worked my ass off all weekend, non-stop. I missed almost all messages. I missed a chance to reply to comments This is just a short post to let good friends know that I'm sorry I've been slow to reply. I haven't been myself. I am excited because I've picked up so many sexy, weird, awesome halloween costumes. It's my goal to spend the entire month of october having fun with cosplay. I will have a little free time tomorrow. For the most part, I am gonna spend the entire day getting set up to sell at the wednesday market. If at all possible, I'll try to get started on costume pics. I keep realizing that people like my friend hans made me a gif of my bathroom video I don't know if he reads this blog. I failed to let him know how much i want to put it on my profile. Limuntus, is also another great friend who designed art for my page. I just have to figure out where I saved the link. I want mick to know our chats always make me happy. Mario, you have taken us to a place where we don't need words. Nonetheless, i can't wait to chat with you even more. Devo, i miss you. We haven't chatted in so long that i'm worried about you. I'm also worried that you might be mad at me for not getting back to you.

Cat, all i want is a two hour block of time to write you about things you will understand when they confuse most people. I'm half asleep writing this. There are so many more people i want to mention. i want sendmelots to know he has quickly become one of the only people i trust not to think less of me considering all the ways that i fail to be the friend he deserves. i'm missing an apology to hundreds of people that should know that I miss them. I just hope i can let many people know that they've helped me through a bad time. If you're having a bad time, send me a comment. i will make time to listen. Just don't be mad if i failed to mention you by name in this post. My memory is rough at two am..

i don't know what the deal is with tom petty. i saw reports that he passed away. then i saw reports that his death hasn't been confirmed. he will always be my favorite musician. i have so many memories of moments in life when his voice was the soundtrack that made everything seem perfect. People keep asking me if I'm okay. Sometimes the answer is yes. Sometimes the answer is no. i'm doing better than I thought was possible. Sometimes, it hits me that I ended something that made me so happy I was able to do things like get off medicine that ruined my quality of life. i've got mixed emotions. In so many ways he treated me like I was a woman he wasn't attracted to but he could manage to fuck me with my clothes on If it wasn't for the wonderful comments and messages people sent me here, it would've taken me years to recover from being treated like a second class citizen that didn't deserve to be happy. I'm tired. I still hope this message is coherent.

I stepped outside of my bubble with no news coverage and I was horrified. I have kept my mouth shut about politics. I hear reports of the lack of help this government is providing to people from my community. Yesterday, I talked to a woman who didn't have power for over thirteen days. This morning, I talked to a woman who lost her roof. She is better off than me because she can afford home owner's insurance. She still has no way on earth to pay a 5,000 dollar deductible. I asked if fema was helping her. She laughed at me. Her house is pretty much destroyed and they only deemed her worthy of 500 dollars. Things aren't okay in florida. I can't make myself find out what's happening in puerto rico. One ignorant facebook cocksucker had the nerve to say 'what did you think would happen? You live on an island. How could you possibly expect help in only a month?; He was deleted and blocked.

Another man who got my facebook info posted something like you are unfriended if you have one bad thing to say about trump especially when he's doing such a better job than the muslim president who did nothing. He was unfriended and blocked. I'm not okay with the little things like trump dedicating a motherfucking golf trophy to the victims of these hurricanes. I don't think the president should rely on twitter to spout off lies and ignorance. I want a fucking president like obama who would not hesitate to face the nation with a moment of silence for the victims of the mass murder in las vegas. I know his words would've been eloquent. This country doesn't need a coward tweeting something generic like 'our hearts are with the victims of this tragedy.' I see people already struggling to prevent a public outcry for the ban of assault rifles. This government cares more about money from the NRA than it does about people who are massacred at a public concert, for what seems to be no rational explanation.

You have to be ignorant not to worry about all the people that are going to lose healthcare. If your rich, can't you do the math? You're rates will increase as a result of the people with outstanding medical debt because they aren't covered. Trump makes it impossible for the average american to pay, The people who will pay more are the people who elected someone that made almost everything a preexisting condition that won't be covered. We are all being fucked by a man who cant stop tweeting threats to north korea knowing damn well they have nuclear weapons. I have had one weekend of news to find out how precarious things are. I would be hurting people based on trump bumper stickers and hats if I had been following this presidency in any way.

And I am laughing at the people who believed a rich man who claimed the wealthy would not benefit from his changes regarding taxes. I broke down and read an article that showed the absurd loopholes created for the wealthy to pay less. Trump promised his tax proposals wouldn't benefit him in any way. I can't remember exact numbers. He knocked down his taxable income in ways that should make anyone realize...he lied to every naive soul who thought that a billionaire would have the interest of the average working man as his top priority. I won't watch news coverage for a long time after this.

And when it comes to the flag. Or the star spangled banner, I am not in the NFL. I will drop to my knee if I am in a situation where i'm forced to face the flag or hear that sacred song knowing a maniacal, ignorant, sexist, racist madman is president. I mourn what america has become. I kneel for what we have done to this country I mourn for inequality and taking away women's rights. I mourn for the fact I live in a country where a man can say things like 'grab her by the pussy' and still be elected president. That statement belongs on xhamster. It should not have become a part of american history because everyone knows what trump thinks of women.

If there is no morality clause or limitations on what a president can say or do without repercussions...than your goddamn right I wont stand and support the flag or the star spangled banner. Doing that would make me feel like I'm disrespecting men that have done military service. My dad went to vietnam.. He died at fifty from agent orange. My great uncle raised me. He was one of the only survivors on the USS yorktown aircraft carrier that was sunk in the battle of midway. His story of getting off that ship is in almost every documentary regarding the battle of midway. He had pieces of that ship in his legs that couldn't be removed. I could touch pieces of the gun turret that entered his leg when the first bomb hit. My uncle and even my father went to war so that america could be something their c***dren were proud of.

I know if my uncle was alive he would kneel despite not knowing how he could stand back up. He would want people to know, the act of kneeling doesn't negate his sacrifice as a soldier He fought for america to be a country that stopped dictators from taking power from the people. We should all realize to stand idly by while a dictator takes our money, our healthcare, our status as a world power, our freedom of religion and the press and so much more is the way you disrespect a veteran. This has gone beyond an issue of racial equality. As far as I'm concerned, this is how we move past issues of race. No race, religion, gender, environmentalist, journalist, or person without extreme wealth is not affected by what this man is doing.

,I've been neutral because I had good friends vote for trump. One weekend of news coverage and my neutral status is gone. Go for it. Leave me comments calling me a stupid bitch. Or spouting the glorious idea of a wall in a country where every single person that isn't a native american came here because this used to be a melting pot. In such a short time, this country is the epitome of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. At this point. let it burn. Please understand that I do not respect you if you support the madmen who is president because he got some help from russia to fuck up our election. And I hope the woman who should've been president by over three million votes, is sitting on a beach somewhere, laughing hysterically in close proximity to a bomb shelter.

i won't get political often. But I know the idea of a golf trophy dedicated to people who are now homeless, is the final straw for me. To end this in a happy way, I found this song today and it is the best song about vaginas that could possibly be written.
Published by halinaplays
7 years ago
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halinaplays Publisher 6 years ago
to MountainMounty : I don't get much time to respond to comments. I just want to say that I agree with you completely. It doesn't always have to be sex. We are usually all opinionated passionate people. We can think outside the box. And there are a few good men who find it attractive when a women is pissed off. When I wrote this, I was livid over the entire political system. I also wanted to make sure that those men who foolishly think trump will 'make america great again' stay the fuck off my page. I don't tolerate racism, sexism, or maniacal power hungry dictators. The blog after this got caught up in issues involving race and things like black lives matter. One friend went too far with comments that were uncalled for. I debated responding. I decided that I voiced my opinions, it was only right to let her vent without being confronted and chastised.. That was very hard for me to do. Sometimes when you open up discussions, you just need to read comments without trying to dispute them. I'm going to be moving this blog to wordpress with limited access so I can write without censorship. I want the freedom to discuss my sex life in a small town just as much as I want proactive conversation about current events or history. thanks for reading.
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MountainMounty 6 years ago
great post...I've always said that the lifestyle was missing more thoughtful discussions and proactive conversations...we are all so open-minded, but politics seems to always be a topic we shy from....

Jennifer_Rubber 6 years ago
Oh it is sad that we have to be political but keep up the fight for right.
Our society has become so politically correct we have the "1%" telling us what to think.
Keep the flags of distrust flying high.
deMarquise 6 years ago
Trump has no morals. He is a narcissist. His ONLY agenda is defending "the rights" of a company to deduct as much tax as possible, and the interest of the banks, who lend those company the money in the first place. How much tax has the Trump Organization paid to the US? That he grabs people by the pussy, jokes about it and then complains that he is the victim because the matter was "reported" out of context, does not seem to matter. If you tell a lie long and hard enough, people start to believe it. The truth has disappeared. Democracy has disappeared. Because of Trump, the world is no longer governed by the people anymore, but by corporations. Banks are corporations too. The Federal Reserve is a Corporation. A company sets your interest rate, not "The Government".
berlinm1964 7 years ago
to jubelum : So- the amount of your the tax you pay matters ? What about: one man, one vote ?

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berlinm1964 7 years ago
Yes !!( sorry- my english is not good enough to express all my thoughts about this in english )
halinaplays Publisher 7 years ago
to jubelum : your reply inspired an entirely new blog. Please enjoy. At this point I'm blocking you. I'm bored with your ignorance. If I wanted to read stuff like you've posted here, all I would have to do is watch fox news. And my time is better spent chatting with people who aren't racist, ignorant, sexist, arrogant, and egotistical.
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jubelum 7 years ago
to halinaplays : Wow, you really are an idiot. Thanks for turning a porn site into a political forum. Opinions are only ok in your world if they fit yours or benefit you. You want people like yourself, that can barely run a check out stand to run the country, but you don't have the fund to do it so you want mine. To me you are a child crying that you have to come in and stop playing. I pay for the house, heat, food, etc. and you just want to play with your ball in the yard. So clueless. I would love to see a major war in my life time so all the females, and trans can get drafted. We will see fast what you think after you serve others. I'll bet I pay more in a week in taxes, and give to charity than you earn in a month. Why on earth did you need to bring politics on to hamster? Fucking stupid move probably like everything you do. I give thanks daily that my parents (who are from Europe) gave me the tools to not be a public school idiot.
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jubelum 7 years ago
to jubelum : We don't live in those countries. We are a constitutional republic. That is it. We left that way of life, and everyone is on there own. I'm not sure what you think you "knocked out of the park". The constitution affords us both our freedoms. I have no reasonability you you, or you to I. I have been all over the world several times. Can you please tell me a place where you have more freedom?
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samanthjonescd 7 years ago
to halinaplays : Im so glad that you feel what i said was ok.

love love love!!!! xxx
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halinaplays Publisher 7 years ago
to samanthjonescd : Thank you, my anger towards his ignorant view that the only way a black man could become a millionaire is the NFL has me so angry, I've refused to respond. I've considered devoting an entire blog to what he said, what every negative comment mentioned. I swear there are very few times when I'm left speechless. The idea of someone saying something like his 'what country....?' nonsense in the year 2017 breaks my heart. It makes me glad I can't have children. It sure as fuck makes me support anyone who chooses to kneel more than ever. Despite all the negative remarks about disrespecting my father and the man that raised me, my opinion hasn't changed. I'm a big fan of chelsea handler. When she brought NFL players on her show to discuss the topic she mentioned a quote from a man's twitter that said 'I'm a vet and if you think I served so football players could take a knee during the anthem to protest injustice...you'd be right.' I want to thank you for confronting someone when I was afraid of becoming belligerent with anger. You knocked his statement out of the park.
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samanthjonescd 7 years ago
to jubelum : The uk, spain, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland, Canada, etc..... basically any country that has black sports stars. dugh?!?

Im guessing from that last statement the American dream is reserved for whites only....

I also believe i just knocked your statement out of the park as you would say in your country. #homer

think before you speak.
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jubelum 7 years ago
Healthcare. The affordable care act is a tax on people who cannot afford healthcare. Under Obama you get fined on income taxes for not having healthcare. As far as people that can afford it, the cost has gone up. In some states such as Alaska 200% increase. Forcing people to buy a product is unconstitutional.

Your father and uncle. Why would you disrespect there service taking a knee? I'm a Navy vet as well. The men in the NFL are making millions. Every job has rules. What other country can an uneducated black man rise to become a millionaire?
cordwainer66 7 years ago
to halinaplays : Beauty and Intelligence of a Goddess. Live Long Halinaplays.
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cordwainer66 7 years ago
All I have to say about your solid train of thought halinaplays is .....................BRAVO!
SZSakall 7 years ago
I can't for the life of me fathom why some people (grown "tough" men) who are offended by your opinions respond with hateful comments instead of just deleting you from their friends list.
halinaplays Publisher 7 years ago
to justanotherweirdguy : I know that the president is generally a figurehead and he/or she must have the support of the senate and congress to do a damn thing. In a way, trump is eager to take the credit for the taxation and healthcare policies members of congress have drafted. You're right, he's a scapegoat when it comes to that issue. However, people act as if he is a messiah for some reason. He is eager to take credit as if he created these proposals. For being that ignorant, I'm happy to blame him for the fact he's fighting to get them passed by all means necessary. Four brave republicans stood between healthcare reform that would've made millions of people lose coverage. I went to the corrupt news source to find out how they viewed that situation. They put the blame on one female republican I admire. She simply stated that the problem with obamacare was that both parties did not work together and that is why it failed so many people. She voted no because she refused to allow her party to repeat the same mistake. A two party system is not working. It takes very brave people to stand in the middle. Obamacare failed me, When I could not work because I was having seizures and my medicine kept me in a state near narcolepsy, I wasn't eligible. In the eyes of the nation, because it was taking so long to be declared disabled, I was viewed as a lazy woman who was unwilling to work. Without employment, I was not eligible. When my mom got fired, obamacare saved her ass. People don't realize for the most part the focus was on getting coverage for children and people in a low income household. It was wrong in some ways to fine people who didn't enroll. For a lot of people, that was taking away their personal freedom. I don't see anyone marrying me anytime soon. I also will not work for minimum wage when I earn way more money building up a small business. I don't have money for independent coverage. I couldn't sign up for county insurance for low income people because having any coverage meant I couldn't get my medicine free from the manufacturer. That medicine cost 1500 per month. It was harder than anyone could imagine, but I weaned myself off of it. I have natural sleep now. That doesn't change the fact I can't afford to see a doctor if I have a sinus infection. I don't feel sorry for myself. I don't expect to have insurance for a long time. I do hope people who need obamacare can get it until another solution is available.

I haven't had home owner's insurance for a long time. I live in fear over that issue. I would love to hear your story. I know I wrote you a novel. lol. you probably know that's kind of a problem for me. I don't know why all of a sudden I knew it was time to discuss politics. I avoided all news so that I couldn't feel anger and outrage. The shootings made me realize it was time to find my voice and use it. I won't do this often. I needed to do it at least one time. I'll send you a skype message after work.
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halinaplays Publisher 7 years ago
to justanotherweirdguy : I dated a guy in london who thought the fact I support the second amendment made me ignorant. I tried to make him understand that every american should understand the right to bare arms is essential. At any point now or in the future, the people may need to rise up and fight a tyrannical government. We have had our rights slowly taken away by things like the patriot act. Changes have been slow. Suddenly we have a man in office who does not seem capable of controlling what he says and does, especially through social media. We are making enemies all over the world very quickly. We may need our guns. I will say that in my opinion, the bigger threat we have right now are mass shootings. They are happening everywhere. They involve assault rifles. They involve guns that I don't think many people should be able to buy. I support changes in gun control, not the elimination of guns for most people. Personally, I have a problem with the fact it's so damn easy to get armor piercing bullets. I think that puts people like the police in immediate danger. I support background checks. People didn't like the fact that hilary clinton tweeted that it was a good thing the man wasn't using a silencer. She did point out the fact that the NRA is fighting real hard to make it very easy for anyone to get silencers. I think her point was the fact that if people hadn't heard the noise of gunfire, and they had not taken cover, there would've been so much death and mayhem it would've shaken this nation to it's core. She does stand against the NRA. I'm not educated enough about the NRA to know if there primary concern is protecting the second amendment. I know they give a lot of money to politicians. I know they nearly bankrupted smith and wesson during a boycott because they considered developing technology for smart guns. I don't think the idea of developing a gun that will only fire in the hands of the owner is a bad idea. Statistics often say a woman is likely to have her own gun taken from her and used against her. For that reason alone, i think we should think about smarter weapons. Personally, I was baker acted after I honestly took to much medicine on accident. The very first thing i did when I entered the facility was sign a paper giving up my rights to own a gun. During this hurricane the chance of looting, rape and murder was so high, I seriously needed a shotgun. The fact is, I do not have that right due to my mental health. I know people way beyond me when it comes to instability are easily able to obtain guns. I support tighter regulation on the sale of firearms to people like me. I know that the second amendment must be protected. We've also got to protect people from mentally unstable people who get their hands on an arsenal of automatic weapons. It's a tricky subject. And I don't think there is an easy solution. cont...
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halinaplays Publisher 7 years ago
to justanotherweirdguy : Thank you for supporting my right to get angry after I kept silent a long time. The most important things to me involve freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. I am angry at the way trump attacks every form of media besides fox news. I am angry about the press conference concerning the mass shooting in las vegas that in my opinion blurred the lines between the separation of church and state. I have to watch the footage again. It was an emotional moment. To me that is still dangerous territory. I want to thank you for your service and apologize if it seems like I don't respect any person's decision to defend the constitution. I read a quote today that sums up what I hoped to convey. 'I'm a vet & if you think I served so football players could take a knee during the anthem to protest injustice...you'd be right.' I had one man say my statements about not standing for the anthem were the equivalent of a bitch-slap to the man that raised me and my father. I did speak the truth. Both men, would kneel because neither of them would want to know this nation is being corrupted by wealth, greed and lies.

My dad didn't want to fight in vietnam. He signed up on his eighteenth birthday to avoid the draft. He knew if he got drafted he would end up fighting on the front lines. My father could never have killed someone even if it was in order to save his own life. He didn't get to be a war hero like my great uncle. He was spit on for being a vet. No one would hire him because he went to war. He died at fifty from agent orange. On his death bed he said he wouldn't change the fact that he went. He did his part. He earned the right to voice outrage. I'm so relieved he died before war began in Iraq and Afghanistan. It would've destroyed him to see young men and women repeat the cycle he lived through. He can't scream injustice from the grave. I am his child. I have every right to tell people that he honestly would be kneeling.

You might understand this more than some people. He grew up in St. Croix as one of the only white kids around. He came back to the states and he fought for racial equality as if his skin was black. He would kneel because he would still think that the number of black people that have been killed by the police in the past few years should be protested.. cont...
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halinaplays Publisher 7 years ago
Only a coward, a total fucking pussy bitch (kind of like your president) would attack someone in a comment and block them before they can respond. Are you afraid of what I might say? Well, I will take my goddamn time to write my response in a blog devoted to your ignorance. You brought up a lot of great topics, that I'm ready to discuss. I know, it hurts your manhood for a woman to speak poorly of your new emperor. I know you need to think that this wealthy man will 'make america great again.' Every single day he is president, we lose the respect of the world.

The bottom line is that, he didn't actually win this election. A woman, got three million more votes than trump. However, it is easy to rig an election when the electoral college is a factor. More and more evidence is coming out involving the fact russia altered the outcome in favor of trump. Never forget you are actually in the minority you stupid motherfucker. Don't believe fox news. Three million people voted against your supreme lord and savior. She was what america wanted. She was what america needed. People like me are ready to take your insults accusing us of stuff like being on welfare simply because we don't think trump should be president. For your information, I am a 35 year old female that has chosen never to get married and I can't have children. You fucking moron, you don't get one dime of assistance from this government without children. Your tax money doesn't support me. In fact, I support myself and my mother. I do it liquidating estates and everything I earn is undocumented. When I found out a man was running for president who bragged that he didn't pay taxes, I made a decision not to pay taxes either. Why should the money I earn support a nation where people like you are living pay check to pay check and at any point could rely on welfare and obamacare. Don't act like you are wealthy. The inability of you to write a coherent insulting comment proves you are uneducated. You might have a roof over your head. I doubt you have money for retirement. Nearly no one in this country has a dime saved for retirement. You are going to get so fucked with these changes in taxation policies and healthcare. I'm going to be fine, you are the fool who supported the man whose gonna laugh all the way to the bank with what little money you think you have...to be continued.
I support your rights to say everything you said. That is one of the great things about being an American. I gave 16 years of my life to defend the constitution of the United States in the army. I disagree with you on some things but that is what is great about our constitution. It allows you and people you disagree with you to voice their opinion and not be scooped up and made to disappear. First off the NRA is just a group of Americans wanting not to loose the second amendment of the constitution to keep a tyrannical government from coming in and taking more of our rights. We can both agree that trump is an idiot but he is not the one who makes the laws and tax breaks. That is up to the senate and congress, which is just as bad as republican or democrat. These professional politicians are the ones who are causing this divide. The 2 party system is what is tearing this country apart. Health care and home owners insurance both fall under the the same evil. You don't hear about the insurance lobby pushing to kill bills but they are. There is a lobby for every major issue. If you ever want to know how the home and health insurance screwed me over I am willing to have a discussion on any issue. Communication and education is key to change and improvement. I sent a Skype request for that other thing.
bronco68 7 years ago
WOW you're a fucking retard ! What did the idiot obama do about all of the black on black murders ? Whats the NRA have to do with illegally modified guns ?Obama condemned how many muslim attacks , fucking ZERO !!! And all of you broke CUNTS hated obama care , now you love it because those of us who make real money pay for your subsidizes aka welfare !
CatB 7 years ago
Mostly right with you here. I just wrote a small monologue here and deleted it. No point, at this point I don't think anyone is going to be persuaded to think differently. I very much enjoyed The Vag Song though.


250Laps 7 years ago
bohica256 7 years ago
Well Said :smile:
cmc66 7 years ago
Well said. X
jubelum 7 years ago
35, and you are so confused as to the roll of the federal government. I'm sorry to hear about the hard times you are having, but it is really a state issue. We don't have hurricanes by me, but we get lots of tornadoes, so I understand your issues with that. The FED's roll is national defense, and settling state disputes. We have let 1 president after the other grab more power in the last 30 years. What is a good law in FL, may not apply in WA. What works in NY may not work in AZ. There is a reason we have Governors, and state constitutions. Think about this: What you are asking is that a dollar of yours leaves FL, goes though 100 hand to DC, and every hand takes a few pennies. Then the money leaves DC and comes back as FEMA. Shouldn't the money have just stayed in FL to begin with? I support stronger states, and less federal gov. I really hope things get better for you soon.
cumhereoften 7 years ago
Wow,powerful and brave!
Halloween is my favorite holiday :wink:
Masterboy012 7 years ago
You always amazed me Halina, but this time you have really gripped me! Bless you for putting this together, it is so enlightening for someone outside the US such as myself! I especially loved what you said about your uncle kneeling if he could. Hi from Greece